Results 241 to 260 of 1609 for stemmed:our
[...] An onion comes up from the earth and the growth principle is within it; and imagine our poor onion in the earth. [...] And so our onion, with the full vitality within it to grow from the inside out, as all things grow, instead looks at the fine carrot next to him, and such a lovely hue, and examines the carrot in his mind to see if this is God. [...] God instead must be a giant onion, a beautiful giant onion, and so our poor and stupid little onion spends all its life waiting for this giant perfection of an onion to come by and save it. [...]
[...] Now, I have mentioned this before, but because our Lady of Florence has been so maligned, then I will make this point again. You have our Lady of Florence to thank that there are classes here, for Ruburt would not think of them in the beginning, and it was our friend, who you think is too intellectual and not intuitional, who suggested the classes in the first place to Ruburt and opened his mind so that he would follow my suggestions. [...]
[...] Now, you are familiar with morality plays so in our story we take the term deceit and we give it a name and we make a person out of deceit and we call it, for example, Judas. [...]
[...] We want our country and the world to benefit from those lessons, but at the same time we’re terribly afraid and concerned that our species won’t learn quickly enough. [...] We want our world — our living world, the very planet itself — and every life form upon it, to exist in the greatest cooperative spirit possible, so that individually and collectively we can investigate what surely must be a myriad of still-unsuspected interior and exterior challenges.
[...] At the moment we’re sure of but one thing: A nuclear reactor meltdown, like that threatened at Three Mile Island, is just not acceptable in our society under any circumstances. [...] Among them are: cogeneration, the use of waste heat from manufacturing processes to generate electricity; solar radiation; ocean waves; new, more sophisticated methods of burning coal so that it’s much less polluting; subterranean heat; the production, from municipal solid wastes, of ethanol (alcohol) as an excellent substitute for gasoline; the burning of biomass — waste materials from the home and farm; various methods of deriving energy from the vast oil shale deposits in our western states; the establishment of “energy farms” of trees and hydrocarbon-generating plants; energy reservoirs of pumped water. [...]
Coupled with our reservations about the uncertain state of the art concerning nuclear power, Jane and I deeply mourn the shameful fact that for some 30 years now our country’s government and industry have neglected to develop safe methods for the transportation and permanent storage of radioactive waste materials; some of these will remain highly toxic for hundreds of thousands of years, and thus pose potential threats to many many generations. [...]
[...] We want our nation to embark upon programs to cut, and eventually eliminate for all practical purposes, its continually growing dependence upon foreign oil, for we see great risks in an overreliance upon that course of action; we think those hazards should be obvious to everyone since the oil embargo declared against us in 1973 by the countries of the Middle East. [...]
[...] It follows that there are more curved lines than straight ones, both in our art on this plane, in our lives on this plane, and in our habitat on this plane.
[...] I have said that our imaginary wires that seem to permeate our model universe are alive, and now if you will bear with me I will say that they are mental enzymes or solidified feelings, always of course in motion and yet permanent enough to form a more or less consistent framework. [...]
(“Abstract” art done in this manner would be an attempt to appeal, to generate an emotional response—in other words action on our plane—on a subconscious level. This would enable the emotional response so generated to radiate its warmth through all levels of our being. [...]
(To begin this evening’s session Jane and I sat at the board as usual, with our fingers touching the pointer. [...]
[...] He briefly outlined a business venture he was launching himself in the fall, if possible, and asked if we could meet him in the lobby of our hotel, the Paramount, at 3 PM. This session, the 361st, took place during our meeting in the coffee shop, called Rudd’s, of the Paramount.
[...] We discussed going to our hotel room. [...] There was a constant stream of people passing our table in the coffee shop, but no one paid us any attention.
[...] She did not want to, however, in our location, and just as I was on the point of suggesting that she end the session, she called a halt to it herself. [...]
[...] Our meeting ended on this general note of promised further communication.
[...] It can speak in the silence of a room if you have the wits to realize that beneath sound there is what our friend, the physicist over here, might call antisound. [...]
There are a few things I want to say before our friend closes his class. [...]
(To Gert.) Now, first of all, over here to our profiled friend you are already the self that you want to be so do not let it bother you so. [...]
