4 results for stemmed:ommm

TPS4 Deleted Session January 7, 1978 Wanda disapproval appointment Frank ommm

(11:05.) Recently I have helped you make some stand against that disapproval. The ommm exercises help, again, because they disengage you and put you in a free drive, relieving the body momentarily at least of stress, and reacquainting it with ease.

Ruburt rediscovered the rune book, hardly by accident. The ommm exercises, with his late understanding, relieved the body enough so that the excellent rune exercises began to work, on his mind as well as his body. He allowed his body, finally, to begin to demonstrate some action. This is because he suspended his self-disapproval for a while.

You learned to communicate your disapproval to each other far better as a rule than you communicated your approval. What Ruburt is doing now is excellent and should be continued. If continued it will pay more benefit than your present attitude allows you to imagine. The ommm exercises, or a version, should be followed by you also, Joseph.

TPS4 Deleted Session January 3, 1978 approval ommm calm misunderstandings berate

His ommm exercises can serve a good purpose; they calm body and mind at once, that is at the same time, and they can serve you also. [...]

[...] The ommm exercises can clear your minds. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

[...] The ommm exercises and the rune exercises are showing results because some of the material has come through again to you from the sessions, and you are jointly suspending your self-disapproval. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 14, 1978 polarized disapproval subjective exterior shoveling

[...] The ommm exercises, or simply some quiet yoga breathing exercises, would however, and either would relieve the feelings in the chest considerably on the physical level.