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TPS2 Deleted Session July 31, 1972 emotional rapport sang weren Nebene

(Jane was ready for the session at 8:45, so we sat for it in our bedroom for extra privacy. [...]

[...] Actually the relationship in question, while called a reincarnational one, is a parallel one to our own. [...]

(“Why, I was really beautiful then...I used to pee on our robes—I ripped them off us,” she said, “when we were alone. [...]

[...] Listening, I felt a marked regret, and wondered that this other life had seemingly assumed such a strong place in our “own” lives. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Innate Knowledge of Basic Reality spider innate sixth purest revelationary

Seth always maintains that the answers to our questions about reality lie within us. They reveal themselves to us when we turn our attention away from physical data and look inward; this is when the sixth Inner Sense comes into play. [...]

TES6 Session 240 March 9, 1966 aaa membership mci card station

[...] I was afraid the threads on the cap would be stripped; if the part in question had to be replaced, it meant dismantling the steering gear on our particular make of car, and thus a delay starting our vacation until next week.

[...] Saturday is involved with the envelope object, through our car. I obtained the actual object on Friday, August 14,1964; while doing this the car was left at the station for servicing, and the events developing at the station very nearly prevented our leaving on vacation the following day, Saturday, August 15.

[...] When I took my seat at our table in the living room just before 9 PM Jane told me she had felt surprisingly nervous at my absence so close to the session; hence her calling to me. [...]

(The session was held in our front room. [...]

TES6 Session 245 March 28, 1966 vaccine Wyoming polio Lucy family

[...] Here follows the material from our notebooks:

[...] I do recall that our bookcase, behind her, showed up well; its cream color was clear although the rest of the room was dark. [...]

(Our cat Willy had been eating in the kitchen. [...]

(A single woman named Lucy lives in a small apartment above our own. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 6, 1979 foreign Crowder money Prentice Ariston

[...] We’ve learned to our sorrow and rage that both entities have cut their versions of Seth Speaks, without our permission or knowledge, and have struggled to exert what force we could in order to rectify the situation. [...] This makes for a series of ugly surprises along the way of our travels with Prentice-Hall, since they always seem to involve money in a negative way, or royalties being withheld, etc. [...]

[...] But I was determined that he understand our feelings—or mine, at least, in no uncertain terms, for as we talked I could feel him start using words to paper over our upset about foreign rights; I felt that his tactics would only make it possible for the whole thing to happen again with succeeding books, and that I was going to short-circuit at once. [...]

(We’ve lost the old sense of freedom we had with Prentice-Hall, where we can just do our work, ship it to them, and expect it to be well handled, with royalties paid every so often and a trust both felt and expressed between the two sides. [...]

[...] Yesterday Jane confirmed with Tam by phone that we will take full control of foreign rights; not to try to make a lot of money, because we don’t think it can be done, but simply to prevent our being taken advantage of by any more foreign publishers. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] First of all, our books would frighten many people. [...] Our ideas will filter through the masses. Directly, however, in a manner of speaking, our books are subversive. [...]

Now I hope before too long to get on with our book, but I am also highly interested that you put our ideas to work to better your own daily lives. [...]

[...] I mention these details to show something of our situation re Seth’s last deleted session on “intruders” when we want privacy. [...]

[...] Seth held up a bottle of beer.) Open this for our friend.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 10, 1970 flute Louise music tale wink

I have seen many starers in my day, but I have never seen a starer such as this one, and if there are holes in our poor friend Ruburt’s back, when the session is over then you had better stuff them with cotton, but know where they came from. [...] I will have more to say about healing this evening, but I am going to let you take a break so that our friend here can beat her weary way home. [...]

[...] Ruburt also knows that our friend has wondered often why the information was not given. [...]

Now, you are here for one particular reason this evening whether you know it or not, and it is because you knew our new friends, the Greek twins (Valerie and Vanessa) and so you came when they attended class. [...]

(To Rose.) Our friend over here in the corner has healing abilities and you can direct them, mainly toward others, although you are quite capable of using them for your own benefit also when you do not brood. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

[...] It did all of you good mentally, psychically, spiritually and imaginatively to try to answer our friend’s question for the same question, in precisely the same terms, was in the back of many of your minds. So often when our friend asks a question, she does not merely ask it for herself, although she supposes that she does. [...]

[...] Therefore, I would like our Lady from Florence to ask her question again, and I would like the people in class to give an answer. [...]

Now, in particular I would like to hear answers from here (to Arnold) and here (to Dennis) and from the silent one in the back of the chair (to Laurie), and first of all I would like to make a remark to our friend (to Florence) and it is this. [...]

TES1 Session 7 December 13, 1963 blueprint da Yes undecided Gratis

(“Did you seek us out for contact by ordaining our interest in the board, or did we try the board on our own?”)

[...] We sat with our hands on the pointer at the given hour, but asked no questions. [...]

(“Sometime in the future, will you help us reconstruct a family tree of our incarnations?”)

TES2 Session 72 July 20, 1964 Pipers imposed constructions sea endure

[...] This is the first time, I believe, that this particular subject has come into our discussions. Yet our fifth-dimensional early session hinted in this direction.

