Results 581 to 600 of 1470 for stemmed:natur

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 624, October 30, 1972 patient disease sound doctor beliefs

[...] He studied dead tissue to discover the nature of the disease that killed it. [...]

The old medicine men often dealt far more directly with the patient himself, and understood the nature of beliefs and the prime importance of suggestion. [...]

[...] The facts are that you choose even the kind of illness that you have according to the nature of your beliefs. [...]

TES4 Session 188 September 15, 1965 astral downstairs Hagel Bob plastic

Dream images are indeed, in density, between the tangible nature of physical objects and the intangible reality that is entirely independent of physical matter. [...]

[...] For again there must be this connection between the nature of dreams and the matter of physical reality.

[...] He goes out with these portions of himself, but because of the nature of reality projections cannot be recalled.

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

You did not want the teeth to be bad—natural enough. [...]

[...] As long as you are dealing with Framework 1 only, there will seem to be no platform of an objective or subjective nature that will allow you to view reality in any other way than the way it appears to be. [...]

(The article about the psychologist creating his own reality, featuring his own mental deterioration, is in the latest issue of Human Nature magazine—November 1978. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 4, 1981 public exposure latest disclaimer books

[...] We have tried to go along with his pronouncements, but also have felt numerous misgivings, as may be quite natural.

[...] On the other hand, I’d taken it for granted that the way Seth had used current events in Mass Events had been quite natural and extremely informative, offering a much broader view of human affairs. [...]

[...] Perhaps if she attains a sense of inner peace and protection she will come to naturally make such choices; doing which will encourage her feeling of personal freedom and safety instead of threatening it.

[...] The nature of his gift generally speaking, however, presupposes or implies the existence of vast reaches in the psyche—reaches that if (pause) unwisely compared to the usual portions of the self, can seem to leave the usual self in a position of inferiority by contrast. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes from Session on July 4, 1977 anxiety physician wisdom prime breakfast

1. Emphasize present natural prime sense data, for relaxation from anxiety.

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

These abilities have manifested themselves in various ways, and he has often taken upon himself tasks also of a sacrificial nature. In past lives he never enjoyed the fleshy nature with which you Joseph, and Ruburt, and Mark were so outlandishly endowed. [...]

—laughing, I must say, in overwhelming mirth at this esthetic nature of its own personalities, that so often closes out joy and freedom, and the pleasures of nature on your plane.

[...] The esthetic nature inherent in Roarck’s personality will equip him to follow along very well. [...]

(For some time, trying to maintain a natural, pleasant waiting state, I had no results. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 511, January 21, 1970 delusion ghost book readers grown

I speak to those who believe in a god, and those who do not, to those who believe that science will find all answers as to the nature of reality, and to those who do not. I hope to give you clues that will enable you to study the nature of reality for yourself as you have never studied it before.

[...] You would be much better off in reading this book if you asked yourself who you are, rather than asked who I am, for you cannot understand what I am unless you understand the nature of personality and the characteristics of consciousness.

The nature of animal consciousness in itself is a highly interesting subject, and one that we will later consider. [...]

TES7 Session 317 February 6, 1967 Healy Blanche Price Ann Miss

[...] Ruburt will be more his natural and uninhibited intuitional self now. [...]

The stubborn part of his nature has been a characteristic of most of his past lives. [...]

[...] They are by nature confusing and distorted.

[...] The sexual charge was always used in transformed nature by Miss Price, and turned into the propelling action of many beneficial deeds, for she helped literally hundreds of students, forcing their best from them. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways

[...] There is a rhythm, again, to all existence, and so in your terms your species returned to its home planet, to renew its roots, refresh its natural stock, to return to nature, to find solace again amid the sweet ancient heritage of dusk and dawn.

Your stated universe emerged out of that kind of interval, emerging from a master event whose true nature remains uncaptured by your definitions—so there will be places in our book where I may say that an event known to you is true and untrue at the same time, or that it is both myth and fact. [...]

[...] These passageways are simply a part of the greater nature of events that you do not perceive.

UR2 Section 6: Session 733 January 27, 1975 massive jigsaw greed counterparts utter

[...] The properties of the earth are meant to lead you into the nature of the soul. [...] Nature as you understand it is meant to be your teacher. [...]

[...] You have maps of continents and oceans, and in the entire view each portion is like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, all fitting together perfectly, smoothly flowing into the natural structure of the world. [...]

[...] There are no real rules to be followed that will bring you into such an encounter with the present moment of reality — only a trust in the nature of your being. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 856, May 24, 1979 Watergate President idealized nuclear fanatic

[...] Now impulses, however, help you to develop events of natural power. [...] And as you will see, those impulses of a private nature are nevertheless also based upon the greater situation of the species and the planet, so that “ideally” the fulfillment of the individual would automatically lead to the better good of the species.

[...] He believed in an idealized good, while believing most firmly and simultaneously that man was fatally flawed (loudly), filled with evil, more naturally given to bad rather than good intent. [...]

