Results 421 to 440 of 670 for stemmed:origin
[...] Yet, at the same time I mean that the sessions are truly original and significant, with their contents offering new creative insights and hope to the human species in a way that most endeavors do not do. [...]
(One might say that Mass Events had its origins two Seth books ago — way back in Volume I of “Unknown” Reality, which Seth finished dictating in June 1974. [...]
[...] I thought of returning to my parents’ home in Sayre, and then going on to New York City as I’d originally planned to do before receiving that life-changing call from Ed.
[...] But I’m hardly being original when I insist that each life is so intensely real that it seems most difficult to truly believe that we can have it any other way—let alone have more than one! [...]
[...] The archives contain a complete copy of my original typed pages of the Seth material in its 46 three-ring binders; many editions of the Seth books and Jane’s “own” books in English and in translations; her published and unpublished novels; her journals and poetry; her notes and papers, and mine; various published Seth journals; treatises and websites on the Internet (some nice, some not so nice); plus other relevant, indeed very evocative material like the reader correspondence from this country and abroad. [...]
[...] Theresa Smith showed Laurel and me color photographs of her very original modern art in progress, and talked about her goals. [...]
[...] The sinful-self material represents those ideas that were a strong element in his original belief structures. [...] At certain points, the assimilation of new information is so qualifiedly different from the original belief structure that in order to assimilate it the personality is left for a time between belief systems.
[...] Now those time versions may be entirely different one from the others, and while you certainly initiate your own time version, in terms of usual understanding there is no true place or time in which that version can be said to actually originate (again with emphasis).
[...] Consider art as a natural phenomenon constructed by the psyche, a transspecies of perception and consciousness that changes, enlarges and expands life’s experiences and casts them in a different light, offering new opportunities for creating action and new solutions to problems by inserting new, original data.
[...] Many of his fears originated long before the sessions, of course, and before he realized that there was any alternative at all between, say, conventional religious beliefs and complete disbelief in any nature of divinity.
[...] The connection between black and white thinking and creativity is legitimate, but it exists the other way around: as a rule the artist or creative person is (underlined) creative to the extent that he or she escapes black and white thinking, for the creative person deals with syntheses, original versions of reality and the consideration of different groups of probabilities—groups that appear otherwise very unlikely together from the standpoint of black and white thinking. [...]
(In my original and unpublished notes in Session 520 in Seth Speaks I listed three chances for the fruition of Seth’s prediction: The mention in Cosmopolitan of Jane’s ESP book for April 1970; Tam’s news about New American Library being very interested in the Seth material book; or Jane’s contract for the dream book being in the mail from Prentice-Hall.)
The conditions do not originate with you personally, though they are at your end rather than at my end, and they have to do with electromagnetic disturbances that are, to some degree, cyclic, and to which you react.