Results 121 to 140 of 493 for stemmed:negat

TPS7 Deleted Session June 7, 1982 sinful love beset expression threatening

[...] No one is at the mercy of past negative events. [...]

(Very long pause at 8:20.) I want to go back in terms of continuity, and yet also for tonight’s purposes I want to stress the power of love’s expression in automatically combating such negative situations. [...]

(She talked about how a strong part of me had served as a catalyst in her own work and love, but this only made me wonder how I was to utilize those qualities in our relationship and work while ignoring all those other factors—mostly negative ones—that seemed to operate all the time. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 19, 1984 Joe Bumbalo tape steps pleasure

[...] We thought the tape contained a number of negative suggestions, though how one deals with physical troubles without sounding negative at times may be a problem in itself. [...]

TPS1 Session 474 April 9, 1969 hopelessness afraid solve bitterness problems

[...] Ruburt has been afraid, because of his background, to accept the negative aspects of your exterior circumstances. [...]

[...] Ruburt is only too aware of the fact that he pushed to leave Sayre, and that your circumstances afterward in Florida were negative. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

They constantly surround themselves with negative suggestions. [...]

[...] Yet if you pay attention to your own quite conscious thoughts, you will find that you are concentrating upon precisely those negative aspects that so appall you. [...]

[...] Now if you are in poor health, and have a physician, you had better continue going to him, because you still rely on that system of belief — but use these exercises as supplements to build up your own sense of inner health, and to protect you against any negative suggestions given by your doctor. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 26, 1979 static Framework tract urinary communication

[...] Remember, however, to concentrate now upon, say, Prentice’s failings are an exercise in negative meditation, in negative suggestion, so try, each of you, to avoid that. [...]

[...] That is highly important, for concentration upon negative experiences helped make you ill. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Tuesday Through Saturday softening Carroll Friday ambitious moveable

[...] On awakening could feel my eyes were bugging out and vision blurred some; Pat and Carroll came; I’m embarrassed to be seen walking as I do—worse Carroll comments on my eyes—throat—I’m mad at me and at her; instant poor mood, worry about eyes again—think worse things—make an effort to trust the physician within; tell myself to ignore negative suggestions—then return to natural data. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session January 18, 1971 trivial hopelessness fears anger evokes

Part of the reason is the negative input that you both are responsible for. With the negative and destructive attitudes you had before our sessions, you are both very lucky that you did not run into more difficulty.

Both of you however have a tendency to dig inward, and to concentrate upon negatives. [...]

[...] The condition is the result of unhealthy and negative patterns, mental patterns that the young adolescent body managed to cope with through the thyroid condition. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 23, 1980 animal platform curled excitement pets

[...] There is no need here to again outline the barrage of negative cultural beliefs with which indeed your civilization has an overabundance. [...]

You can learn much about your own body consciousness, and therefore to some extent about the natural man, by observing the behavior of your pets or other animals, and you can to some extent learn from their behavior, and therefore to some extent counteract any susceptibility to negative beliefs. [...]

[...] These negative beliefs are the ones we are trying to combat in our own work. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 28, 1978 disapproval garage plunger copout crisis

[...] At that point he immediately took it for granted, with a rush of self-disapproval, that this was a sign that he had learned nothing, and that his body was objecting to the whole idea of going out, and therefore challenging him—in other words, that his negative beliefs had risen to challenge new healthier attitudes.

[...] You both took it for granted, however, that despite what it seemed Ruburt might have learned lately, negative beliefs were rising in rebellion, and forcing a crisis that you then had to meet.

[...] You, of course, took it for granted as he did that this was an excellent example of the negative or still ignorant portions of the personality coming to the front, and this is what was responsible for your own somewhat ungallant behavior.

TES4 Session 173 July 28, 1965 Watts solution dream spirals actions

[...] Negative dreams tend to reinforce the negative aspects of the personality, helping to form vicious circles of unfortunate complications. [...]

I am speaking now of general circumstances, since there are occasions when negative actions seek expression quite legitimately, and without any danger to the personality involved. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

(As we talked about Seth’s statement, and decided we should concentrate upon beneficial things, Jane then wanted to know how this idea fits in with the importance of not repressing negative thoughts. [...]

[...] He shies away from this, fearing that it is negative, or that it will upset you and make him feel worse. [...]

TPS1 Session 580 (Deleted Portion) April 12, 1971 slowdown success tour fixing resentful

[...] Your attitude however was very negative. [...]

[...] Before that he felt that your negative feelings were largely directed against your parents. [...]

TPS1 Session 582 (Deleted Portion) April 19, 1971 Russell tension redirecting concentration pleasure

Living in the moment will automatically let some of these things take place, and will automatically, again, stop negative projections into the future; even a five-minute future.

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

[...] The newspaper world is, then, highly distorted, organized in such a manner that its data reinforce negative beliefs, and constantly give evidence only of negative patterns. [...]

If you do not understand this, then you will take your newspapers and other news unthinkingly, thinking that a fairly adequate picture of world events is being portrayed—a picture that only deepens the negative feelings that are behind the invisible organization of such data. [...]

TPS1 Session 377 (Deleted) November 6, 1967 success jealous virility caps castration

[...] You will be pinpointing those areas where negative interactions are involved.

(Long pause.) Ruburt has been adding to the strength of the negative influences of his past. [...]

The dream book was an attempt to try again, a desperate attempt for independence on his part to succeed in spite of the negative influences. (Pause.) He felt that you rejected it as a whole, and completely. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session February 10, 1971 success appalled pendulum furious succeed

[...] On a few occasions he found it negative early in the game, but any criticism later of his relationship with publishers was taken to be a symbol of an anger with him because of his books, period.

Releasing fears will allow new inspiration and optimism to emerge, to battle against any lingering negative aspects however. [...]

[...] You also inhibited your feelings, cut yourself off from Ruburt, retreated, and were negatively motivated. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 624, October 30, 1972 patient disease sound doctor beliefs

[...] This is not to say that the medical profession often is not of great aid and benefit, but within the value system in which it operates much of its positive influence is negated.

[...] That is why it is vital that you not reinforce these inner sounds through repeating the same negative suggestions to yourself. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

[...] My pendulum told me often that the teeth were responding to my negative projections that the two volumes of “Unknown”weren’t going to make much of an impression in the mundane world, no matter what we said or did.

[...] If you can think of your body as existing primarily in Framework 2, that might help you separate yourselves from negative beliefs connected with Framework 1, for by such a mental change of view you take the body out of that context.

TPS2 Deleted Session June 30, 1973 distractions youthful curtailment backslidings noise

[...] He always felt now, and work this out yourselves, that you focused upon the most negative aspects of his condition, and ignored any improvement as minute. [...]

When you talk about people being insane, and point out the negative aspects of the race, Ruburt becomes highly uncomfortable because to him this means he has to protect himself against them, and justifies his behavior. [...]

[...] In one respect Ruburt is quite correct: you believe it is safer to express your doubts and negative aspects then to express your enthusiasms or hopes.

[...] You can see where in many regards your beliefs jibed, interacted, and yet you have lately both concentrated on the negative aspects, and this is one of your difficulties. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

[...] Had you at the same moment instead thought, for example, about Prentice-Hall in a negative way, or about any other negative event of the past or probable future, you would have responded to an event that in an important way was not immediately a part of the facts of the natural world.

[...] When he becomes overly concerned with his symptoms, however, the same event occurs, the same process, but with negative results.

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