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TES5 Session 213 December 1, 1965 Ormond test season envelope postmark

(As mentioned by Seth in the last session, I have begun keeping a record of outside weather data from our television weather channel. [...] When we begin our dream experiments with the recorder, we will also keep a daily weather record, again as suggested by Seth.

[...] Jane, very amused, commented every so often that she received little “messages” from a certain party, expressing approval of our actions, and merely suggesting that we do get to the session at least a few minutes before the Instream material was due.

(The session was held in our front room. [...]

You probably also came to this conclusion by yourselves, and while I would not make the habit of beginning our sessions later than usual, occasionally such tardiness is more than justified. [...]

TES8 Session 399 March 13, 1968 sexual jointly scruples plastered pockets

I will want to continue along the present lines of our session discussions but you are ready, or Ruburt is, so that any information on reincarnation should come through very well now. [...] Any questions concerning your own individual lives or historical information, we will do our best to deliver.

Now, underlined, I tell you that from our sessions changes will take place that will affect many. [...] The energy from our quiet sessions will however transform your lives, and through your works the lives of millions.

I will let our friend off and close our session. [...]

Now the degree to which you evolve spiritually depends upon your faith in our work. [...]

TSM Chapter Two fragment Rob images Beach playmate

[...] But the next episode so upset our ideas of what was possible, so outraged our conventional theories, that we very nearly quit the whole thing. Obviously we didn’t—yet our reactions were to color our activities for the next several years, and greatly influence the direction in which I would allow my own psychic abilities to operate.

[...] At this point, of course, we had no idea whether or not each session would be our last, regardless of our conscious decisions. [...]

[...] While speaking I had no idea of the meaning of the words, so it wasn’t until our next rest period that I knew what Seth had been saying. [...]

In late 1963, some months before our sessions began, we’d taken a vacation in York Beach, Maine, hoping that a change of environment would improve Rob’s health. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 737 February 17, 1975 house family Foster Borledim Sayre

[...] For our own reasons we offered a low price, and it was promptly refused. The rejection didn’t completely close out our interest here — or Seth’s either — but it did help us put the whole matter in better perspective. Note 8 covers Jane’s inner experience and the details surrounding our house offer. [...]

(Now these notes hark back to the end of the 732nd session, when I wrote a paragraph concerning Sue Watkins, our longtime friend who attends class as often as she can these days from the small town where she now lives, some 35 miles north of Elmira. [...] Jane thought the family name was similar to the “Gramada” that Seth had described; at session’s end I wrote that I intended to check our records for the missing name, and to ask Seth about it — but I neglected to do either of those things. [...]

(Jane had declared before the session began tonight that she thought Seth would go into our house affairs in connection with probable realities, but that such material wouldn’t go with his book dictation on the families of consciousness. [...] Anything on our house hunting, I thought, would be welcome here because it would help unite these late sessions for “Unknown” Reality with some of its much earlier ones [in Volume 1, as it turned out]. [...]

(Considering parallels, here’s another of the many “connections” that Jane and I have become aware of since we began our housing odyssey last year [already we’ve compiled a list of 30 similar relationships]: Three out of the four dwellings that in one way or another we’ve been seriously involved with possess driveways shared by next-door neighbors — Mr. Markle’s in Sayre; the apartment house we live in now; and the house in Elmira that we considered buying in 1964. [...] I see such connections as symbols running through our personal experiences.

TES3 Session 111 November 30, 1964 universe threefold correlations systems distortive

Our prospects for the immediate future will involve discussions of our threefold universal fields, their development, interrelationship, correlations and reference points.

(I also mentioned that I hoped Seth would say something about our experience of last Saturday evening, when Jane contacted the nameless spokesman for the “group.” [...]

As we progress and pick up the study of our dream universe once more, we will be involved also with the study of mental events as they occur within both systems. [...]

If you will again recall our material on the fifth dimension, you will see how this must be the case. [...]

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

(Jane and I have been waiting without effort, yet with anticipation, for Seth to get to our personal experiments with psychological time. [...] We have been aware, without making any detailed analysis of our own, due to lack of time for the study necessary, that our experiences with psy-time would probably fall into certain categories.)

[...] I took my usual place at our living room table, wondering whether Jane would appear on time. [...]

