
Results 961 to 980 of 1879 for stemmed:now

TSM Appendix: Session 504, September 29, 1969 fetus units stationary plants repulsion

Now the fetus also hears, and the same thing applies here while within the womb. [...]

[...] Now I asked Seth about this.)

Now: there are electromagnetic structures, so to speak, that are presently beyond your (scientific) instruments, units that are the basic carriers of perception. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 513, February 5, 1970 warp linear infrequently blotted grammatically

Now: We will continue.

[...] Now from my own field of reality I focus my attention toward the woman, but the words that she speaks — these words upon the pages — are not initially verbal at all.

[...] We are used to working together now, however, and the distortions are very few.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 4, 1984 Elisabeth buoyancy river temperature jogging

(I told Jane that I thought the police in the dream meant that I’d left behind me old imprisoning beliefs, that I was now running free of those beliefs. [...] I added that if I had the time I’d like to do some jogging now, since I have an ability and love for running.

(I knew I’d been imprisoned, and that I was now free. [...]

Now: I bid you another fond good afternoon.

TES1 Introduction board pointer obtained parentheses onehanded

[...] For a time we needed the board to open and close the sessions, but now we do not require it at all. [...]

[...] Now she does not hear the material beforehand, but simply speaks it out, literally and consciously unaware of what she is going to say from one word to the next. [...]

Now even when Jane delivers an answer via Seth that may be five typewritten pages long, she never repeats herself, loses track of what she is saying, uses the words “uh,” “er,” etc., or changes in any way what she had said. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 26, 1979 static Framework tract urinary communication

Now: We want to publish the book—and I will here continue, for our purposes, dealing with a book’s production rather than a painting’s. Still, however, we will keep the idea of a painting for a different reason. Now think of the book’s production and everything connected with it as being part of the same kind of creative activity, but in an arena where events as you think of them become the medium. [...] A living peoplescape in which each person who plays a part in that book’s production now joins the creative act at this secondary level as far as you are concerned. [...]

Now. [...]

Now: When you concentrate mainly (underlined) in Framework 1 and its communications with Prentice, then while overall you do achieve results of a beneficial nature—the publication and distribution of the books in a largely adequate form—there are glaring discrepancies also: entanglements that you do not like because you have taken your intent from Framework 2, where the creative event began, and placed it into Framework 1’s communication system almost entirely. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1982 David vitamins Cohen letter guitar

Now will your paths be fairly clear. There is more that I will give you, and there are blessings that you have earned yourselves that come now also into your experience. [...]


[...] Ruburt is having the session now because he wants to make sure he does not miss anything. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

[...] You form your past lives now in this life as surely as you form your future ones now also.

Simultaneously, each of your past and future selves dwell in their own way now, and for them the last sentence also applies. [...] But try not to structure it — a most difficult task — for such structuring is by now almost automatic.

Now take your break.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 639, February 12, 1973 Rooney puddle nightmares lsd creature

Now: I bid you good evening.

Now: Those are directions for you. [...]

[...] She yawned repeatedly now.

TES4 Session 183 August 30, 1965 calendar test intensity clipping solution

[...] To quote Seth: “Ruburt is not myself now, in his present life; he is nevertheless an extension and materialization of the Seth that I was at one time... [...] He is now an actual gestalt, a personality that was one of the probable personalities into which Seth could grow. [...]

[...] She is now dead, and Jane and I never met her. [...]

Now, before we plunge into the nature and characteristics of dream reality, let us briefly consider the relationship between emotions, space, and distance as they occur within the waking conditions.

UR2 Section 6: Session 737 February 17, 1975 house family Foster Borledim Sayre

(Now these notes hark back to the end of the 732nd session, when I wrote a paragraph concerning Sue Watkins, our longtime friend who attends class as often as she can these days from the small town where she now lives, some 35 miles north of Elmira. [...] One of the reasons for my failure to settle the matter right away was the lack of any immediate pressure to do so, for we hadn’t seen Sue since before the 729th session was held; that’s over five weeks ago now; newspaper work has often kept her too busy to make the trip to Elmira.

