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The point I wanted to make is this—each thought is an electromagnetic reality on its own, a unique electromagnetic reality. Now, your thoughts create patterns in dimensions that you do not perceive. You become habitually able to think in certain patterns more than other patterns. Now, when you allow negative thoughts to predominate in your conscious mind you then become more open to the negative thoughts of others. You are given a natural protection but you weaken this protection when your conscious thoughts are negative. This not only happens in the waking state, but you also become more open in the dreaming state to telepathic communications from others of a negative pattern. It is you who open these channels through your thoughts, a sort of psychic contagion in which you are the agent. You not only attract negative conditions therefore in the physical world that you know, but you open yourselves up to these in the dream reality.
A negative thought alone would be followed by a more positive one. Remember what you were saying earlier about cycles. Thought patterns and emotional patterns, left alone, would change one into the other as stormy weather changes into sunny. It is only when strong negative patterns are allowed to flow unrestrained and indulged in so that they become a barrier holding back positive thoughts that you run into difficulty. You get into a habit and you do not realize that you have done so, where predominately your thoughts about yourselves and others are all negative with very few positive ones in between and then the positive ones have no chance to grow. This is where the difficulty comes in. I am not telling you to be so frightened of a negative thought that you want to run into a corner or hide under the bed or say “Oh, this is a negative thought, I must change it at once” and half-terrify yourselves to death. I am telling you that when you indulge in such thoughts for a period of time so that they become habitual then you must change them and no one can do this but yourself. There is no one else that has control over your own thought patterns and you would be very upset, indeed, if anyone else did.
As you all know, and this is not new, your pitiful body changes with each thought that you have and with each emotion. If you luxuriate in self-pity and feelings of chaos then you have yourselves to blame. There is no other place where you can lay the blame and it is up to you, to each of you individually, to watch the nature of your thoughts for with your thoughts you created the body that you have, the individual realities that you know. You create your little toe and your elbow and the pupil of your eye and your legs. When you allow your thoughts to run riot then your life runs riot. Now, there is no contradiction here with what I have said about spontaneity. When you have allowed negative habits, however, to take over, then somewhere you must draw the line for the negative habits knock away the discipline. The negative habits knock away even spontaneity for all thoughts of good will and health and vitality disappear beneath these thoughts that you are handing yourself every day like poison upon the spoon, whether the spoon be wooden or tarnished or silver. Now, this applies to everyone in the room to some extent or another, for there is no one that cannot stand improvement and this includes our friend Ruburt, but you do not understand yourselves or know yourselves. If you do not know your own thoughts, and if you cannot change them when you want to, you are not at the mercy of your thoughts.
Now, you can change this by changing the pattern of your thoughts. Not only do you attract like patterns when you are awake, but when you are asleep, so a vicious, vicious pattern is set up when you are negative. Your negative dreams, therefore, reinforce the waking pattern. Now, you will pick up with your physical senses precisely what you are interested in. If you are interested in disasters and looking for them, then telepathically you will also pick up disasters so that your dreams always seem negative and filled with foreboding. If, however, your conscious thought patterns are positive, then your dream patterns will also be the same.
Now you often projected negative thoughts, not being able to accept the items in the spirit in which they were given. [...] This is negative to begin with. [...] Your attitude was a rejecting one in general—that is, it was a reflection of a deeper pattern of negative thinking.
Remember that your present reality is the result of years of positive and negative thought patterns. It is good that you have begun to recognize some of your own negative attitudes, for it is highly important that you do so.
[...] You must therefore replace negative patterns with positive ones. As you know, the negative patterns bring results. [...]
This doesn’t mean that in the interim you allow every negative thought freedom however. [...] You have many negative patterns to conquer.
You do exaggerate the Prentice relationship negatively. There are negative aspects, but you concentrate upon them. You accuse Ruburt of never forgetting a thing that you said of a negative nature, but you hold all of Prentice’s errors in your mind, and so far refuse to concentrate upon any good in that relationship.
He is exhausted by the barrage of negative thoughts that you have recently exploded in the household. [...]