I am also aware that your real-estate man was here, and I am also aware that we are still involved in our discussion on matter. [...]

There is still much to be covered in our discussion of matter, and this also will be basic, for the understanding of other data. [...]

TES7 Session 322 February 27, 1967 self evergrowing watches portion intermediate

Good evening to our friend here.

You have by now become acquainted with a self you did not know before our sessions, a self who keeps watch upon both the ego and the subconscious. [...]

(Jane pointed to John.) At times our friend has sensed this portion of the self. [...]

We will have a relatively brief session this evening, for I would hesitate to disrupt what our friend anticipated to be a purely social occasion.

TSM Chapter Seventeen Rob Phil peering contact pyramid

This material ran several pages, as Seth discussed the future content of our sessions. Right after this we took our first break. [...]

Some of our questions were answered in the next session, our 419th on June 8, 1968. [...]

[...] We adopt whatever personality characteristics seem pertinent, for in our own reality we have a bank of complete inner selves, and we are all Seth. [...] We change our face and form, but we are always the one. [...]

Our friend, Phil—the salesman I spoke of earlier—dropped in that evening; we began at 9 P.M. as usual. [...] During our rest period, however, I felt the now familiar pyramid effect, and when we resumed, the other personality began to speak.

TES5 Session 215 December 8, 1965 candle flame Roy height test

(In the apartment below ours a baby began to cry. The sound was subdued, yet plain enough in our very quiet room. [...]

However, we will shortly hold a session where we discuss our tests in general, as this will be of benefit to you. It will help you to interpret our data. [...]

[...] The test object sealed in the usual double envelopes was a woodblock print, made by an artist friend of ours, Roy C. Fox, and enclosed with Roy’s Christmas card of last Christmas. [...]

(The session was held in our small back room. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

I welcome back our world traveler, and when you are a space and time traveler as well, then I shall also welcome you back. [...]

I have spoken to our Lady of Florence over there on several occasions, in the dream state, since she will not hear me any other way. [...]

I will let our friend take a rest. [...]

Now you hear the words, but I am behind the words and highly creative activities must go on on both our parts, so that my thoughts can be translated into words that will make meaning and sense to you. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 11, 1971 classroom gown awaken yourselves strangers

Now some of you will be able to come further with me, and those of you who can, I ask you, still with your eyes closed then, to awaken to the reality of another classroom in which you are all involved and in which our two new guests also sit. [...]

(To Florence.) And you tuned into our classroom before the others did this evening so you are certainly ready. [...]

Now I welcome our two guests this evening. [...]

 (To Sue.) You are ready for an excursion into another level of probabilities that you have not visited and so our friend, Ruburt, will expect to see the results in black and white before too long. [...]

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

[...] Because you can change—now this is in our physical terms—you can change what we would think of as the past through actions in our present. [...]

“The past in our terms doesn’t cause present behavior, because you can go back now into that past and change it in our present. [...]

([Rachel:] “They’re of our own making, Seth.”)

TES3 Session 134 February 22, 1965 aggressive explosions regularity meek scratching

[...] Our regularity of sessions is now a necessity. [...] Overall our schedule will be maintained, but we do not want rigidity, merely the spontaneity that comes, and the freedom that is achieved within discipline.

This may not seem so to you, but because subconsciously and basically, though not consciously, Ruburt trusts both his own intuition and the validity of our sessions. He will not allow the rambunctious portion of his personality to upset our schedule, but because he trusts all this subconsciously, he will not be as disturbed as you are if a session is missed.

(Just as our wall clock indicated 10:30 PM, an unfortunate thing happened. Our cat Willy had several times jumped up on Jane’s lap as she spoke. [...]

[...] While we were discussing our problems 9 PM arrived, so we held the session.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 916, May 14, 1980 cu units ee genetic repetition

[...] Individually and en masse, and to the extent that our human systems of perception make it possible, our species has created a world and universe built upon a very limited, repetitious creation and interpretation of internal and external data. We could hardly survive without our particular communicative repetition, nor could any other species without its own.

I’ve often thought that the repetition in the Seth books, say, is nothing compared to the repeated barrages of suggestion—much of it negative—that our species has chosen to subject itself to daily. [...] Indeed, however, Jane and I think that in ordinary terms, and for many reasons, our species long ago began creating a great deal of negative thinking and action—so much so that those qualities came to range throughout all facets of our world culture. [...]

