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[...] However later in our session I will discuss this, as it does contain some validity in theory.
[...] If you consider what I am saying, along with some of our early material, you will see what I mean here.
[...] I am perfectly willing to discuss them now, or you may wait until our next session.
[...] There followed a very funny discussion—to me at least—of Jane’s propensity to talk at our gatherings of friends, even to the point of ignoring their creature comforts, such as drinks, snacks, etc. [...]
Ruburt’s “Be Careful in Nothing” sign (on our hall door) has deep implications along these lines. [...]
I have been dealing with our present material at your request—
[...] At our next session we can have some theoretical material, and I shall add any other personal information that I think necessary. [...]
[...] Coupled with the letter is a treatise written by Jane herself, which contains excellent material on how our perceptions form our reality, from that of electrons on up. [...] It concerns the ideas that concepts, as well as our senses, act as programmers of reality. It deals very well with how we create our scientific views of the universe. [...]
There will be some acceleration in the popularity of our books in the next few years—but more than that, you should both be ready to gain a greater understanding of Framework 2 and of the Codicils, which are highly important. [...]
(At one of our breaks Jane said that she had picked up the title of the James book from which she’d been “reading”: The Varieties of Religious States — with only States differing from Experience in the name of James’s book in our physical reality. [...]
(Which pointed up our dilemma, I thought at the time. [...] So our feelings about the night’s affair weren’t of the best at that point.
[...] At the moment, even the fragment she recalled is well worth trying: Seth instructed the reader to immerse himself or herself in an old photograph of a person — and then to look out at our current physical reality through that individual’s eyes. An interesting way to gain a fresh perspective on our present time.
[...] The gist of our attitudes is that we find it most difficult to believe that “Socrates” — wherever he is and whatever he may be doing, in our terms — is willing to drop everything to give very garbled information to a well-intentioned, really innocent person living in, say, a small town in Virginia. [...]
[...] I will end our session, so that you have some time for social discourse, and I myself thank our cat lover for the time and energy expended.
And I welcome our friends, as always, to this very formal occasion when we have a family portrait taken.
Indeed, Ruburt was correct before our session. [...]
[...] As I commented after the session, it seems that we’ll have to pull in our horns as far as our feelings about advertising and Prentice are concerned; it may be a relief to do just that. But I think that Seth’s material here is the best we could possibly come across on our publisher, Castaneda, etc., and I’m sure that Jane will agree.
Tam instantly saw the quality in our work, and Ruburt’s. In the beginning only his enthusiasm sold our first book. [...]
First of all, you do not realize or appreciate our joint accomplishment to date in that regard. [...]
Our books, and I am including Ruburt’s, fall into no such neat category—presenting publishers with problems. [...]
(Because of the witnesses the session was held in our living room. [...]
We will not this evening give a broad outline to our friend, concerning his health. [...]
[...] We have also discussed the ego, and our friend would do well to read the sessions dealing with the ego, and the ego’s relationship to action. [...]
(Traffic noise had been increasing past the front of our house. [...]
[...] Our interpretation: Note that Leonard Yaudes addressed the object to Jane and me, after crossing out the name John. [John happens to be a good friend of Leonard’s, though merely an acquaintance of ours; Leonard evidently made an absentminded mistake in addressing the card.] The address line of the card thus contains three names. [...]
(The 66th envelope object was a postcard mailed to us by our neighbor across the hall, Leonard Yaudes, from Portland, Maine, on July 23,1966. [...]
[...] At 9:43 Jane took the envelope for our 66th experiment from me without opening her eyes. [...]
[...] Our routine had been changed by my taking a part-time job which necessitated our rising at an earlier hour. [...]
To complete our skeleton outline, and we will go much more deeply into all of the inner senses, I will give you some data on the sixth inner sense, which actually involves a knowledge or ability used by some of the others.
This sixth sense is too important to skim over, and yet I wanted to mention it this evening because it fits in with our discussion. [...]
(Seth dealt with the expanding universe theory in sessions 42-45, saying among other things that our physical universe is not expanding as is currently thought; he had much to say on the distortive data furnished us by our instruments.)
[...] I suggest that the experiments with our Jesuit and cat lover wait for a while yet, though the idea is a sound one, and we shall conduct our experiments later. [...]
(The session was held in our large front room. [...]
