12 results for stemmed:nutrient

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 7, 1984 older segregation population nutrients diet

People in such societies often suffer from malnourishment, frequent beatings, an excessive use of the enema, and often indulge in physical punishment. The children are strictly raised, and a lack of normal spontaneity is the rule rather than the exception. Members of such organizations often suffer maladies in which their bodies do not utilize nutrients. They are often food faddists of one kind or another, but because they do fear spontaneity to such a degree they will often become afflicted with diseases or maladies associated with the body’s unconscious processes.

The ideas that you have, then, play a large role in the way the body handles its nutrients, and utilizes its health and vitality. If you believe that the body is somehow evil, you may punish it by nearly starving to death, even though your diet might be considered normal by usual standards. For it is possible for your ideas to cause chemical reactions that impede your body’s ability to accept nourishment. If you believe that the body is evil, the purest health-food diet will or may do you little good at all, while if you have a healthy desire and respect for your physical body, a diet of TV dinners, and even of fast foods, may well keep you healthy and nourished.

TES8 Session 359 August 7, 1967 Stephen Pete Ferd goals Denver

[...] There should be a daily balance of nutrients.

You are misusing your body, for you are depriving it of necessary nutrients. [...]

[...] You are not giving your body a steady daily balance of nutrients. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 27, 1984 food foodstuffs vengeance highflying nondisease

Some concentrate almost exclusively on protein, some on carbohydrates — particularly rice — but in any case the large natural range of available foods and nutrients are cut out.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 17, 1983 denture pretty shoulders subdued Sharon

[...] It will also make it easier to receive necessary nutrients. [...]

TES2 Session 57 May 27, 1964 notself skin self secondary constructions

[...] It is indeed more a loose open framework, through which constantly chemicals, nutrients, molecules, elements, light, sound and pulsations pass frequently, constantly both in and out.

[...] It needs for its survival nutrients that come from outside of the skin. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 28, 1983 cake Iran Afghanistan exciting elbow

You understand the ways that continents come together, and probabilities join each other, in a manner of speaking, each rising above a field of rich nutrients, so that worlds exist in every imaginable portion of space. [...]

NoPR Preface by Seth: Session 609, April 10, 1972 title mercy expectations thoughts outline

[...] They can escape from you like water through your fingers, carrying with them vital nutrients that spread across the landscape of your psyche — and all too often carrying sludge and mud that clog up the channels of experience and creativity.

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 532, May 27, 1970 sleep hours periods inactivity recuperate

[...] A more economical use of energy would result, and also a more effective use of nutrients. [...]

TES8 Session 356 July 27, 1967 Stephen Ferd Pete Australian Osburn

[...] (Pause.) Incidentally, I suggest some peanut butter, as it contains some nutrients that are needed. [...]

TES4 Session 191 September 22, 1965 Blanche pseudoimage landscape waterfall landlord

[...] As leaves bring vital nutrients to the tree trunk, so also do dream images bring nourishment to the personality.

TES3 Session 88 September 16, 1964 layers secondary subconscious undifferentiated dominant

[...] Directly beneath, still using our analogy, will be found the nutrients and seeds of those desires. [...]

TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue

[...] Again, this idea is the result of your own habit of perception, for chemicals and air and nutrients that you consider not your self, enter the self constantly from the physical environment; and that which you consider yourself, leaves through the pores of the body.