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[...] Once again Jane’s trance was broken when our cat, Willy, jumped up into her lap. [...] Actually Willy doesn’t interrupt us very often; but now I made a mental note that after this we’d go back to our old routine, and put him in another room before session time. [...]
[...] This evidently wasn’t our night. Again, Jane said upon coming out of trance, she had been aware of the footsteps of people passing back and forth in the hall outside our living room door. [...]
[...] She had been bothered by the sounds of people walking back and forth in the hallway outside our apartment. [...]
I suggest that we end our session unless you have questions.
[...] Jane said then that the connection referred to Enfield Glen, which we visited three times during our vacation from July 9-17. [...] The object was obtained July 15, during our vacation, on Friday. [...]
[...] There is Glenn on the bill used as object, but this wouldn’t refer back to March; our July visit was our first ever to this particular lumberyard.
(Shortly after this our new cat, Catherine, fell ill with distemper, and received a shot at the veterinarian’s Friday evening, July 29, along with some pills for subsequent days. [...]
[...] I was not aware of Ruburt’s approaching indisposition at our last session, although I knew his overall condition was not of the best.
[...] Well, that would tie in with Seth’s own material, in a fashion, and I was coming around more and more to thinking that it could save our lives. [...]
(Jane did want to have a session, though neither one of us seemed to be at our best.)
(After our usual nightly routine of turning, massage, nap and supper—the tray was late—and prayer, I read the session for tonight to Jane. [...]
(I should add that yesterday and today have been very cold in our area, though today is a bit warmer than yesterday and the night before when the temperature was around zero degrees, I believe. [...]
[...] We close our eyes simply because it’s easier. [...] Those of you who are regular members of the class should have no difficulty in feeling that sensation that we get out of the back of our heads as if a pyramid were opening up. [...]
(Our friend, David Yoder [I’ll call him], is 48 years old. [...] Eventually he moved downstairs when a larger apartment right beneath ours became available: Still later, Jane and I rented the apartment he’d had on the second floor, so that we ended up with two apartments, side by side; we needed more room by then, and didn’t want to move.
David let Jane use his telephone to call our publisher when we couldn’t afford a phone ourselves. [...] He bought a power-driven lawn mower, and for years cut the grass without asking our landlord for any compensation.
[...] Jane initiated her ESP classes late in 1967—so each Tuesday night for the next seven and a half years, our friend put up with a vast amount of shouting and banging over his head. [...]
[...] We didn’t see each other as often as we used to, but one morning each week, on his way to school, David left his magazines and newspapers at our back porch door, whether or not we were up, or saw him.
For this session we will leave our material concerning dreams, to discuss another matter. We will however return to the dream data at our next session.
(Seth’s comments on our meals rather surprised us, since we are quite careful about our diet as it is. [...]
(The session was held in our small back room. [...]
Now my dear Joseph, this material concerning health will indeed tie in very well with our dream material, which is one of the reasons why it is being inserted here.
(The session was held in our back room and was not interrupted. [...]
[...] I will now suggest a break, and we shall have a try with our Dr. Instream.
[...] This will not work to our disadvantage however, for his cautiousness in these matters acts as a strong balancing mechanism, so that he learns to deal with inner perceptions stage by stage. [...]
[...] Then she had the feeling that this was our channel to cosmic consciousness, or whatever we chose to call it, handed down to us by this personality. Her confusion stemmed from the developments, the seemingly new identity, announcing itself in the session—the lack of our idea of a name, etc.
[...] The development in the last session was always latent from our first session.
[...] The remarks made before our session by Ruburt were correct or nearly so.
You must understand that in a good measure much of our material is an attempt to put into words concepts and ideas that are far too vast for any such translation.
(This session was not expected on our part, and took place without the use of the Ouija board. [...]
[...] John offered to leave, but I said aloud that we’d rather wait for our regular session time.
[...] However, Joseph, while I admit I came uninvited, and while I understand the reason for last night’s absence, I took it for granted that we would have our regular session this evening. [...]
Our sessions are important, after all, and not to be put off at the mood of the moment. [...]
[...] It was time to turn Jane, and we spent the rest of our time together in our usual routine—massage with Oil of Olay, nap and TV, supper, smokes, dessert and prayer. [...]
[...] We talked about Jane’s illness, our insurance challenges, money in general and the medical profession in particular. [...]