[...] As our friend over here began to experience what happens when Ruburt leaves trance, so your thoughts leave their own pattern, and your emotions impress the physical reality that you know with all kinds of effects of which you are unaware. [...]
[...] Seth spoke on the integration of our personalities also in the 228th session; the material grew out of his material on the poetry book Jane produced so effortlessly. Our thought is that the dream book material is also appearing in the same way. According to Seth we are just beginning to use our creative abilities.
[...] We had saved the article because it dealt with our friend Bill Macdonnel, who has witnessed several sessions. [...]
(Pause.) Your mail presents you with glimpses of the people who read our books, from all walks of life, in all circumstances. [...] The true interchange comes as those people themselves read our books, of course, and where our ideas intersect with their lives. [...]
(Pause.) The feeling of responsibility to help those in desperate need is but one facet, however, for he has felt a responsibility (underlined) to get our material to the people as soon as possible—a responsibility to appear on television or otherwise, to promote our ideas, or to present them to the world—a responsibility that I have not encouraged. [...]
[...] If we create our reality, how come an inoculation will work, even if we don’t want it, or don’t believe in it? Why would it work even if it could be given to us without our knowing it? And why would an animal respond to an inoculation when it could know nothing about our belief systems, etc? [...]
(Jane wanted to know about the delayed reaction she experienced to my suggestions last Monday, after our first such episode, following Seth’s instructions. [...]
I am going to end our session. [...]
[...] If it makes Ruburt nervous to have his picture taken, it does not bother me, and I welcome you (Rich and Diane) to our session. I have a few remarks to make to our friend Ruburt in opening the session. [...]
[...] Most of them are of Jane in trance, from a variety of angles; I appear in a few to show our procedure in note-taking, etc. [...]
[...] In another past life, Seth said he had been a member of a religion that no longer existed in our terms; that he would tell Jane and me about it some time, and that we would find it very interesting.
You can tell, Joseph, our Aerofranz (Tam Mossman) that if he needs an outline, I will see that he gets a unique outline.
Some of the “particles” the theoretical physicists have discovered—and/or created—in their gigantic particle accelerators have unbelievably short life-spans in our terms, vanishing, it seems, almost before they’re born. [...] Did a meson, for example, choose to participate in an atom-smashing experiment in order to merely peek in on our gross physical reality for much less than the billionth of a second it exists with that identity, before it decays into electrons and photons? From its viewpoint, our reality might be as incomprehensible to it as its reality is to us—yet the two inevitably go together.
[...] But whereas the meson vanishes from our view after its exceedingly brief existence, the electron has an “infinite” life-span. Think of the unending varieties of value fulfillment it explores in just our world alone! [...]
She began to refer to the eccentricities of consciousness in October 1974, following her first conscious experience with her “psychic library,” and a subsequent transcendental experience in which she suddenly began to see, with an astonishing clear vision, the great “model” of each portion of the world about her—each person, each building, each blade of grass, each bird, for example; our ordinary world suddenly appeared quite shabby by contrast. [...] I saw that each of us is a beloved eccentric not only because we have inner models of the self, but also the freedom to deviate from them, all of which makes the model living and creative in our time.” [...]
[...] Without going into a lot of speculative detail, such an event would imply the obliteration of our probable physical universe as we know it. Instead, I thought, by “another form” he may mean an explosion of ideas or knowledge in our reality, with the tremendous objective results that would follow. [...]
[...] Only one experiment using the tape recorder showed us that our usual procedure was the best one. [...] He congratulated us on our “twenty-fifth anniversary,” and said jokingly, You will be much older by the time I am through with you. Most of the session was a discussion of ordinary subjective states emphasizing the fact that these could not be pinpointed in a laboratory or understood simply by the use of the ordinary scientific method. Yet, they are vital elements in our lives.
[...] The friends present had no idea we were involved in any psychic work, and the subject never came up in our conversation. [...] We hadn’t even told our families.) In the middle of that innocuous evening, Rob suddenly had three experiences that were quite startling at the time and rather frightening. [...]
[...] Usually in our sessions, one inner sense is in strong operation. [...] This is our twenty-fourth session, and I am still trying to give you the answers.