[...] Our friend accepted the invitation, with the proviso that he would come to the apartment providing his office was clear of patients by 9 PM. [...]

(Now Jane walked back and forth in the couple of feet of space between our long narrow coffee table and the divan, gesturing as she talked.)

[...] Nevertheless I do go easy on you now and then, merely because I like to vary the intensities of our sessions, as this is a most effective teaching method, and various portions of subject matter cause different energy expenditures.

TPS3 Deleted Session February 9, 1976 ideal taxes expression mutilate envision

(This morning while working on the tax questionnaire for the CPA who handles our affairs, I had cramps in my back and stomach. [...]

On the one hand, our work and yours is largely devoted to poking holes into the official one-line consciousness, and on the other you find yourself financially responsible to contribute to its policies.

In your mind you creatively envision the ideal—the sanity of some future culture that, hopefully, our work and others will bring about: if not tomorrow, some “time.” [...]

More than this, again, any money thus acquired in the future, as in the past, would go to promote the continuance of the very system that, left alone, would mutilate our book, and continue idiotic cultural and political policies that are opposed to what you stand for.

TES9 Session 509 November 24, 1969 Jung ee unconscious ego inner

[...] I am going to tie in this material with our discussion on what you call our EE units (electromagnetic), as there is a very close connection. [...]

[...] I do have the reincarnational backgrounds, but would prefer to continue with our present discussion.

(At about 8:50 PM Jane received a phone call from Tom Hartley, a newspaper friend of ours, inviting us to a party next Saturday, November 29. [...]

Now we will continue with this discussion at our next session. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 19, 1977 impediments Framework financial accelerated merged

[...] This should be apparent from the very fact of our sessions and from the nature of Ruburt’s writing. [...]

There is, incidentally, a Framework 3 and a Framework 4, in the terms of our discussion—but all such labels are, again, only for the sake of explanation. [...]

So in our change of method, have him try as best he can to forget such details. [...]

[...] In portions of our work and your own, you have sometimes operated in Framework 3. Ruburt’s initial Idea Construction experience momentarily propelled him into Framework 4, where indeed enough energy, creativity, and power was generated to change his life beneficially, and open his mind to higher levels of understanding and knowledge.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

[...] They will be addressed to us individually, knowing our needs and our characteristics, and all this stuff, so you will get the message ...different. [...]

(To Joel and Bette.) You escaped from your current physical roles in class last week, our cousin of Richelieu, and our friend who loves the idiot flower, you experienced your emotional reality on an entirely different level. [...]

And now because our cousin of Richelieu over here felt so sad and so despondent, I will leave you with that energy that is, after all, inherently your own. It will even confound our friend who yawns over here. [...]

([Jane:] “I think if we leave our experiences at face value, we’re not learning all we can. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 7, 1971 Sumari language Janice Bette seed

And now you may all take a Seth break except, of course, I will answer our friend here from Richelieu’s time. [...]

Now, try to remember what I have said and try to tell our friend Ruburt when he returns. [...]

([Janice:] “That brings to mind the health food supplements my husband wants our family to start using. [...]

([Bette:] “Then it’s the very core from which ...when we get involved in this time and all time is going on, all our lives are going on now—past, present, future...”

TES7 Session 328 March 22, 1967 weekend vibrations attuned reception Crittenden

The material I just gave you really belongs in our previous session.

We will have a weekend session and our regular Monday session. [...]

TES9 Letter to Roger J. Sullivan from Rob and Jane Butts February 3, 1969 roger rundown sent sullivan butts

[...] Please pardon our delay in answering it. [...]

We don’t know how things work re turning in a thesis, etc., as you mention in your letter, but you have our best wishes. [...]

TPS6 Session 938 (Deleted Portion) November 24, 1981 wherever colleagues honored prudent goes

[...] So far in our discussion of his own situation, we have not for good reason touched upon certain material because he was not ready for it. [...]

I will have more to say on this subject in a personal context at our next session. [...]

TES7 Session 304 November 28, 1966 list Bernards scramble package Tubbs

Very briefly, I would suggest a specific dedication on Ruburt’s part, before our sessions, to our sessions. [...]

There were topics discussed at our last session which have not been discussed in those terms earlier.

Let us in our own way consider some of them. [...]

[...] I believe my way of teaching to be the best one for our purposes. [...]

TMA Session Four August 18, 1980 Gus glass magical assumptions door

[...] The room didn’t look much like our living room at the hill house. [...] I began to laugh and squirm with glee, telling our friends that I’d experienced something great, and that I could show them the physical evidence of it. [...]

2. According to Jane and Seth, within our time scheme each physically-endowed consciousness, whatever its form or size or complexity, inherently seeks to fulfill its own highest potential — not only for itself, but for the benefit of each other such consciousness in our reality. [...]

All of this applies to your situation, for I want you to thoroughly understand, intellectually and emotionally, the errors of current thought, so that you can see that our material is indeed providing you not only with “creative material,” but with a more factual presentation of the framework in which you have your existence.

Now, briefly: I will continue the above discussion at our next session.

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