Results 1 to 20 of 40 for stemmed:passion

TES2 Session 58 June 1, 1964 outer ego plane passionate shrink

There is a delicate balance to be maintained, but energy will come to you. You must still make a more passionate oath of involvement with the world at large, and identification with everything within it, and of it, for you have sometimes shrunk from this. But from this passionate oath of involvement will be wrung the final intense isolation and comprehension from which your best work will come. There must be, with discipline, a passionate joyfulness and spontaneity.

From him, you instinctively knew that you would learn some awareness of passionate involvement. It is true that you are both learning, and learning well. There is little danger that you will become overly involved. Ruburt, however, could conceivably become so disciplined that his passionate intuitive involvement was rendered much less active, and this would be a mistake.

This holding back is superficial, a direct effect of your present mother’s own personality, as you reacted to it. One of the characteristics that attracted you to Ruburt as Jane was his passionate involvement. From you he needed to learn some discipline, but not to be smothered by it, and this is also extremely important.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 30, 1984 maintenance waft passionately exemption tasty

[...] It also reminds me of something Seth said many years ago — that when Jane passionately wanted to get rid of the symptoms, she would do so. [...] I think today’s session shows that Jane has either reached that point of passionate desire, or is very close to it.

NoME A Verse from *A Psychic Manifesto* by Jane Roberts r.f.b Manifesto declaration unofficial verse

[...] Among other things, the poem is a passionate declaration of psychic independence, written in response to Seth’s ideas in this book.)

TPS6 Jane’s Notes December 27, 1980 Xmas anniversary blankets wormy planter

[...] But far more than Rob, from the beginning I was nervous and anxious—about directly coming out with many of the ideas—which at the same time I fervently and even passionately believe in.... [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 565, February 1, 1971 Lumanians nonviolence bleed coexist absurd

[...] While they were not able to solve the problem of violence as they understood it in your reality, their passionate desire to do so still rings throughout your own psychic environment.

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 521, March 30, 1970 actor play multidimensional production role

[...] Those who are still involved in these highly complicated passion-play seminars called reincarnational existences, find it difficult to see beyond them. [...]

(10:26.) You are the multidimensional self who has these existences, who creates and takes part in these cosmic passion plays, so to speak. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

The commitment also unites the two of you in a passionate philosophical concern. [...]

[...] The search for answers, and this passionate yearning toward truth, has driven Ruburt’s personality, and he became ill only when he was afraid to continue the search, because it led him into byways that he had not planned upon; or rather, upon which the ego had not planned.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 642, February 21, 1973 aggression violence passive beliefs animals

[...] (Pause.) Both killer and victim in a war, for instance, are caught up in the same kind of passion, but the passion is not aggressive. [...]

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

[...] He is quite capable now of throwing himself wholeheartedly, with his full passion, into the book, and doing so will automatically release him from the remaining symptoms.

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

[...] Great passion, or desire or intent — or genius — did not fit the picture.

UR2 Appendix 15: (For Session 710) gurus untruth Eastern mystical philosophy

“What is this passion for nonbeing, this denial of sensual life, that drives so many gurus and self-proclaimed prophets? [...]

TMA Foreword by Robert F. Butts Laurel publishing Amber Allen Library

[...] Like Laurel, both women are passionately interested in keeping Jane’s work in print. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 31, 1972 emotional rapport sang weren Nebene

[...] During these episodes I could follow the meanings quite easily; ritual was involved, as well as passion. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 28, 1980 Leonard slap truck react age

[...] I simply wanted to help Jane, live quietly, and paint with some kind of passion I’d always envisioned but never achieved. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 834, February 5, 1979 mosaics painting shared cults paranoia

[...] You thought (underlined twice) that it should be your consuming passion, but you never felt that it was — for if it was you would have followed it undeviatingly. [...]

TES8 Forward by Rob Butts Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early

[...] It wasn’t until after Jane’s death in 1984 that I took the “time” to understand that Jane’s Seth material—her great passionate body of work—really didn’t need to be categorized as public or private—that all of it was simply one multifaceted creative entity.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 588, August 2, 1971 Christ Paul Zealots a.d Righteousness

[...] Before his conversion, he knew he had a purpose and mission, and flung himself with all the passion of his being into whatever answers he thought he had found.

TES7 Session 281 August 29, 1966 Barbara Dick Andreano wedding poem

If you passionately desire that others possess them, and benefit from them then you shall sell them, and because of your desire you will take those necessary measures. [...]

When you passionately desire to withhold them, when you fear that you will lose a part of yourself by relinquishing them, then this will be what you broadcast to others, and this is the data upon which they will act.

TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966 apparitions constructed tumor precognitive perceive

[...] One man, passionately willing, good or evil, can overbalance, literally, a hundred men. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 11, 1981 church Normandy grandfather heresy nightmare

[...] The love was not consummated, but it was passionate and enduring nonetheless on both of their parts. [...]

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