5 results for stemmed:neutron

TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978 particles quark Hoyle neutron faster

The varieties of consciousness—the inner “psychological particles,” the psychic equivalent, say, of the atom or molecule, or proton, neutron or quark—these nonphysical, charmed, strange forms of consciousness that make experience go up or down (all with amusement), and around and around, are never of course dealt with.

The atom, the molecule, the proton and neutron, the electrons, the quarks and other families of particles represent aspects of consciousness itself, which man then projects into the world of physics.

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979 particles meson protons smaller eccentric

[...] The classical conception of the typical atom as being composed of a neat nucleus of indivisible protons and neutrons circled by electrons is largely passé, although for convenience’s sake we may still describe the atom that way. [...]

Through their work with particle accelerators, or “atom smashers,” physicists have discovered that protons and neutrons themselves are composed of forces and particles that in turn are almost certainly composed of forces and particles, and so on, in an ever-descending scale of smaller and smaller entities and concepts. [...]

“The varieties of consciousness—the inner ‘psychological particles,’ the equivalent, say, of the atom or molecule, or proton, neutron or quark—those nonphysical, ‘charmed,’ ‘strange,’ forms of consciousness that make experience go up or down (all with amusement), and around and around—are never of course dealt with (by science).

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] Each atom consists of a nucleus of protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles, around all of which move a complicated system of much lighter electrons. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

[...] Evidence is accumulating that the vessels are becoming embrittled by neutron radiation from the reactors much more quickly than their designers had anticipated. [...]

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] The atomic nucleus is largely made up of more massive protons and neutrons, but investigation within the nucleus has either uncovered or produced many other subatomic particles as well — over 200 of these, some of them very unstable, are presently known. [...]