You are insisting that your negative ideas are reality. [...]
[...] You begin to concentrate upon the negative (underlined three times) aspects of the news in the paper. [...]
[...] To the field of negative matter, your positive matter would be termed negative. Obviously we have much material to cover, positive and negative. [...] You do not perceive the negative interval. [...]
Therefore, there is what I will call the negative interval, when one pulsation has vanished from your plane and another is about to take its place. Alone, each negative interval may be negligible, but taken en masse this adds up until there is as much negative matter as there is positive matter.
[...] Our negative intervals do indeed have something to do with antimatter, except that I prefer to call it negative matter. [...]
He can do this by employing the exercises that you mentioned, that will show him a daily improvement that will help break the negative image and prevent further negative projections. [...] All of these help break the negative projections, and are already proof physically of inside willingness that is then physically materialized for him to see—in terms of physical performance that he can judge.
[...] You can often help each other recognize negative attitudes or remarks of which the other is not consciously aware. This does not mean to emphasize the negatives, as you should understand by now.
[...] Ruburt has had his own negative attitudes about his illness to contend with, and often yours as well. [...]
This is caused by the culmination of negative suggestions and of negative thought. [...]
In poor periods he is almost completely vulnerable to negative suggestion, so that it operates through his own psychic and physical system. [...]
[...] When you find yourself facing such negative images in your mind and projecting them into the future, you should at once mentally wipe out that image and replace it with a constructive image, seeing yourself, for example, sitting in command of a well-ordered room.
He was frightened at the amount of negative thought that he encountered in himself, and recognized. Now you are not actively to seek out negative thoughts, but to find positive ones. [...]
[...] A negative thought gains in power to the extent that you fear it, and you had better underline that whole sentence. A better attitude is “Well, there is a negative thought, let’s get rid of it.” [...]
[...] If the negative mood persists a while he should not think “Oh now this will be reflected in symptoms, what can I do?” This adds more negative connotations.
[...] Minimize its importance, if necessary, rather than overstate a projected negative reaction to an already negative mood.
But more than this, the fact itself of belief cleanses the psychic and spiritual channels of negative debris. [...] When one managed an overall psychic change for the better, the other would negate it through discouragement or negative patterns. [...]
[...] When two individuals with strong negative thoughts are together, then their reality has strong negative aspects.
Remember that all of your behavior was not negative however, and give thanks for those abilities and accomplishments that are your own. [...]
Your trip (Sunday, April 13; we drove to Cortland, NY) was beneficial, but it was impeded by negative thoughts of Ruburt’s, and also to some degree by the fact that you pointed out his symptoms without reminding him that the inner self could and would minimize them. [...]
[...] To a large degree its own defense mechanisms protect it from the mind’s negative beliefs — at least to a large extent. [...] In those cases the body consciousness operates unimpeded by negative expectations or concepts.
(I also reminded Jane that we’d like a word from Seth on our negative-type dreams of the night before last, and which I’d described in yesterday’s session.)
When those negative considerations are multiplied, however, when they harden, so to speak, then they do indeed begin to diminish the body’s own natural capacity to heal itself, and to maintain that overall, priceless organization that should maintain it in a condition of excellent strength and vitality.
[...] Even then, however, the person involved has already begun to question such negative beliefs. [...]
For our guest: you should tell yourself frequently, “I will only react to constructive suggestions,” for this gives you some protection against your own negative thoughts and those of others. [...] A negative thought, if it is not erased, will almost certainly result in a negative situation, a momentary despondency, a headache, according to the original intensity of the thought.
There are obviously ways in which you can mold your own conditions, protect yourself from your own negative suggestions and those given to you by others. You must immediately erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.
[...] She told me that she’d had to counter negative suggestions given to her in hydro this morning by both Lottie and Georgia, relative to new bedsores breaking out beside the sits of old ones—in other words, she was always to have bedsores. [...]
Apropos Ruburt’s mention of the negative suggestions given this morning—remember, as I have said before, that the doctors and nurses are also the victims of such habits and behavior. [...]
