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NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977
– The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 10: Games That Anybody Can Play. Dreams and the Formation of Events
– Session 794, February 21, 1977 9:31 P.M. Monday
This is most difficult to explain, but the capacity for full conscious life is inherent in each portion of the body itself. Otherwise, in fact, its smooth synchronicity would be impossible. The brain has abilities you do not use consciously because your beliefs prevent you from initiating the proper neural habits. Certain portions of the brain seem dominant only because of those neural habits that are adopted in any given civilization or time. But other cultures in your past have experienced reality quite differently as a result of encouraging different neural patterns, and putting experience together through other focuses.
The body obviously must react in your official present; hence the brain neatly keeps its physical time sequences with spaced neural responses. The entire package of physical reality is dependent upon the senses’ data being timed — synchronized — giving the body an opportunity for precise action. In dreams the senses are not so restrained. Events from past, present, and future can be safely experienced, as can events that would be termed probable from your usual viewpoint, since the body, again, is not required to act upon them.
(10:10.) The knowledge of the body’s own biological probabilities takes place at those ancient levels, and at those levels there is activity that results in a cellular communication existing between all species. The brain has built-in powers of adaptation to an amazing degree, so that innately one portion can take over for any other portion, and perform its activities as well as its own. Beliefs in what is possible and not possible often dull that facility, however. While the neural connections are specific, and while learned biological behavior dominates basically, the portions of the brain are innately inter-changeable, for they are directed by the mind’s action.
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 3: Sleepwalkers. The World in Early Trance. The Awakening of the Species
– Session 888, December 10, 1979 9:04 P.M. Monday
You have taught yourselves to respond to certain neural patterns, and to ignore alternate ones that now simply operate as background activity. That background activity, however, supports a million forces: the neural stimuli that you accept as biologically real.
UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685)
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 4: Sidepools of Consciousness. Probable Neurological Connections and New Memories
– (For Session 685)
I’m getting something like this … that data comes through to us multidimensionally, then is sifted through neural connections, where it’s transformed into time-segmentation or strung-out experience.
“Actually I think today’s experience was a different kind of approach to what happened to me when I was sleeping last night … After reading over all of this material, I see that on both occasions I was experimenting with the process it describes — trying to dip directly into a ‘sidepool’ of data and bypass usual neural connections.”
DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 892, January 2, 1980
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 3: Sleepwalkers. The World in Early Trance. The Awakening of the Species
– Session 892, January 2, 1980 8:47 P.M. Wednesday
Those units of consciousness, for example, can mix and combine with others to form a million different sequences of memory and desire, of neural achievement and recognition, [of] structure and design.
UR2 Section 4: Session 709 October 2, 1974
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 4: Explorations. A Study of the Psyche As It Is Related to Private Life and the Experience of the Species. Probable Realities As a Course of Personal Experience. Personal Experience As It Is Related to “Past” and “Future” Civilizations of Man
– Session 709: Faster-Than-Light Activity and the Traveling Consciousness. Probabilities and History. How to Become Aware of the Unknown Reality
– Session 709 October 2, 1974 9:21 P.M. Wednesday
Sleep for the conscious mind results when neural activity in the reticular activating system (the RAS), which screens the sensory information reaching consciousness, falls below a minimum level.