
Results 841 to 860 of 1879 for stemmed:now

UR2 Section 4: Session 707 July 1, 1974 cells probable components predictive goals

[...] To some extent what you know now is dependent upon what will be known, and what has been known, in your terms. The “past” races of men live to that extent within your Now, as do those who will seemingly come after. [...]

Now: Good evening.

[...] There are tiny innocuous instances that come up daily: “Shall I go to the movies, or bowling?” “Shall I brush my teeth now or later?” “Should I write to my friend today or tomorrow?” There are also more pertinent questions having to do with careers, ways of life, or other deeper involvements. [...]

TES3 Session 109 November 23, 1964 universe inwardness parallel sales regenerated

I will now close, though again I myself am in a frisky, companionable mood; and if you ever get your recorder serviced we can use it now and then, only on such instances; when the regular session is concluded and your hands are tired, we can chat.

A small note here, mentioning a fact of which Ruburt is surely now aware. [...]

(Now Jane smiled. [...]

TES7 Session 304 November 28, 1966 list Bernards scramble package Tubbs

The self, the whole self, the entity, that is your true self, does indeed exist now. You are even in contact with it now. [...]

Now. [...]

[...] Specifically you should not now join a community of the sort that is being planned.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 928, November 12, 1980 Paul Christ master Iraq Iran

Now,” Seth said when he resumed the session at 10:13, “Ruburt’s body is trying to right itself. [...] Nerve patterns are being reactivated, circulation patterns reinforced, muscles contracting and expanding in their own exercises, right now, in a concentrated, rather intensified bodily commotion. [...]

[...] For a long time now I’ve been doing it all in the outside world. [...]


TES3 Session 141 March 17, 1965 perception patterns action Piper minor

[...] She does not wear her glasses at all during sessions now. [...]

[...] At break, now, she checked to see if this was the effect she had sensed, but it did not seem to be, although traffic does pass our house rather heavily at times.

Yet as you can see, what it was when we spoke of it is still present in what it will by now have become. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

[...] Now those disapprovals simply piled up, with resulting physical difficulties. [...] The disapproval was still present, however; yet now and then through the years would come a period of release, of sudden ease and sudden physical improvement—each time when he suspended self-disapproval, and when for your reasons you began to suspend your own.

[...] Now she thought the correlations were obvious, especially since her seeing and reading ability today were much better when she felt better otherwise too. [...]

Now: the message of the Christ entity was, in religious terms “You are all children of God—the ‘sinner’ as well as the saint.” [...]

TPS2 Session 602 January 5, 1972 cordellas sound language sh onomatopoeia

Now. [...]

[...] The slightest error in copying a symbol could change its meaning completely, hence your concern over details, and hence now your great trust in objective painting, and your occasional distrust of work that seems to come too easily.

[...] And now truly they become yours, as they were not then.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

[...] [The entire plant is idle now, since Unit No. 1 had already been shut down for refueling.] By now the situation is much more serious, however: There’s a chance of catastrophic “meltdown” of the uranium fuel rods in the damaged reactor’s core — the worst possible accident that can occur in such circumstances short of an explosion, and a kind that proponents of nuclear power have long maintained “almost certainly cannot happen.” [...]

(Now there’s talk of evacuating up to a million people who live in the counties surrounding Three Mile Island. [...]

[...] Even now, local civil defense officials monitor the air several times daily with radiological survey meters — equipment similar to Geiger counters. [...]

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

If you cannot prove my existence now neither can you touch music. [...] Now and then I do

(I did not describe the vision further at this time, although by now Jane had read my written version of it. [...]

[...] Now I use color as an example first because it is easier perhaps to understand how this could be a mental enzyme, than it is to understand the same thing about chlorophyll. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 30, 1984 Oh dentist die lunch worsening

[...] “It won’t be long now. I don’t see you changing your ways now. [...]

(When she finally asked me what I thought of the session, I had trouble expressing any hope, versus those negative feelings I’ve been aware of for so long now. [...] Only look where we are now — a lot worse off.” [...]

