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TPS5 Notes for Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Island Mile meltdown radioactive Jonestown

(Our region is supposed to be outside the danger zone—yet we see conflicting newspaper reports about whether the prevailing wind currents would make us vulnerable to the aftereffects of a meltdown. [...] Jonestown was far away, remote in another land, I said to Jane, but the potential mass tragedy of Three Mile Island hovers at the edges of our personal worlds. [...]

[...] On the 19th we received from our publisher for checking, the proofs of the index for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality, then two days later the proofs for the front matter of Psyche arrived. [...]

[...] Then Jane proceeded to come through with much evocative material on dreams—our second reason for excerpting the session for Mass Events. [...]

TES4 Session 150 April 28, 1965 conveniently cancer smoking balky range

(This afternoon, frightened by a grim tale of lung cancer involving an acquaintance of ours, Jane made an abrupt effort to stop smoking. [...]

I am having some few difficulties here, with our balky Ruburt, but I presume we can handle it.

[...] We will endeavor to continue speaking of some matters discussed in our previous session. [...]

[...] In any case, you may possibly hear more of me in one way or another before our next regular session. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

[...] And though I stare at our friend here, who asked the question, this applies to each of you and to our friend, Ruburt. [...]

[...] You do not have to knock your gut out, in other words, either of you and this also applies to our friend, Ruburt. [...]

[...] And so I must think constantly to myself, oh, yes, our Lady from Florence thinks that she sits in this specific room at this specific hour and is wearing a blue outfit but I am aware of a Lady of Florence you see, in several different manifestations in various existences all occurring at once. [...]

Some evening I would like our Lady from Florence to talk to me about predestination. [...]

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

(At 8:10 our cat Willy behaved in a most peculiar fashion. I was working in the middle room of our apartment; my studio is thus on my left, the living room on my right. [...]

Such effects as levitation and teleportation, however, are qualities belonging to our next inner sense, which involves a momentary or temporary breaking up of certain camouflage patterns. This particular sense, which I hope to discuss at our next session, is not however the only inner sense that is concerned with what you are pleased to call transportation. [...]

[...] She also felt somewhat tired, as did I. But we were more used to our new schedule than we had been last week at this time. [...]

(“Is there any other intelligent life in our own solar system?”)

TES6 Session 270 June 22, 1966 oriented survival nightmare Catherine ego

[...] Her voice remained quiet; there were many people in the yard outside our windows but it was too warm to close ourselves in.)

[...] It is the inner ego from whom you receive your inspiration, and it is the inner ego which gives consent to our meetings.

Give us a moment please, for our Instream material.

[...] We will then close our session, unless of course for any reason you request that we continue. [...]

TES9 Session 444 October 30, 1968 Holzer Fodor robed Mossman Nandor

[...] It was because of the conceptual experience in our session that Ruburt emerged in practical terms. Again now, we are all independent with our own futures and pasts, in your terms. [...]

He was able to utilize unusually strong amounts of energy in our work of late, and will find his energy even more abundant and dependable in his writing, our work, and normal living. [...]

[...] For our friend Ruburt (pause; smile; eyes open), in simple terms now. [...]

[...] The other two personalities (Ruburt and Seth’s entity) have been involved at my request, for purposes having to do with our material and purposes.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 3, 1977 heart liver bodily nap shouted

(I had several questions for Seth: they’d grown out of our activities in recent days, and I read them to Jane now.

[...] Not that we wanted or needed conscious control—but why didn’t we have the conscious visual knowledge of the workings of our various bodily parts, be they heart, liver, or whatnot?

(Another question I’d meant to ask but forgot to list, had to do with our failure to do certain things, regardless of how often Seth mentioned them: viz.—using the hot towels, trying for the library, etc. [...]

[...] In all the terms of common sense, of course our body is composed of organs—heart, liver, and so forth, and I mention them at times. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

[...] Now Jane burst into tears on the waterbed: “I wish we’d tried harder with our own suggestions and ideas....” [...] I told Jane we could still use our own ideas. [...] Jane also cried on the waterbed that now “it would be harder to do anything on our own, because we had to deal with the medical establishment too,” as well as our own beliefs. [...]

