
Results 41 to 60 of 1879 for stemmed:now

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 9, 1971 secrets Valerie Maggie clouds agony

Now my young friend, and all my dear young friends, first of all Joan Grant is a highly intelligent and very gifted woman. [...] Now this is something she has taken upon herself and in her way, and I am not necessarily agreeing with this you understand, in her way she is trying to pay back errors that she feels that she made in the past. [...] Now she is doing some very excellent work, but she is causing herself agony that she need not bear. [...]

Now you may think that Joan Grant has formed a far more splendid reality than you have, and yet none of you would live in her shoes for an hour. [...] Now Miss Grant could, instead, you see, be full of the joy that exists in all personalities and in all pasts, and she could be as much help to the individuals involved but working from an entirely different level. [...]

[...] Now we are two good friends in the dream state for you to start being apprehensive now. [...]

TES8 Session 392 January 22, 1968 displaced minister Philip John committed

Now. (Pause.) Ruburt has only now begun to take those necessary steps that lead to total commitment. [...]

Now. [...] Now either there is an Ohio connection with him, or his name began with an O, and was short. [...]

[...] Now, give me a moment, please.

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

Now, I will let my friend—(laugh from Ned)—you, as Ruburt would say, you are looking for it! [...] Now, he does not know this, so I will give you the honor of telling him. I will now let our friend take a rest. [...]

[...] Now, there is a way—when you are involved in physical activity, and even intense mental work—to change the inner focus so that you are aware of two realities at once and can manipulate quite easily in the physical reality as you must. Now, you ask your Bega—for I have told him the message and I have told him to tell you. [...]

TPS1 Session 598 November 24, 1971 Sumari Rob guilds chant speakers

I want to make a point to you, however: you can imaginatively receive data now without the eye involvement. [...] Now, you see, that you recognize the connection, you will not need it. [...]

Now, remember what I told you in the book about the black holes and the concentration of energy. Now, such occurrences allow you unusual exchanges of energy from one system to another. [...]

[...] This group, therefore, has always been involved in the kind of work in which you are now involved, and on a grand scale. [...] Now, these are the people, for example, that you (me) were speaking of, the strangers that you see in your dreams. [...]

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

“The past in our terms doesn’t cause present behavior, because you can go back now into that past and change it in our present. [...] Now actually that circle and those people are as real as this room seems to the rest of you. Right now this room doesn’t seem very real to me. Now you can if you want to—and without any kind of coercion—look up and see Seth’s face. [...] The confidence you find then will serve you now and help you in the daily life that you think you are leading now.”

[...] While they are here in this room now, frankly, they were not friendly at that time. [...] It is only because I was there and you were there at that time, that you can now realize this. This is apparently some kind of neurosis that you picked up that you can get over now ... [...]

[...] Now you have the opportunity to go back and leave the group. It is as if in your terms, you see, you could go back to a period of this life where you should have acted in a different way and didn’t. Well you have the opportunity now to go back into that existence and make it different in the present. Because you can change—now this is in our physical terms—you can change what we would think of as the past through actions in our present. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, September 29, 1970 Jason Yvette Aloysious Buddha Ian

[...] As you know, you are beginning an important venture, and that is why I want you to examine your feelings and motives now. [...] Now, you have always been involved with churches, and you are only now learning to relieve inner truths outward without dogma. [...]

[...] Now, these two are not as widely separated as it would appear for in both aspects you were dealing with strong personal relationships. [...] The two of you are together now in order to help solve some of the problems that you encountered together in this particular past life. Now, because of some of your ideas at the time, he formulated certain laws and regulations. [...]

Now, I will give you the information now or later, or you may find out the information for yourself using your own abilities and sources. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 15, 1970 Theodore sensitivity pious badger mask

Now, I try to show you all, whenever we have a session, that what you are seeing and hearing is a demonstration of the nature of human personality. [...] Now, using psychological time and learning to be spontaneous, you can free these abilities within yourself. [...]

Now, in somewhat the same way must you meet your own aliveness and encounter yourselves, and you cannot do it by digging around the bush. [...] Now, I will lead a sensitivity session here some night that will be some session. [...]

For now (to Theodore) accept the thoughts as a spontaneous part of the moment. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 26, 1971 Joel sacred Sue Molly potentials

Now I give you my regards and to our visitors and now tell Ruburt what I said. [...]

Now your personality has no limits. Now each of you, in this reality, have decided upon emphasizing certain characteristics and forgetting others. [...]

[...] Now all you do when you have an identity and focus on it, is grab out of your own bank of potentials a group of potentials and say, “these are the ones I will settle upon for now, and these I will call my identity, and so I will use these and I will ignore anything else.” [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, March 12, 1968 peace space banter solve sorrowful

Now, Ruburt’s eyes work much better when I am in control of them. I see each of you now with Ruburt’s eyes closed as you have been in past reincarnations and as you will be. And with Ruburt’s eyes closed there is some difficulty for I must focus psychically in order to find you as you think you are now, for I see all of you. [...]

[...] But true peace is within you now. [...] You will not find peace after this unless you know peace within yourselves now. [...] The kingdom of peace is within each of you now and if you realize this, then indeed you dwell in peace and from peace comes your security and confidence and joy. [...]

[...] This is their last reincarnation, and I tell you it is much easier to solve your problems now than to solve them later, and they are solving theirs now. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 2, 1972 compliments concentration perform worrying dancing

The class activity is good for him now. [...] Now give us a moment.

