Results 1 to 20 of 50 for stemmed:overnight

TPS3 Session 759 (Deleted Portion) October 27, 1975 regaining overnight muscles ligaments knees

The knees are releasing, returning to normal size, but one cannot straighten out all the way before the other is ready. One knee knows what the other is doing. The process could, theoretically, could take place overnight. Operationally, however, this is not the case—and Ruburt would not trust such an overnight change.

TPS5 Session 841 (Deleted Portion) March 14, 1979 regenerated marathon overnight Enquirer Runner

[...] Almost overnight, relatively speaking, his heart regenerated, and two years later he ran the 26-mile marathon.

[...] Overnight—almost—he managed to completely change his picture of himself—and all of the physical evidence that before had confirmed his condition vanished. [...]

TPS7 Sequel to the Fred Conyers Story, October 23, 1982 Fred officer police conyers Denver

[...] Fred stayed overnight, was let go, went to the local Holiday Inn, and was arrested for failure to pay for services. [...] He was kept in jail overnight, then released. [...]

TES8 Session 365 September 18, 1967 dash gee gru Minn shopin

(Here Seth refers to a remarkable, overnight resurgence in the improvement in the way our Ford runs. Remarkable is not too strong a word for the car’s improvement, literally overnight, in operation two weekends ago. [...]

[...] Not overnight, but in a relatively brief time. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

To be an overnight financial sensation, however, would present a reality that does not fit into your joint plans and purposes. This does not mean there is anything wrong with such an overnight sensation. [...]

We are hopefully educating people, and this does not give you a bestseller overnight, even when my humor is added to amuse people. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 3, 1982 cost medical St bill dollars

(As noted in the private session for May 22, I brought Jane home from her overnight stay at St. Joseph’s hospital the day before. [...]

[...] We regard the overnight affair at the hospital, and the enormous cost of it and the tests, as largely a waste. [...]

TPS5 Session 851 (Deleted Portion) May 7, 1979 overnight abstinence ve dissolve deleted

[...] In fact—in fact—his body can heal itself overnight. [...]

[...] Ruburt is learning that even he went too far, but I do want you still to think of the symptoms as a well-meaning but distorted structure that can dissolve—and can dissolve overnight when Ruburt understands it is no longer needed or wanted. [...]

TPS3 Session 760 (Deleted Portion) November 10, 1975 recovery unexercised improvements trust ricochet

The period of recovery, as he has set it up, is also meant to impress upon him the fact that the kind of venture he embarked upon physically is not one to be thrown aside overnight. [...]

TPS3 Session 720 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1974 soreness muscles untwisting regains uncovering

[...] Ideally—but you do not live in an ideal world—this could happen overnight, and with only a feeling of release. [...]

TES8 April 24, 1968 terrific sort fabulous really relegated

[...] Hands far stronger, left hand definitely has resumed—overnight?—a far more normal appearance, and both much, much stronger; arms much better, neck flexible, shoulders; even think arms have ‘let down,’ a bit. [...]

TPS7 Letter to Doctor Henry N. Williams June 7, 1982 ulcer finger dressing calindula Silvadene

[...] Jane slept well last night, and this morning I noted that there hadn’t been any discharge from the ulcer overnight when I changed the dressing as usual. [...]

TPS3 Session 762 (Deleted Portion) December 15, 1975 bathroom walk respond driveway faster

[...] The importance of the bathroom issue was your belief, jointly—and almost overnight that belief, small as it was, was almost completely changed.

TES3 Session 148 April 21, 1965 smoking tension naturel hairs smoker

[...] Let us not try to change our image overnight in too many ways at once. [...]

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

[...] She had told him he could stay at her place overnight. [...]

TES4 Session 189 September 20, 1965 Beach Instream York test script

[...] Dr. Instream also noted that on the evening of August 23,1965 he and his wife stopped overnight at York Beach, ME, while traveling. [...]

(It will be interesting to learn from Dr. Instream, who was driving the car when he and his wife arrived at York Beach on August 23 for their overnight stay.)

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 17, 1984 suffering heaven fatalistic Bumbalos sent

[...] This does not mean that those adverse situations can be changed overnight in usual terms (though ideally that is also possible), but that the sense of control over one’s life encourages all of the mental and physical healing properties.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 12, 1984 cancer patients garbage disease unconscious

Even in the most dire of instances, some patients suddenly fall in love, or something in their home environment changes, and the person also seems to change overnight — while again the disease is gone.

TPS5 Deleted Session October 18, 1978 safety fest tyrant unpredictability illustrated

Habitual patterns can be broken overnight with creative unpredictability, and creative unpredictability is of course one of life’s greatest characteristics. [...]

TPS1 Session 584 (Deleted Portion) May 3, 1971 weather led weatherwise astray symptoms

[...] While they still allowed him to pursue those activities in which he was interested, the conscientious nature, the questioning mind that led him to investigate psychic realities, and that led him to learn so much, did not change overnight. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session March 19, 1979 child healer lamb Bob Enquirer

[...] As probabilities go, however, the child’s experience is enough to show it that such illness can indeed vanish overnight. [...]

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