[...] It was a week ago yesterday that the finger suddenly turned so dark—nearly black —and I realized something else: the condition with the finger had happened as I explained to Peggy Gallagher how Rob and I had trusted our lives to our intuitions in the flood of ‘72. [...]

(After supper last night Jane and I had one of our discussions that left us feeling out-of-sorts—half angry and resentful, accusatory and regretful that we hadn’t done better in the past. [...]

[...] In any case I could see how important our ideas were, and how much they were needed—and I hope I began to feel that indeed I could trust my own life when it came down to it, when a choice should be made (all emphatically). [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 7, 1982 sinful love beset expression threatening

(She wasn’t too clear as to what she was panicky about, but as we talked I began to understand that she was re-experiencing the same round of fears that she had many times in the past, and that many of these private sessions have been devoted to over the years: her mother, her need for love, her fears of abandonment, the conflicts involving success and the psychic work, our relationship, and so forth, if anything’s left. [...] I couldn’t help feeling that that was the way we were fated to live out our lives—that we’d picked those paths as a matter of choice years ago. We’d fallen so far away from a “normal” physical routine of living and motion that I could hardly recall what our lives had once been like. [...]

(I made an effort to reassure Jane at the end of our talk, by telling her I loved her and that I was going to be with her no matter what happened. [...]

(After supper Jane said she felt “loads of material from Seth” about our discussion this afternoon, and that it would take up not one but many sessions. [...]

In one way or another the material has indeed been given in our deleted books—but the organization of that material has often followed instead the situation that was at hand at any given time. [...]

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

[...] Now our living room is full of portraits of people we don’t “know.” [...] (Since then, a student and a friend of ours have both seen Seth as he appears in this picture.)

[...] And as if to stress our new sense of freedom and further add to my confidence and training, Seth was to send me to California during a session, while he and Rob talked in the living room of our apartment in Elmira, New York. [...]

[...] If we did have one of our own tests, then we’d sit up after the session, trying to evaluate the results. [...]

[...] We use it, I hope to advantage, in our sessions in other ways. [...]

TES2 Session 64 June 24, 1964 bug construction hose cat insect

(Also on Friday: On the way up our stairs tonight I had a sudden strong feeling that an envelope was under our door. [...] On reaching our door, I found a note left for us, from a friend.

[...] As session time arrived our cat Willy also became quite active. Many insects had accumulated on the screens of our living room windows, and a few had gotten inside the room. [...]

(At the exact time the session was due Monday, Jane, Del, Midge and I were visiting our landlord and his wife on their farm in Pine City. [...]

—after missing our last scheduled session. [...]

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

[...] John Bradley, our friend from Williamsport, PA, who had witnessed a group of sessions, visited us yesterday evening. [...]

[...] Our windows were open, and Jane began speaking in a voice heavier than usual, as in the last session. [...]

In order to understand my answer it is necessary that our material on the construction of physical matter be understood. [...]

[...] All thoughts are composed of energy, and from our discussions you realize that there are electrical intensities within whose range all reality exists.

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

I am pleased that our practical exercises outside of class so to speak, are coming along so well. For one thing our Ruburt is a Doubting Thomas from way back, and evidence of the inner senses that are experienced outside of our sessions help along these lines. [...]

I told Ruburt that he wasn’t pregnant, so now I expect that our sessions will be a little smoother again now that he is relieved of the big question. [...]

Before I answer the question that you voiced during break, Joseph, let me continue first along the lines of our discussion. [...]

[...] And experiencing the resulting inner expansion, you will perhaps come somewhat closer to the ideas involved in our real expanding universe.

UR1 Section 1: Session 680 February 6, 1974 Linden selves inventor birth hysterectomy

6. Jane covers our York Beach “dancing episode” in Chapter 2 of The Seth Material, and also quotes information Seth gave us on it in later sessions. The mystifying event took place during our vacation in York Beach, Maine, in August, 1963, a few months before Jane began to speak for Seth. At the time we understood little of what happened; yet the event represented a key episode at the very beginning of our psychic education; for in a crowded, smoky hotel barroom Jane and I unknowingly created physical “personality fragments” of ourselves — then came face to face with them. In the 9th session for December 18, 1963, Seth explained what we had been up to, and called our creations “fragments of our selves, thrown-off materializations of your own negative and aggressive feelings.” [...]

