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TMA *Magic Show:* A Poem by Jane Roberts magicians apprenticeship rabbits secret dazzling

We learned the methods
so long ago
that they’re unconscious,
and we’ve hypnotized ourselves
into believing
that we’re the audience,
so I wonder where we served
our apprenticeship.
Under what master magicians did we learn
to form reality
so smoothly that we forgot to tell ourselves
the secret?

TPS3 Poem By Jane “Our parents do not betray us” July 23, 1974 untruth oak betray truth spider

they lead us and we lead ourselves

then are we leading ourselves into truth

to find ourselves the flowers in another

NoME Introduction by Jane Roberts impulses ourselves disclosures Introduction our

[...] I think that Seth is a model of ourselves as we know we can be; that he speaks for the part of ourselves that never for a minute believed all that nonsense about flawed selves.

In this book he comments on our religions, sciences, cults, and on our medical beliefs as well, with an uncompromising wisdom — as if — as if he represents some deep part of the human psyche that knows better, that has always known better — as if he speaks out not only with my voice but for many many other people — as if he represents the truths that we have allowed ourselves to forget.

[...] Seth maintains that we can’t trust ourselves while distrusting our impulses at the same time. [...]

TPS7 Letter to Sheri Saturday Morning, October 23, 1982 Sheri behalf healers Jerry p.s

P.S. We don’t plan to write the healers ourselves. [...] In other words, we’re quite happy to go along with things as they develop, trying to keep ourselves open to Framework 2, you might say. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 2 Monday, April 5, 1982 explanations frenetic handset intercoms stoicism

There was no doubt that we’d been reading ourselves “wrong.” [...]

[...] This complicated enormously all of our efforts to help her move about the house as she used to in her office chair, which is on rollers, and nearly signaled the failure of our efforts to live by ourselves. [...]

And amid all of this frenetic activity our painting and writing—those activities we’d always regarded as the creative hearts of our lives, the very reasons we’d chosen to live on earth this time around—had receded into a far distance, so that they’d become like dimly remembered dreams, or perhaps actions practiced in probable lives by “more fortunate” versions of ourselves.

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 2, 1984 donations options quackery insurance driveway

(She also had the idea that in our society we’re so educated and used to condemning ourselves if we have anything wrong with us, that we blind ourselves to the real reasons we fall ill to begin with. [...]

TES9 ESP Class June 3, 1969 Tom health wl secure VMcC

[...] [Tom:] “My interpretation of what he said is that (1) good health is a natural part of ourselves, and so we should naturally desire it, and (2) good health in itself is not the objective at all. [...] We project ourselves ahead mentally to vocational status we are interested in, and by doing that, accomplish it. [...]

[...] We should picture ourselves as being in a state of good health. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 3, 1969 Theodore health Brad secure vocational

[...] [Theodore:] “My interpretation of what he said is that (1) good health is a natural part of ourselves, and so we should naturally desire it, and (2) good health in itself is not the objective at all. [...] We project ourselves ahead mentally to vocational status we are interested in, and by doing that, accomplish it. [...]

[...] We should picture ourselves as being in a state of good health. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Wednesday, July 13 judicious Ans hrs _______ pliant

How often is it that an insight about ourselves surprises us? [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 25, 1984 Bible paternal Maude elders orally

[...] I said our craving for such “entertainment” must reflect our basic social beliefs beneath our veneer of respectability — the conscious, negative fears of the unknown, meaning that we’ve created such a division in ourselves by shutting out our conscious awareness of our own true selves. [...]

[...] A most humbling suggestion for my wife and me — we’ve always prided ourselves on making our own way.

TPS5 Jane’s Dream Sunday, June 3, Nap. shadows Scene hide shackles storage

[...] Some men, maybe police, come in and we hide in the shadows; a door beside is going to open so we get down and drag ourselves on our bellies to another door at the end of the room to hide in the shadows. [...]

TES1 Preface Rick published binders Roberts eight

[...] My wife was—and is, I know, for I’m sure that she still lives—the most creative person I’ve ever met, and through her extraordinary abilities she’s left a body of work that I regard as a legacy of inquiry about our understanding of ourselves and our reality. [...]

[...] The sessions in one of the volumes published by Rick are accompanied by my drawings of the objects used in the series of “envelope tests” we conducted, both for ourselves and long-range with a well-known scientist, over some 11 months.

TES9 Letter to Roger J. Sullivan from Rob and Jane Butts February 3, 1969 roger rundown sent sullivan butts

[...] If we ever meet we could ask you a lot of questions, but we have learned it’s tough to do much of a job by letter, so we’ll content ourselves with what’s been said above.

TES3 Session 130 February 8, 1965 semitrance brisk efficient transition outer

[...] But we should be in one, and know it, and know ourselves in it. Or we should be in the other and know ourselves in it; and finally, while we are in one reality, we should be able, even in it, to hold our knowledge of the other. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 669, June 11, 1973 comma punctuation landscape indicia peacock

[...] There are other important reasons for dreaming, but here we will confine ourselves to this particular issue and to the dream landscape itself, period.

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 514, February 9, 1970 Sean environment altered form blend

Now it takes study, development, and experience before an identity can learn to hold its own stability in the face of such constant stimuli; and many of us have gotten lost, even forgetting who we were until we once more awakened to ourselves. [...]

We can form from ourselves, from our own psychological entireties, other personalities whenever we wish. [...]

TPS6 Session 939 (Deleted Portion) January 25, 1982 Dorothy Cathy massage onward boces

[...] But we will let it go for the moment, refresh ourselves and allow the energy of creativity to work upon the paragraph till we return to it.” [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 1, 1980 disclaimer thematic protection legal criticism

[...] Even when we do catch ourselves indulging, one might say, always in the backs of our minds lies the knowledge that, really, each of us creates our own reality, and are therefore participators in whatever events we may find ourselves enmeshed in—even those we dislike. [...]

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

I don’t mean to imply that I feel myself entirely released from every worry and fear, only that I now know we do have the freedom to change ourselves and our environment, and that in a very basic manner, we ourselves form the environment to which we then react. [...]

[...] Never in our lives had we found ourselves so caught between curiosity and caution, so fascinated and baffled.

TPS2 Session 621 (Deleted Portion) October 16, 1972 Timothy puttering Bach Petries Foote

[...] We wished all involved the very best—including ourselves.)

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