[...] I must be more negative than I thought after all this time, for I didn’t believe her when she said she wasn’t going to die now. [...]

TPS3 Session 795 (Deleted Portion) February 28, 1977 posture stances Loren adjustment unnoticed

[...] Instead he is moving through those stances rather quickly, not feeling at rest in any of them as the body now advances toward an ordinary posture.

[...] The legs are capable, for example, now of straightening out far further, but the entire relationship between every portion of the body is being worked upon.

Now: do you have any questions?

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 14, 1984 activites hundredfold slide pencil ahold

[...] She was interrupted by people taking her vitals — temperature 97.3. By 3:57 she went back to the session — but now her pace wasn’t as fast and sure. [...]

[...] Now she told me how earlier today she’d imagined herself visiting Enfield Glen.* She said she did very well thinking of herself walking and climbing around the park and the pool — but then she ended up blue, thinking of all she had to go through yet before she could do those things. [...]

Now, I bid you another fond good afternoon —

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 30, 1984 maintenance waft passionately exemption tasty

[...] Again, it is important that Ruburt realize that his impatience is now a mental and physical, natural aspect of the healing processes themselves.

[...] This is mixed of course with strong surges of desire, and the release of that desire is all-important — for now he truly wants (underlined) to walk normally, and is willing — more than willing — to give up any fears or doubts that have stood in his way in the past.

That is why I emphasize a new (underlined) beginning, for it is from that viewpoint that he will be structuring his life from now on.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 19, 1984 coughing steam cold loge stage

[...] The window was closed by now and the heat was on. [...]

Now: I bid you another fond good afternoon.

[...] The body is now, then, going full steam ahead, so to speak. [...]

TPS3 Session 753 (Deleted Portion) August 4, 1975 femininity Education hostile slants tool

(10:38.) Now: for our friend....

Now all of this was built upon certain levels of consciousness and beliefs—a unifying structure. [...]

[...] Lest he be tempted by his new house, he felt poorly, even for him, yet he saw through what he was doing, and he has begun an awakening of consciousness that is now in the process. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 19, 1972 diet food interflow menstruational specialized

Now. [...]

You should together discuss your plans so that they become more a part of your reality now. [...]

[...] These are highly important, and there were results, now, when you worked with them steadily.

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

Ruburt has added more time to his writing day, and is now also doing more painting. [...]

Now that you know something about the nature of matter, you will see that all matter is objectified mental action, and that basically such action happens simultaneously in the spacious present, formed by individualized energy through the formation of mental enclosures.

Now. [...]

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

Despite all my previous ideas and common sense, I knew that time wasn’t a series of moments one before the other, each one like a clothespin stuck on a line, but that all experience existed in some kind of eternal now. [...] Even now it fills me with that sense of discovery and revelation:

[...] Now I could never feel that way again.

[...] Now I suddenly felt the fantastic vitality present even in things I’d previously considered inanimate. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes

[...] It would become highly important again, however, when the planet was populated extensively, as it is now — only the original feeling of home area has to be extended over the face of the earth. [...] The other, to you probable, lines of consciousness can now come into play.

All of the leaves now growing on this plant could be thought of as counterparts of each other, each alive and individual in one time, each contributing yet facing in different directions. [...]

[...] The leaves now present are biologically valid, interrelating in your terms. [...]

TMA Foreword by Robert F. Butts Laurel publishing Amber Allen Library

[...] Laurel has been Seth’s “metaphysical apprentice,” as she recently put it, for fourteen years now. [...] Yet even so, as the years passed I began to better see that recovery from Jane’s death was going to take the rest of my life; and that within the framework of simultaneous time uncounted millions of others had experienced that truth, were doing so now, and would be doing so. Maybe some day I’ll write in detail about Jane’s and my lives — but not now!

[...] I know that my wife lives within me now, as I do within her “where she is now” — just as we shared ourselves with each other throughout the nearly twenty-nine years of our marriage. [...]

For some time now Rick Stack and I have discussed a most intriguing project: the private printing, by Rick, of the complete transcripts of those first 510 sessions that Jane held before the publication of The Seth Material in 1970. [...]

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