Results 481 to 500 of 615 for stemmed:paint

UR1 Section 2: Session 694 May 1, 1974 Markle Joseph Mr probable atoms

[...] She is quite aware, therefore, of his decision not to buy the [Markle] house.5 In her level of reality, she was aware of the fact that Joseph wanted the house strongly; that one portion of him thought of possessing a large home, even though this would require upkeep and attention that another part of him did not want to provide because he felt it would take too much time from his painting and our work.

UR2 Section 6: Session 743 April 21, 1975 unknown ufo Atlantis Bermuda entices

[...] Your experience creates new questions in the same way that a painter creates new paintings.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 846, April 4, 1979 Jonestown cult fallout reactor Island

[...] They felt threatened by the world, which was painted by their beliefs so that it presented a picture of unmitigated evil and corruption. [...]

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc

[...] She also said that when speaking as Seth, Jane tended to use the same gestures and facial wrinkles shown in the portrait I have painted of Seth.

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

(Jane did some work on one of her paintings last night. [...]

TES9 Session 472 April 2, 1969 problems sculptor predisposes emergence boy

[...] Another positive suggestion is for the father to involve himself in creative endeavors with his painting. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 699 May 22, 1974 photograph dream snapshots waking picture

Dictation: You have yourselves painted a pretty enough picture of what you think of as your own reality, as individuals and as a species. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 14, 1978 impulses interview welm Village library

[...] I was painting, or mowing grass. [...]

TES9 Session 428 August 12, 1968 Elver fox Van Lennon Alice

[...] In the 424th session of July 29, Seth said Van Elver, whose portrait I have recently painted, left a mental message for me; to the effect that I shouldn’t use sepia with too heavy a hand.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

[...] Seth stood in the doorway, looking as he does in Rob’s painting of him. [...]

For your own purposes, an unfinished painting on your easel would help you project to the studio, for you would wish to study it. [...]

TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 units particles system interrelationship transformation

And now I will close our session, hoping that you will apply tonight’s material to others, that is other sessions, as it adds to the total picture that I began to paint for you when I spoke of the so-called initial appearance of matter within your system.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 20, 1981 Sinful science church religion Frankenstein

(True—for from my painting room I could hear her turning and tossing restlessly in bed all morning.... [...]

TMA Session Five August 20, 1980 George Laurel target magical rational

[...] I’m back working on the chronology for Seth’s latest book, Dreams, and have been doing some paintings involving my own dreams. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

Now this time, if it is not asking too much, listen to the sounds that you will hear without questioning, accept them as you do the paintings and the walls and the lights and the other people in the room as things that are and perceive them in your own way, but let them come to you as the lights come to you. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 616, September 20, 1972 protoplasm amoeba conform Willy cat

[...] I will see to it that I speak about your painting before or after book dictation. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 618, September 28, 1972 core Seagull Dick unstructured belief

[...] The whole question is also relevant in cases involving automatic writing, painting, singing, musical composition, etc.

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 535, June 17, 1970 death alive dead gaps unaliveness

(I was ready with questions about painting, so the session didn’t end until 11:26 P.M.)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

(Through all of the mass and personal events referred to in the sessions and notes since she gave the 832nd session on January 29, Jane has occasionally written poetry and painted — and worked steadily at her third Seven novel: Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

Your paintings, in a few years, now, will be in some demand, and you will find yourself quite spontaneously doing multidimensional portraits.

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 532, May 27, 1970 sleep hours periods inactivity recuperate

[...] He explained in more detail how an altered sleep pattern would considerably improve my painting. [...]

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