(I described my vivid dream of last night—in which I’d been rummaging through a bunch of items on the top shelf of our refrigerator. [...]
[...] When one added the largely overlapping time spent on Volume 1, our temporal investment approached five-and-a-half years. Naturally we’d been involved in a number of other projects at the same time, as I’ve indicated in my notes for Mass Events, yet for me especially the publication of the two volumes of “Unknown” Reality meant that we had arrived at a certain point in the development and presentation of the Seth material: In those books, through correlating them in a modest way with our previous works, I’d attempted to show the reader just what the three of us had managed to achieve before Seth led us into Psyche — and, as it developed, Mass Events.
[...] He’s given all he can — or wants to — on the negative beliefs we hold as individuals and societies; he wants to start his next book [my emphasis] on how to positively work our way out of our challenges and create a much better world…. [...]
[...] On the 14th we received from Prentice-Hall our complimentary copies, just off the press, of Seth’s Psyche; then on the 18th we received Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality.
Now, I will let you all take a break, and I will let our friend over here (to Florence) think that because of her suggestions she drew me out. My welcome to the new members here this evening and to our guest. Now, I am not on color TV this evening but we do our best. [...]
Now, I will tell you a secret, but I will tell our regular students the great horror, the fear, that existed in the mind of our friend, Joseph, during the tour. [...]
Then somehow our conversation led me to wonder whether our cat, Billy, is color-blind, as we’ve heard most animals are. [...]
[...] [That total includes Mass Events, God of Jane, and the poetry book, all of which are yet to be issued.] In the private session for September 22—one of his series on the magical approach to life—Seth had told us that our work is “protected.” [...]
She was quite upset after our nap this afternoon because we’d overslept; she regretted the lost time. [...]
[...] The mind’s powers are far greater than those generally assigned to rational thought alone, as per our last (private) sessions. [...]
[...] It’s our 13th envelope test.
(The session this evening was held in our back room and was quite peaceful. [...]
[...] I mentioned in our last session that the scientists did not realize that man has indeed evolved since the development of the human brain. [...]
I am keeping our date in mind, and therefore suggest a brief break.
[...] Events began to come to a head last week with the professional visit of “our” optometrist, Jim Adams, to check Jane’s double vision problems.
[...] It can hardly be a coincidence that last week, too, we received our copies of Mass Events from Prentice-Hall, along with word from Tam that the controversial book is now being shipped nationwide. [...]
(Jane now spends much time afraid that she won’t be able to manipulate in the john, so it seems that now is the time to go on to other modes of help than our own and Seth’s, I said—unless these last few sessions can help, unless they can add an understanding and/or stimulus that will bring her some relief. [...]
(Perhaps it was no coincidence that before supper tonight Jack Joyce visited to discuss how much we should pay quarterly on our estimated NY State tax for 1981 — another success story that must be paid for? [...]
(She also had the idea that in our society we’re so educated and used to condemning ourselves if we have anything wrong with us, that we blind ourselves to the real reasons we fall ill to begin with. [...] I’m afraid I think that consciously we’re a long ways from incorporating such ideas into our daily society.
[...] I’ve paid bills and actually feel like I can relax and draw a deep breath at times, when I consider the improving state of our finances, work, insurance problems, and so forth.
(When I asked her if she believed we were operating within Framework 2, she said she did — that the insurance questions, the donations, and our current work, all show that we are doing things much better — and I agree.
(This noon Jane and I signed our wills, with, naturally, Bill Danaher and his wife as witnesses. [...]
[...] Both of us have been making pronounced efforts—although that’s not the right word for it—to trust that our challenges will be taken care of in Framework 2. I think I’ve had some good success there.
For our friend. [...]
(Heartily:) I want our friend to relax—but with an easy heart. [...]
[...] A warmth that forms the very pulse of physical existence and yet is born from the devotion of our isolation; that is born from the creativity that is beyond flesh and bone, that forms fingers without feeling fingers, that forms seasons without knowing spring, that creates sand without knowing sand or ground, that creates the reality that you know without experiencing it, that forms fathers, sons and daughters and mothers without knowing what fathers and mothers and daughters and sons are, and yet from this devotion, from that creativity comes all that you know. And all of that also has been given to us for the energy that we have is not ours alone, nor are we the source of it; for it flows through us as it flows through you. [...]
And now I do bid you a fond good evening even with your strange arms and legs as our friend... [...]