(I told Jane now that had my mother received any additional energy during her 50’s, she might have expressed its benefits through the habitual mores of our society, in terms of changes rather than of probabilities, say “My life changed for the better at that point, when I made that decision.” I added that perhaps the important thing for us now was to observe our unfolding lives with Seth’s ideas of the larger, or whole self, in mind, and so achieve insights we could interpret in terms of probabilities. [...]

[...] (Again, see Note 9 for the 679th session.) Through our early school years Linden and I had part-time “jobs” at our father’s shop, and many chances to watch him work. [...]

[...] When our touring car broke a rear axle on a remote dirt road in Montana, he fashioned a substitute in a blacksmith shop.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 15, 1977 towels dedicated improvements ligaments synchronized

[...] We speculated, then, about the reasons or beliefs that lay behind this neglect on our parts. I named several beliefs that could be operating, ranging all the way from a fear of failure to our not wanting to see the symptoms go. So we asked that Seth consider our laxness in not using the towels in the session tonight.

[...] In the rest of the time I want Ruburt to use the hot towels on the knees, and to reread some of our recent sessions. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 4, 1972 Sumari proceed Bette gift Richelieu

(To Bette) Now there is some information that you are afraid of, our dear cousin of Richelieu, and the charge is on your end only and it is harmless. [...] Now the antagonism that you sense is your own projected outward and our Mary Ellen here who is very close to you psychically, picks it up, receives it and magnifies it so you are no help. [...]

Now give us a moment so our dear friend here (Sue) can turn on the mechanical gadget and get it right and make sure that all the zeros are where they are supposed to be. [...]

[...] Now I am going to pause and I expect a different translation of this in English to our friend Ruburt before we proceed, and proceed we will. [...]

TES9 Session 486 June 9, 1969 passageways Pietra guests Ernie drugs

[...] This includes our use of suggestion and psy-time each day since Monday. The initial 7-hour period mentioned by Seth would have placed Dr. Pietra within our environment early on the morning of June 10, perhaps an hour before our usual rising time. [...]

Following our analogy, you will be his guest and from his rooms look down into your own with some greater objectivity. This is possible, feasible, since you are all portions, in our analogy, of this same inner self who maintains all of the rooms. [...]

[...] On our rather bulky analogy the guests are all portions of the inner self, who is the unseen attendant who maintains the building.

[...] His name is P I E T R A. (Spelled out.) In psychological time or simply when you are still, close your eyes and imagine your physical universe as one room in our analogy, and his as another with a passageway between. [...]

TES9 Session 492 July 7, 1969 Pietra heightened thrashing period barrier

The beginning of our sessions represented one such point. The initiation of our other personality represented a second point. [...]

Our sessions have many years to run.

Our sessions still will follow many developments, and in some later years when you have also learned more, there will be channels opened of direct experience within the session framework. [...]

Our sessions will of course continue, with a greater intensity having been gained during the period mentioned. [...]

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

We will now indeed end our session. [...] This gives us added energy with which to work, for I can also use Ruburt’s emotional connections with the young woman, and this is to our advantage.

[...] The info above covers Dr. Gene Bernard’s recent letter on our behalf to Prentice-Hall, and Raymond Van Over’s telepathic understanding of same.)

Now to return to our discussion. [...]

[...] Before we take our break, tell Ruburt that I will look in on your Boston friend telepathically, and on another level I will give what help I can. [...]

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

[...] I look forward to our next session. And we will still have our party session, Joseph.

[...] I showed her our growing list of psychological time experiences, in the hope that Seth would discuss them tonight. [...]

I spoke in our last session of the cooperation existing between the cells of the body, and of the cooperation existing between the atoms and molecules that make up the cells and organs.

[...] You will find this fits in with the material from our previous session.

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