Results 1 to 20 of 26 for stemmed:optim

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 31, 1984 dealer optimism car migrations Monarch

In all such cases there is an inbred biological faith, that courage and vitality, that biological optimism. It acts the same in people, triggering the necessary bodily responses. Only when that optimism is severely tampered with do the physical mechanisms falter. Even then, however, all creatures are sustained by that innate gift, that inner sense of security that not only propels creatures toward life, but safely conducts them past physical life and past death’s doorway.

Brief dictation. (Long pause.) This optimism is reflected in many other areas of life also.

Many birds in their fantastic migrations demonstrate an amazing optimism, traveling thousands of miles to distant shores, almost literally flying by faith, as it were, ignoring all dangers, unbeseiged by doubts. There is no hesitancy, but the sure flight. Birds do not question whether or not the weather will be favorable, the winds fair or foul. They simply fly toward their destination. Even if some birds do fall or die, this in no way impedes or undermines the faith of the others.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 29, 1978 worrying lumps massacres optimism knots

(9:42.) Now: I can’t—nor would I want to—turn you into children again, but you have a natural optimism, both of you—a creature optimism, with which all are innately equipped. That natural optimism is a power in the individual and in the world. [...]

TPS3 Session 772 (Deleted Portion) April 19, 1976 crying feminine stereotyped hungrier noncompetitive

[...] This is not a lack of belief or optimism, but an honest response at a given moment, and one that allows the body a natural release from tension. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 644, February 28, 1973 emotions beliefs refute revengeful hateful

You cannot do this by ignoring the validity of the thoughts as your experience, however (very intensely), by trying to shove them under the rug of a superficial optimism. [...]

Now: It is true that habitual thoughts of love, optimism and self-acceptance are better for you than their opposites; but again, your beliefs about yourself will automatically attract thoughts that are consistent with your ideas. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 29, 1984 optimistic impatience favorable catheter Carla

[...] No organism automatically expects to find starvation or disappointment or detrimental conditions — yet even when such circumstances are encountered, they in no way affect the magnificent optimism that is at the heart of life.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1983 Steve tray butter foot left

[...] I still felt that optimism. [...]

TPS1 Session 567 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1971 assertion blockage exercises exaggerated repressed

[...] You were both lacking the feeling of optimism that would make them work. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 1, 1984 parenthood simplicity unfavorable promise future

[...] It triggers the genes and chromosomes into their proper activity, and it promotes feelings of optimism, exuberance, and strength.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 11, 1977 fanatic threats stimulated wholesale realistic

[...] You can learn to reinforce each other’s courage, good nature, and optimism. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 5, 1979 moral conscientious typeface judgment pedantic

[...] If optimism seems to be such a simple-minded, idiotic attribute, then listen. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 28, 1980 Leonard slap truck react age

[...] On the other hand, when you have them, make a point to recognize that they are the result of cultural beliefs, beliefs that often run counter to the body’s natural knowledge of optimism (pause) and saving inner balance. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 14, 1982 nurse Upjohn Eleanor Roe visits

[...] Really try to see it as a challenge—the daily reinforcement of trust and belief—so that, again, each of you particularly encourage those emotions of hope and optimism that are so important. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

Nearing was born into the world just left by James, and he saw the industrial developments that at one time William James had anticipated with such vigor and optimism.

TPS1 Deleted Session February 3, 1971 retracing fears chiropractor repressive symptoms

[...] The release of the fears then allows the body to release the natural optimism and healthy emotions that are needed, and the expansion of activity and energy.

TES9 Session 472 April 2, 1969 problems sculptor predisposes emergence boy

Old negative patterns of thought, always present beneath an exterior optimism, had gone unrecognized by him, and were like a thorn in his side. [...]

NoPR Preface by Seth: Session 609, April 10, 1972 title mercy expectations thoughts outline

[...] You may believe that pessimism is more realistic than optimism. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 23, 1980 animal platform curled excitement pets

[...] Again, he is like all animals, filled himself with unbounded, natural biological optimism, and when that biological support is allowed its freedom, you have people performing into the very latest of years, with vitality, agility, and an elegance that only age can provide.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

(Long pause at 9:04.) You must each try to encourage your feelings of optimism. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session February 10, 1971 success appalled pendulum furious succeed

Releasing fears will allow new inspiration and optimism to emerge, to battle against any lingering negative aspects however. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 912, April 30, 1980 genetic triggering Rembrandt conceptualize fetus

[...] The existence of each of the species is dependent upon trust, indeed a biological optimism, in which each species feels the freedom to develop the potentials of its members in relative safety, within the natural frameworks of existence. [...]

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