[...] Without thinking too much about it, we mentally filed this bit of news along with the connections that had developed out of our house-hunting episodes last year; even now, we still didn’t realize just how the complicated relationships between those events of April 1974, and now, were to continue growing. [...]

Now: Dictation (quietly).

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 651, March 26, 1973 black age races sleeping white

Now: Good evening —

Some of this has to do with distorted ideas of both the conscious and unconscious minds, using your terms now. [...]

Now: You equate the color white with brilliant consciousness, good, and youth, and the color black with the unconscious, old age and death.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 31, 1977 Cézanne firewalker Trafzer Waldo Framework

[...] The recovery is taking place now in Framework 2. The now is important.

Now: this analogy holds only so far, yet the firewalker’s performance can in a way be compared with Ruburt’s writing and psychic performance.

[...] In those terms, his interests are now the same, but he no longer looks upon his historically known works, but considers them as background pieces, so to speak. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 703 June 12, 1974 blueprints dynamics Section physician frequencies

In the entire gestalt from cellular to “self” consciousness, there is a vast field of knowledge — much of it now “unconsciously” available — used to maintain the body’s integrity in space and time. [...]

(With emphasis:) Now in your framework of beliefs the psychiatrists and the doctors are helpful. [...]

(Once again now, Jane wondered why the “more elaborate or complicated qualities” of her trances [she couldn’t really explain what she meant here] were necessary in order for her to deliver this book, as opposed to the “easier” ones she’d experienced for Personal Reality. I suggested she forget such comparisons and think that “Unknown” Reality simply required a different approach, for whatever subjective reasons, and that perhaps her constant questioning would be taken care of as her work on it progressed.5

TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964 outer tree inner ego senses

[...] Although he knows nothing of music now, he was once proficient in it. That ability now is channeled into his excellent facility in rhythmic poetry.

[...] However you do have my sympathy, and Ruburt now is certainly not being ordered. [...]

[...] I do suggest strongly now that you desist. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

[...] They farm the land as you farm the water, and are only now learning how to operate upon the land for any amount of time, as you are only now learning how to manipulate below the water.

(“And now that I’m sitting here, “she said, patting the arms of her rocker, “I can feel the material getting organized. [...]

Now: The beginning of Section 2. You already have the heading. [...]

TES4 Session 177 August 11, 1965 Jesuit multiple exchange study aspects

Now. [...]

(Jane resumed in the same deep voice, which now was quite amused, and at a faster pace at 9:35.)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

[...] Now I’ve got that electric feeling in the right toes.” [...]

Now: a fond good afternoon. [...]

(Now Jane told me that when she was on her left side earlier today she’d “had the inclination to try to straighten out my body some so I wasn’t at such an angle.” [...]

TES3 Session 140 March 15, 1965 psy caution pigeons dammed unwittingly

(This reminded me that Jane recently remarked that when she tries psychological time now, it is the usual thing for her to achieve what she calls an “excellent” state.)

[...] The energy that would have been used in what you may call, for now, astral projection, was dammed up. [...]

[...] However at times we must, as now, cut him down. [...]

TES7 Session 321 February 22, 1967 sweaters release sensitivities pendulum reliable

[...] Here the ego is helping us now, for it is sticking to these plans, and the plans are those the ego itself enjoys, and can accept. [...]

[...] The ego is working with you now, for it grew frightened and is taking steps to change.

[...] The spontaneous self is being allowed more freedom now, this is the source of the intuitional understanding.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 629, November 29, 1972 Augustus analyst cure invasion suicidal

[...] Jane and I figure that from now on they’ll probably be held irregularly into January, 1973; partly because of our holiday activities, which we enjoy, but also because this seems to be a natural time of rest for us — although Jane plans to keep her ESP and writing classes going as usual.

[...] Now again, if Augustus somehow changed his beliefs it is possible that even within that framework some kind of cure would be effected. [...]

[...] “When all this started [in late 1963] about speaking in trance,” Jane said, “I used to feel that there was just one word available at a time, with nothing before it or after it — but now I sense whole blocks of material there just waiting to be given. [...]

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