[...] It is an excellent idea for Ruburt to mention such instances of negative suggestion to you, as he did today. [...]
(I asked her if she’d covered up any other such instances of negative suggestion as those she’d been given today, but she said she didn’t think so. [...]
[...] Now you know of positive and negative matter. There are also other kinds of matter forming other systems of reality, invisible to your eyes, as is negative matter.
Negative thoughts running rampant do cause infections. Negative suggestions however can also keep them going. [...]
[...] “Well, I don’t want to use negative suggestion, or ask this the wrong way; but I was wondering what Jane’s symptoms would be called medically.”)
If an annoying letter arrives and you react to it negatively, the negative quality preceded the letter and caused it to materialize in your system. [...] You broadcast the negative feelings, which were then picked up by whomever was ready to receive them, for their own purposes.
[...] A variety of poor or negative feelings, however, of fairly low intensity, can add up to a general negative emotional climate, which projects itself outward into physical reality.
These negative feelings will be translated in physical terms. [...]
[...] If you have difficulty imagining the deliberate destruction of the negative object, this is merely a sign of its hold. [...] If you are not ready to burn down the structure itself, imaginatively, then you are not prepared to rid yourself of the negative behavior, you see. [...]
[...] During break I had wondered, for instance, how long it would take to supplant a negative habit that had existed for say ten years, with a positive one.)
[...] Let the first house represent all negative ideas or constructions, and the new house represent the desired ideas or constructions. [...]
(Then Jane told me that she, too, had had a negative dream last night. [...] The woman told Jane that Jane had the same kind of facial skin that she had — with all of its negative suggestions.
[...] Truly, I added, it was the only way to get rid of all the basic negativity in the place. [...]
The self is indeed blessed, and just the reminder of that fact can often short-circuit negative beliefs, particularly if they are not too deep-seated.
[...] The doctor’s negative suggestions to her could have been involved.
(Pause at 10:22.) Here the belief itself will generate the negative emotions that will, indeed, bring about a physical or emotional illness. [...] Before long physical data bears out the negative belief; negative in that it is far less desirable than a concept of health.
[...] Instead, over a period of time you have been consciously entertaining negative beliefs that then generated the strong feelings of despondency.
(4:28.) We must also remember, however, that in a fashion beliefs themselves are tools, and that in some situations beliefs that seem quite negative can also clear the way for more beneficial ones. With all of this discussion of negative beliefs, therefore, it is a good idea not to call any beliefs bad or evil in themselves. [...] If you look upon them in that manner, you will avoid being overwhelmed by what seems to be an endless parade of negative thoughts and beliefs that can only lead to destruction. Instead, compare the negative beliefs, for example, with the storms that sweep the country: they have their purposes — and all in all those purposes tend to promote and support life itself.
The energy is then transformed in the dream universe, and again regenerated and used in the formation of the universe of negative matter, into which it seeps from the dream universe. Our discussions will have to thoroughly discuss the nature of the dream universe before we can hope to consider the universe of negative matter, but it will not hurt if you keep the above mentioned facts in mind.
I would like to speak concerning the parallel development of the universe of matter as you know it, the universe of negative matter, and what is truly the universe of dreams.
Both the dream universe and the universe of negative matter then, are by-products of the physical universe, in that they were formed as inward energy attempted to form itself in a physical way.
[...] I am going to quickly embark into the universe of negative matter, but briefly, only to show you the interwoven quality of existence; and how we will follow it in discussion.
All practical healing deals with the insertion of positive suggestions and the removal of negative ones. [...] In other words, they are literally implanted with positive suggestions, biologically nurtured, so to that extent it is true to say that in a certain fashion negative suggestions are unnatural, leading away from life’s primary goals. Negative suggestions could be compared to static sounding on an otherwise clear program.
People are not simply swung willy-nilly by one negative suggestion or another, however. [...]
In the past Ruburt helped you generate such negative ideas, but he has been making an attempt to combat them. [...]
[...] But I tell you that in each of these cases he was attempting to offset your negative attitude, and to use his abilities in the way he intuitively realized he could, to help matters.
[...] You negated them.