[...] This personality speaks occasionally in ESP class, but relatively seldom in our private sessions. [...] Some of our questions for Chapter Twenty had concerned Seth Two also. [...]
[...] Our joy created the exaltation from which your world comes. Our existence is such that communication must be made by others to you.
(“Can you spell that?” Seth did so, and it turned out that our versions agreed.
[...] Participating in that event had been our friend, Floyd Waterman. Floyd is an extremely generous and caring individual who has helped us many times over the years; he’s the contractor who converted half of our double garage for the hill house into Jane’s writing room.2 Jane and I have each shared a number of psychic experiences with him.
3. Jane and I regret that we’ve deprived our guest of the protected and warm—if not natural—habitat it had chosen. [...] I think of this enjoyable proximity as an excellent way of keeping in perspective our human position upon the planet. [...]
[...] Finally Floyd opened the damper a bit and lit a sheet of newspaper in the fireplace: The smoke immediately sent our very upset tenant scrambling up the chimney, across the roof and into the hemlock tree growing at one corner of the front porch. [...]
[...] I was getting the rather odd impression that to some extent his material this evening would grow out of our experience with the raccoon, even if he didn’t mention it.)
[...] From our viewpoint I suppose it seems like more is left unsaid than said — but this may always be true in such cases. [...] I’ll write our publisher, Prentice-Hall.
(This morning [and last night when I got home] the furnace was making so much noise that I called our plumber to come check it out. [...]
(I did remind Jane that in yesterday’s session Seth hadn’t addressed the question I’d mentioned to her at lunch time — why were we such extremists in our behavior, considering the severity of the symptoms, and so forth? [...]
[...] I told her that Seth didn’t go into our questions about his material in yesterday’s session, concerning changing the past from the present, nor did he comment on Carol Steiner’s Ph.D. thesis on the Seth material. [...]
[...] Ruburt may return now, and we will close our session. One note: I hope in the future to be able to add in dimension now and then to our sessions, opening up vistas to Ruburt to illuminate other avenues to complement any given discussion. [...]
Clock time is one prop that even in our usual sessions Ruburt is accustomed to rely upon, though not of course to the extent that he relies upon it in the periods of more ordinary consciousness.
[...] If we moved now, I thought, we might end up stuck with a bill for $50,000, if the insurance refused to cover it under our old setup. [...] I also knew there were few private rooms in the Infirmary, and that if we lost our privacy it would interfere greatly with our work together—and that the creative work is as much a part of therapy as anything else. [...] But actually, this latest twist was a result of our trying to get somewhere, and might actually work to our benefit with the insurance company, once they were told that my wife couldn’t be moved. [...]
[...] I gave him the names and phone number of Kathy Hagen, the Blue Cross supervisor who had seemingly turned down our major medical claim, and read to him the statement as to why that Andrew Fife had given me yesterday afternoon. [...]
[...] They moved leisurely across Holley Road into our own driveway, nibbling at fallen sumac leaves and the bushes. [...]
[...] Without our saying anything, she remarked on how well Jane’s ulcers were healing, and how much better she was. [...]
Viewing you as he viewed himself, using the same logic, he was afraid however that basically you felt our work a detriment to your own, and that its success, while pleasing you on the one hand, might prevent you from success as an artist because you would not have the time, and that you would basically resent it. You always encouraged him in our work, and he knew this. [...]
[...] Ruburt should also read our last session again, and I bid you a fond good evening. I will have remarks on helper, and other related material, at our next session.
[...] Now we wait for page proofs, supposedly due in a month or so, correct those, and our part of the long job will be done. [...]
Our friend, Joel, reacts to our Lady of Florence, therefore, as she appears to him now in this place and in this time, and yet he also reacts as a person that he was, in your terms, and our Lady of Florence reacts as a person she was, in your terms. [...]
[...] I have only a few comments to make, however, but everyone, including our visitors, everyone who comes here comes for a reason simply as you come together in any context for a reason. [...]
(To Mark.) Now over here our friend, you are trying too hard and too consciously. [...]
(To Florence.) Particularly for our Lady of Florence over here in the corner. [...]