[...] Now. Using the body as it is now, with its abilities, will automatically help to readjust such physical problems as the bent legs. [...]

If you will think of this, both of you now, and you must, as a creative challenge, this will be of great benefit. Now give us a moment.

TPS2 Deleted Session December 20, 1971 eat weight food disapproves yesterday

Now—is it all right for me to come in now?

Philosophically and practically there are many ramifications on this subject that I hope to cover, but what I have said for now applies. [...] Your preparing food for him now and then as a counterpoint can help.

Now your remark, not verbatim, “Come on, Hon, get with it,” worked to some extent, for it roused his desire to give you a good day, not to spoil it, and his spirits rose to some degree. [...]

TES8 Session 395 February 26, 1968 muffled transposition Peggy breakthrough chin

(She had put her glasses on after leaving trance, and now left them on when she resumed, as Seth. Now however there was a marked difference in her manner. [...]

Now. [...] I am now closely allied with Ruburt, and yet in another way, a new way, there is a balance so that his personality can be the surface, dominant one. [...]

(Jane now sat leaning far forward in her rocker; her head was far down, toward her knees, facing the floor. [...] The voice now had almost a resonant quality.)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

Now you have been given a small insight into the ways in which your inner memories work. [...] And the words that you spoke now affect the past as you think of it, for time has open ends. Now if you think of time as a line, I do not only mean that time is open-ended at either side, you see, for time cannot be considered as a single line. [...]

Now these matters are open to you to a much larger degree when you are in Alpha, but I suggest that from now on you learn to utilize Alpha II where the resistances that you so nicely throw up in Alpha I will be to some extent disregarded as far as reincarnational information is concerned. [...]

[...] Now Bill will become more and more Bill, less and less like Seth, more and more like Bill and then less like Bill and more like someone else entirely different. [...] You have a more solid framework now than you had earlier and you have gotten over successfully several pitfalls into which you could have fallen. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

Now I bid you all a good evening. Now you have been running away from emotional realities this evening. [...] Now I do not expect the question to be answered in a general manner, that is far too safe, and we are not dealing with philosophies. [...]

The physical sound that I make, the energy that you sense now is, indeed, a part of the energy that sings within the vitality of any atom and molecule. [...] Now trying to answer questions such as those I gave this evening on a surface will not help you. [...]

[...] The nature of reality is now. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

Only now does Ruburt see the consistency and how the path as he knew it brought forth the impetus that is now his present. I told him sessions ago that the poetic and psychic portions of his personality were deeply united, and now looking over his old records he knows that I was correct.

[...] All probabilities now point toward success for you both; but remember, as you know, I do not mean a sudden showering. When I speak of success I mean that now you will be able to use your abilities to their fullest. [...]

[...] The ego is pleased, for it now finds itself at the helm of a much stronger personality, and with more challenges, free to use its abilities, to question and wonder at will now that it accepts the basis of the sessions.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold

[...] Now, there is no reason why each of you cannot experience reality, why each of you cannot travel out of the dimensions that you know. Now, in doing so you will find that the personality is as different as, say, this table viewed from different angles and discover all facets of identity with which three-dimensional reality is by nature ignorant. Now, in the dream state you do this, but you can do it in the waking state, and you can do it in times of reverie. [...]

Now, all of you here now know that the dead are not necessarily quiet, and that there is no somber mood necessarily connected with those who are no longer alive, in your own terms. [...]

(After break, to Sharon.) Now, your parents do not want you to grieve, they have been trying to tell you that they are as alive as you are. [...] They have their own business to attend to and their own reality to meet and their own challenges to accept, but, they are coming to you so that you will be aware of their continued existence; and also so that you will be aware of the nature of your own inner self which is as free of your physical body now as they are. [...]

TES9 ESP Class Notes May 20, 1969 Crosson Jim answers Venice Reverend

Now, dear friends, you all dwell in the same unlimited simply have not opened your eyes to see it. [...] Now. You have done well with theories (addressing Reverend Crosson); Now, I tell you forget them. [...]

Now, there are many ways ... [...] Now in one way, each individual will find his own answer... [...]

Now. [...] and you do not need to answer it now. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 Jack Cross answers lighthearted journey

Now, dear friends, you all dwell in the same unlimited dimension—you simply have not opened your eyes to see it. [...] Now. You have done well with theories (addressing Rev. Cross); now, I tell you to forget them. [...]

Now there are many ways—but only one real way. [...] Now in one way, each individual will find his own answer—and yet all answers, in another way, are one. [...]

Now. [...] My question is this—and you do not need to answer it now. [...]

TPS1 Session 379 (Deleted) November 13, 1967 exercise strenuous relaxation weapon tremor

[...] Now. Strenuous exercise, not necessarily overdone you understand, but strenuous exercise physically and imagined, will in itself lead to the kind of deep relaxation that he also must learn now to achieve, and which is needed by the system.

[...] She now simply wishes, as Ruburt knows, that you had taken up another profession. (And as I know now.)

[...] You know enough now so that you do not need to be overly concerned with it on a conscious level. Now that it is developed let the inner self guide its use, and it will serve you as it was meant to serve your intuitive self.

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1970 poetry symptoms daemon displacement bookcase

Now the energy that I am using now is also being made available for Ruburt (louder), and now he is no longer afraid to use it joyfully, and it will straighten out his arms and release some of the crooked ideas that he has in that head of his.

[...] It is not now so much a matter of relaxing, as going joyfully along with. Now this is what I have been after. [...]

[...] His system now has more than stabilized, and is now in the process of complete recovery. [...]

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