(“As you learn to trust your natural impulses, they introduce you to your individual sense of power, so that you realize that your own actions do have meaning, that you do affect events, and that you can see some definite signs that you are achieving good ends. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 897, January 21, 1980 Billy David divine model weather

[...] And your beliefs to the contrary, you have closed your minds to man’s own cooperative nature, to his innate desire for fellowship, his natural bent for taking care of others, and (with elaborate, if gentle emphasis) for altruistic behavior. [...]

[...] Nothing exists isolate in nature, and to that extent the very existence of your universe presupposes the existence of others.

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Bernice predestination aristocratic slums justification

Now if you would each, for ten minutes a day, open yourselves to your own reality there would be no question of self-justification, for you would realize the miraculous nature of your own identity. [...]

[...] You cannot be threatened in this life by fears from your early childhood, or by so-called past existences, unless you so thoroughly believe in the nature of fear that you allow yourselves to be conquered by it. [...]

[...] You have in the past, collectively and individually, blamed a god or a fate for the nature of your personal realities — those aspects, indeed that you did not like.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 825, March 6, 1978 confounds Framework reason universe predisposed

[...] I put the word “good” in quotes for now because of your misconceptions about the nature of good and evil, which we will discuss somewhat later.2

[...] In other words, it deals with the concrete nature of ascertained events that are already facts in your world.

2. Jane and I are really looking forward to Seth’s material on man’s “misconceptions about the nature of good and evil.” [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 31, 1978 edifice steal security walking protect

[...] Often in your society you are afraid to hope for the best, because you have been taught so long that misfortune is in one way or another the natural course of events.

[...] Ruburt in particular, and you also, must understand that he can indeed recover normally, that he can indeed walk normally again—and moreover that normal walking is the body’s natural tendency—his body’s as well as anyone else’s.

You must realize that expression and not repression is the natural complement of creative abilities, and that in freeing his body, in encouraging physical mobility, he also encourages and frees his inspiration, his psychic awareness, and creativity.

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

[...] There is a member of the class — and (with obvious amusement) I will close my innocent eyes so that I do not give the secret away — but there is a class member who is indeed a fine Jesuit, handling problems of great weight, having to do with the nature of religion. [...] All of these counterparts are dealing with the nature of religion. [...]

[...] If you want to study the nature of religion and do a good job of it, then you must be among other things a skeptic and a believer, and an Indian and a Jew, say. [...]

[...] That implies another kind of multipersonhood, however, one actually allowing for the fulfillment of many abilities of various natures usually left unexpressed. [...]

[...] The individual would say, for example, “I am Joe, and Jane, and Jim, and Bob.”6 There are physical variations of a sexual nature, so that on all levels identity includes the male and female. [...]

TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue

The following basic subjects are necessary for an understanding of what we are trying to say, particularly for any practical application: the construction of physical matter; the psychological and electrical gestalt that results in the formation of a self; the nature of the dream universe; the electrical system, as it is related to both the physical universe and the inner psychic gestalt; the nature of action; mental enclosures; mental genes; and again, all of these subjects in relationship to their reality as action.

For, because you perceive reality in a limited fashion only, this in no way affects the basic nature of reality itself. [...] However, again, the ego’s attempt to stand apart from action in no way changes the basic nature of action itself, and the ego merely limits its own perception.

[...] Yet because of the nature of the personality, no dream exists in a vacuum, and every dream is recorded by the inner self. [...]

[...] When we divide action in order to discuss it, we in no way change the reality of action, nor alter its nature.

TES3 Session 88 September 16, 1964 layers secondary subconscious undifferentiated dominant

For one thing, there are basic similarities between an individual’s personality in various existences, so that quite naturally many associations of the same nature will arise.

This is entirely within Ruburt’s natural ability. [...]

[...] It was the outlet of creative writing, early adopted, that saved him from becoming a most rigid and frozen personality; and if he had adopted such a stonelike ego, then indeed he would now be in dangerous circumstances, since his strong creative nature would finally and disastrously have shattered the stone image.

[...] It is his inner ego which is intuitional and gives his critical ego the material from which his books are written; and I expect naturally that his ego, and yours, will critically appraise what we have done here, what we will do, and beyond doubt any suggestions to you that I might make. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 2, 1977 Superman Kent Clark anxiety congested

[...] They make multitudinous minute decisions at a much earlier age than is believed, as their own natures seek expression, and as those natures interact with the mental, emotional, and physical environment of the times in which they were born.

[...] When I say honor, I mean that it is futile to wish your natures were other than they are.

[...] What is the nature of the reality that lets this miracle occur?”

[...] Those relationships also represent, however, the most natural aspects, in certain regards, in which the self must rely upon that source that initially gave it life. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 2, 1978 Bryant Anita Zandt Dickie Rick

[...] The sun shines, the writer writes, the artist paints, the thinker thinks, the dreamer dreams, and each of you, whether you know it or not, naturally follow your own natures. [...] To express the joyful creature nature that is your own. [...]

[...] She makes each person question the nature of their own beliefs concerning sexuality. [...]

[...] Nature is luxurious. [...]

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