I estimate that it’ll take me five or six weeks to type the final manuscript of the book for our publisher. Then I’ll need another week to go over the manuscript, with colored pens marking instructions of each page as to what copy we want set in roman [upright] type, and in italics; while doing that I’ll also check spelling, punctuation, references, dates, times—all of those mundane details so necessary in helping our publisher produce a finished, good-looking book for the marketplace.1

I’m sure that in much larger terms even negativity is creative, and often in ways we cannot comprehend in our temporal reality, but I do believe that Jane’s work offers more penetrating and redeeming insights into many of those challenges we create. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 courage Florence Lo Brad flower

[...] We take on racial problems—we deal with the weighty issues of our community. We tend to look boldly and courageously into the problems of our society—but lo and behold, what happens to our courage when we think of looking into ourselves. [...]

Now our Dean has not experienced this yet. Our friend Ruburt has—and several of you have the ability to do so. [...]

[...] You have seen our dweller in the hall here (Theodore) use his abilities—and he does not need to look for wonders because he is experiencing reality. [...]

And our dear Lady of Florence: you have not yet put one tippy-toe in the clear waters of the inner self. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

[...] Our neighbor Marian came by, looking for her dog; she stopped to talk to us. [...] We invited our guest in for a beer. [...] Like a number of our other recent callers, he was traveling around the country, seemingly free of all ties, doing odd jobs on occasion, but living on little money. [...]

[...] For the second time I heard a gentle scratching-rapping at our front screen door. It was a humid night and our living room door was wide open. [...]

(The session started much later than usual Saturday night, since we slept too late during our nap. [...]

[...] I did think that practically all of our unannounced visitors were young people because the Seth material attracted them much more easily than older generations. [...]

TES6 Session 242 March 16, 1966 script ticket Leonard square neat

[...] It was given to us on the evening of Saturday, November 20,1965, by a friend of our neighbor across the hall. Our neighbor is Leonard Yaudes. As Jane and I were leaving our place to go dancing that evening Leonard called us into his place to meet two friends of his, a man and a woman, not married; we have forgotten their names. [...]

[...] Our thought also is that the escape data here refers to our not wishing to attend the affair represented by the ticket.

(The session was held in our front room. [...]

I would like to continue the discussion we began in our last session.

TES5 Session 226 January 24, 1966 John Cleveland McKeown Searle Hilton

[...] Let us consider our self one and time one. As a rule our self two can indeed view what may happen in self one’s future. However, our self two views probabilities, and some of these probabilities will indeed occur to self one. Some will not, and this is where, again, our friends Priestley and Dunne fall short.

[...] If our exuberant Ruburt has calmed down, and if our friend Philip has put down his paper, we shall begin.

[...] Peggy attained a deep enough state to show no reaction when Jane placed our cat, Willy, on her stomach as she lay on the divan. [...]

(Seth had the interesting comment to make that he had looked out at us from Jane’s eyes during the evening, along with Jane, and that he saw us as individuals instead of composite electromagnetic images embodying our pasts, presents, and futures. [...]

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

[...] We discussed with Jim Tennant our reasons for our very cautious approach to and with the Seth material, stressing our feeling that it was best to be on the very conservative side as far as claims, etc., went. We invited him to attend future sessions; and it was becoming more and more apparent that we would have to make some kind of arrangement for others to be able to read the material, without letting it out of our hands. [...]

When you realize this, then our energy transformation and our change of molecular structure comes into play. [...]

I did not find it of much real purpose to give reviews during our sessions, particularly since new witnesses will come. [...]

[...] For the edification of our esteemed visitors, I will quickly mention them. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 513, February 5, 1970 pleasure created understatement form environment

They are created by our mental patterns, [just] as your own physical reality is created in perfect replica of your inner desires and thoughts. [...] We realize that we form our own reality, and therefore we do so with considerable joy and creative abandon. [...]

Having long ago recognized the dependence of form upon consciousness, we have simply been able to change our forms entirely so that they more faithfully follow each nuance of our inner experience.

[...] So my environment is a reality of existence created by myself and others like me, and it represents the manifestation of our development.

Our identities do not feel threatened, for example, by the strong emotions of another. [...]

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