Results 401 to 420 of 493 for stemmed:negat

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

[...] It is less symbolic in a negative manner, you see, than it was. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 872, August 8, 1979 reptiles impulses birds intermediate evolution

[...] Instead, “psychic progress” is hampered by those very negative beliefs that we have tried to bring to your attention.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 24, 1978 risks bodybuilders prerogatives health Bowman

[...] He was afraid of wheelchair connotations, but he triumphed over that negative idea. [...]

TES9 Session 505 October 13, 1969 landscape ladder thumb units rock

They are electromagnetic, in your terms, following their own patterns of positive and negative charge, and following also certain laws of magnetism. [...]

TES3 Session 97 October 14, 1964 fixture Macmillan October Fleeting cycles

[...] Hammering at his subconscious as he does on his few walks negates their purpose. [...]

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

He attempted to separate from himself all those elements he considers negative, and fight them at once, almost as if in doing so he removed or could remove evil from the universe. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 5, 1977 suggestion untalented walking careless enchanting

[...] You do not have to watch yourselves every moment, so that you do not give negative suggestions in those areas.

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 12, 1971 Bert Gnosticism Jim kick wring

(Jim H.: “You don’t just automatically think good things about this fellow, and repress the negative thoughts without becoming aware of what you felt.”)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 850, May 2, 1979 idealists idealism kill shalt Thou

Roger speaks the same way in any social group, and therefore to that extent spreads a negative and despairing aura. [...]

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

This applies particularly to color; and also it responds strongly in a positive or negative manner to natural fabrics, such as wools and cottons.

TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

(My writing hand was beginning to tire, yet I did not want to pause, so answered in the negative.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 912, April 30, 1980 genetic triggering Rembrandt conceptualize fetus

[...] Some people have built careers around negative beliefs like that, and Jane and I were wondering how they react after physical death, when they discover that they still live—that they may have spent their professional lives maintaining belief systems which after death they begin to understand are quite wrong. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium

[...] Do not therefore feel negated or alone for you are anything but alone. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 30, 1972 Ottoman Christendom Richard Empire Nebene

The last session for him—that is, the last key session I gave—is also connected here, for in following it he lifted himself enough above negative attitudes so that he could attract such a meeting. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session December 14, 1970 morose knees weekday emotional cold

[...] What he does is not nearly as important, obviously, as his feelings toward it—and he has highly negative feelings that cause him symptoms when he does not get up and believes he should. [...]

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

—this is not meant to imply any negation of psychological or psychic values, although these are also actions.

TES5 Session 210 November 22, 1965 Helen test envelope husband primary

If this seems to involve you in a problem with morality, then let me add here that such information, on its own, unless handled with utmost care, would immediately involve the negative suggestion that could lead easily to the very condition that we hope she avoids.

TPS3 Deleted Session October 20, 1975 unsafe Bantam realistic Pocket safe

[...] The woman there (Pat Golbitz) picked up all of your own negative ideas—yours and Ruburt’s—about Fell and Prentice, and aimed them at John (Nelson). [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 22, 1982 blood Dr finger clot Persantine

[...] In this session I haven’t written about the negative suggestions Dr. K. gave Jane in the hospital concerning the finger: ulceration, losing the joint, etc.)

TPS2 Deleted Session January 10, 1973 Tam dilemma tooth face Seven

[...] It is not that he need concentrate on negative ideas. [...]

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