[...] Now, in our sessions I am sure that by now you are at least to some extent aware of what would seem to be something quite strange: the emergence of a self that observes the self of which you have been ordinarily aware; a self with a slightly different time system, a slightly different viewpoint of reality, a self with greater control over the physical material that composes your physical image, a self with some quite effective control over your personal future.
[...] Our present procedure is working out very well, and it is enabling me to discuss matters that were too complicated for our earlier method. [...]
(February 12, Friday: While resting I heard or saw “Londondale,” and heard or saw words, “Our ways are not your ways.” [...]
In our past sessions I have explained time distortions, and you are familiar with the spacious present. [...]
[...] For following our analogy, your psychic footpath is then composed of stones laid out in some order, and not too far from one another, that can lead you both away from the ego and back to it safely.
I will bid you all a fond goodnight because our friend, Ruburt, is worried about the time. Also because I have said what I wanted to say, and I hope you heard our friends’ interpretation for it was a good one (Joel) and this was a good one also (Wally). [...]
I welcome those who are new this evening, but I have some remarks for our regular students having to do with your dreams. [...]
([Gert:] “In the dream state, these strangers or associates, would we put on them a face that we would be able to relate to, say, a member of our family?”)
(To Bette.) Now to our friend over here who should understand the reason for the question. [...]
(A short unscheduled session took place last night, Sunday, February 27, after our guests, the Gallaghers, had left. It was held in our living room and lasted from 11 PM to about 11:35 PM. [...]
[...] Seth said there was no cause for surprise here, that young people are intuitively aware of much more than one gives them credit for, and that when Jane and I meet young people who express interest we should help them by recommending books, giving our own ideas, etc.
[...] Seth said that on occasion suggestion will reach all levels of the personality, that our voice will be heard throughout the personality, and that effective action will follow. [...]
[...] Our exchange was leisurely and quiet, and Jane was dissociated as usual.
[...] We’re glad to try to answer questions like that, but our correspondents cover many topics and express many viewpoints—and some are hard for us to handle. [...] To answer one letter would draw its author to our doorstep at once: “I am your Seth,” and: “I will visit you as soon as I hear from you.” The writer of the other letter, while praising our work, is caught up in questions of conventional religion: “I keep wondering over and over again whether Seth is a demon or a deception. [...]
I have not given you complicated methods concerning out-of-body travel, and yet all of our books, by changing your attitudes, will help you bring about changes in yourselves that will automatically enhance such activities. [...]
[...] In view of the subject matter that did develop, rather to our surprise, let me note that since late last week President Carter, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and Israel’s Prime Minister Begin have been meeting at Camp David in pursuit of peace for the Middle East. The conference has been called crucial to peace in our time, etc. [...]
[...] This is mainly Jane’s idea; I imagine that for the most part I’m willing to stick to our regular routine. [...]
At various times this one God of Carter’s seems to have said, on more unearthly subjects, that the Jews would be saved, while our infidels languished in the deepest hell, or that the Mohammedans would be saved—and throughout history as you know it, and as you do not know it, the stories have thrived. [...]
[...] Our landlord, Rich Elgersma, visited us this evening and told Jane and me about a trailer and lot that he could have acquired not long ago for $1300.00. The news made us regretful in some way; it seemed to suggest answers to some of our own problems re living costs, locations, etc. [...]
(Today in our talks Jane and I said a lot of things about our goals, purposes, distractions. [...]
Now you can take a break, end the session, or continue at our next one.
[...] It is not of itself limiting in our work by any means, but there has been constant and deep misunderstanding that came to a head last winter, was somewhat resolved, but still continued. [...]
[...] This affected the spontaneity of our sessions, and serves to explain the intense emotional climate that pervaded concerning both Fell and the issue of going to work. [...]
[...] In our opinion tonight’s session did, however, and for a number of reasons that will become obvious as it’s read. [...]
To some extent the material on Frameworks 1 and 2 is of course an example of the entire idea, for you receive a good deal of information in sessions not given to book dictation — simply because, while our books are extremely free, still they must be colored by your ideas of what books are.
Even your concepts of creativity are necessarily influenced by Framework 1 thinking, of course, so our sessions do indeed follow a larger pattern than that, giving you certain perspectives from different angles in book dictation, and in other material. [...]
Each of our books adds to the others. [...]