
Results 561 to 580 of 1879 for stemmed:now

TES5 Session 203 October 28, 1965 Peg Rhine Rico Puerto Duke

You must know by now... You are pleased enough with our results so that you both are easier with me now... [...]

(Bill now commented on his interest in reading recently of the ancient Viking map which Yale University now possesses. [...]

[...] The lady told Peg and Bill a good deal about the workings of Dr. Rhine’s department; and how, now that he is past 70, the mandatory college retirement age, arrangements have been made for him to continue his work in parapsychology through a foundation which is apparently connected to or with the college.

TES5 Session 204 November 1, 1965 John Driscoll Dudley Elms companion

(Jane now took a long pause, sitting quietly with her eyes closed. Her pace was now, again, quite fast.

[...] Now we are speaking of a planned movie, with a plot. Now however consider another analogy, where action envelopes and changes within a different dimension. [...]

Now in the affair of the raise, you picked this up, Philip, first of all telepathically from the mind of your superior. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 515, February 11, 1970 environment cocreators dimensional perceptors microbe

[...] You are learning now, in a three-dimensional context, the ways in which your emotional and psychic existence can create varieties of physical form. [...] Now our environment is in itself creative in a different manner than yours. [...]

Now: The senses that you use, in a very real manner, create the environment that you perceive. [...]

[...] Now, we use the inner senses quite freely and consciously. [...]

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

[...] Change our knife image now into an imaginary rocket ship, so that our dissection involves many more dimensions. [...]

[...] It is no longer necessary for locomotion, and its senses, electrically coded now, are no longer necessary, since they were adopted to meet the demands of a particular field in which the personality no longer has any prime interest.

[...] Perhaps now you will see why this is so. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

Now—let me answer that one, and give a living example, a recent one.

He feels that he unjustly puts you on the spot, now. [...]

These repressed feelings grew just beyond the reach of consciousness, and just below the reach of consciousness, but almost consciously he began to wonder, to judge his condition now with what it must be. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 526, May 4, 1970 soul entity eternity clumps motionlessness

[...] For now, however, we will simply be concerned with the entity or soul, the larger self that whispers even now in the hidden recesses of each reader’s experience. [...]

Now: We will have a short session, and begin to dictate the next chapter.

Now, in the three-dimensional reality in which your ego has its main focus, becoming presupposes arrival, or a destination — an ending to that which has been in a state of becoming. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 21, 1983 Fred Georgia Lorrie doughnut swelling

(Jane ate very well—her appetite is much better now—and after lunch Peggy Gallagher visited. [...]

(I told Jane that if she wanted to do anything about a session, now was the time before people started coming in to do her vitals. [...]


DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 891, December 26, 1979 probabilities resolutions fairy versions peripheral

Now: The year 1980 exists in all of its potential versions, now in this moment. [...]

They are as good, tell Ruburt, who does not read them now, as they were then. [...] Now give us a moment….

Now: In our book, I will be doing my best to explain the origin of your universe, and in such a way that most of the pertinent questions are answered, but man’s present concept of reality is so limited that I must often resort to analogies.

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

[...] Now. Physically speaking it does no good to call such images hallucinations, for they are no more hallucinations than the chair in which my friend Ruburt now sits.

Now your consciousness will not be in it, but it is hardly lifeless. [...] I will give you alternate methods of projecting, but I will be concerned now with what you can expect the few moments after you have left the physical body.

Now I have told you that you may legitimately visit not only the past, present and future as it existed, or will exist in physical terms; but you may also visit realities which never existed in physical terms. [...] Now, many events that were only imagined and never took place, physically speaking, many such events still exist. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 31, 1983 moved bedsores grunting foot Acuto

(Earlier she’d told me that she was both disappointed and impatient with her progress since we’d started this group of sessions on October 9. She’d wanted her decubiti healed in a week, she said, and to be sitting on the edge of the bed by now. [...]

Now: I bid you a fond good afternoon. [...]

[...] There is plenty of nutrition there now to help him, since he is assimilating protein so much better than he did before. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 21, 1983 Christina unchosen favorable infirmary messed

[...] I see now that I should have typed them separately, to go here. [...]

[...] But then, isn’t that what we’re doing now, in a way? [...]

(Even now, I was sure that yesterday’s session had helped me moderate my own reactions to the latest events—and that was good, I told Jane. [...]

TPS2 Session 653 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1973 navigate belabor deluged straits Amen

[...] You are each reinforcing them now. [...]

[...] Now: If this is all you could do from the outside, then how difficult do you think it is for him to encourage himself from the inside?

And now, I bid you a fond good night.

TPS1 Session 527 (Deleted Portion) May 11, 1970 cleavage cage forthcoming rackets badminton

Remind yourself that the road between you now is clear and straight. [...] And now, good evening and a good night’s sleep.

Now. [...]

[...] Now give me a moment. [...]

TES6 Session 242 March 16, 1966 script ticket Leonard square neat

[...] Ruburt can explain the connection here now. It is now apparent to him.

[...] Jane’s publisher has written requesting some photos, drawings, etc., in connection with the book Jane is now writing on the Seth material. [...]

Now. [...]

TES9 Seth II diminished Carl Bega human beyond

You exist, therefore, now within this reality as present and immediate as you are now... [...]

Yet what you are is now, and what your friend Seth is is now. [...]

Know that within your physical atoms now the origins of all consciousness still sings and that all the human characteristics by which you know yourselves still exist within the eye of all our consciousness never diminished but always present; your individualities never diminished... [...]

TES7 Session 312 January 16, 1967 pepper shaker McCormick Baltimore pebbles

Now. [...]

Now I mean this literally. [...]

Now, there is an overall personality pattern that is characteristic of each whole self, of which the reincarnated selves each give evidence. [...]

TES7 Session 315 January 30, 1967 John Murphy Philip boss district

Now. [...]

Now. [...]

Now this man by association reminds Ruburt of Dirksen because the temperamental similarities are fairly evocative. [...]

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

[...] As you now desire to understand the timeless, infinite dimensions of your own greater existence, so “even now” multitudinous elements of that nonearthly identity just as eagerly explore the dimensions of earthbeing and creaturehood.

Now: If you are confused, that is fine — for it means that already we have broken through conventional ideas. Anything that I say following this analogy will seem comparatively simple, for by now it must appear at least that you have little hope of discovering your own greater dimensions.

Now: Good evening.

TSM Chapter Four voice counteraction Rob parapsychologist hoarseness

[...] Besides this, as Seth, I had been extremely active, making funny remarks now and then to break up pages of serious monologue. [...] By now it was after 10:30. [...]

[...] He wrote as fast as he could, so he could also look up now and then to see what was going on. Now I stood almost in front of him, the un-Jane-like open eyes staring at him as if to make sure he understood what was being said.

[...] Now I wonder why we were so secretive, but at the time it seemed much better to keep the world with all of its questions out. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

Now you are afraid in the next dream that you both are in over your heads, so you see yourself and your brother in the water. He is still ahead of you, for he is now up to his neck in debt. [...]

[...] I had thought of next Monday’s session as being soon enough at first, but by now the dreams were on my mind enough so that we thought of an unscheduled session. [...]

[...] I then looked over the edge of the roof, and to my great agitation I saw that Dick had not only fallen off the roof and hit the ground hard, but that now he had slipped over the edge of a steep cliff beside the porch, and was saving himself only by grasping a skinny little shrub that was in the process of loosening in the frozen ground. [...]

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