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[...] Yet [man] is to be the portion of nature that views itself with perspective. He is to be the part of nature that will specialize, again, in the self-conscious use of concepts. (Louder:) He will grow the flower of the intellect—a flower that must have its deep roots buried securely within the earth, and yet a flower that will send new psychic seeds outward, not only for itself but for the rest of nature, of which it is a part.
[...] He was gifted with strong clear instincts that were meant to lead him toward his own greatest development, to his own greatest fulfillment, in such a way that he also helped to bring about the highest potentials of all of the other species of consciousness (intently). His natural impulses were meant to provide inner directives that would guide him in just such a direction, so that he sought what was the best for himself and for others.
Following one’s own nature, therefore, would ideally lead to the greater fulfillment of the species and the world. [...]
These coincidences do indeed hint at another kind of organization, and throw a different perspective indeed on the nature of events. [...]
Ruburt’s desire to walk properly and see normally is his own, yet it is also the desire of that greater nature from which his existence springs. [...]
[...] For instance intuitively you have always felt a unity with nature, yet at the same time you distrusted what could not be proven in material terms. You had a natural affinity with things behind nature, that is you sensed the spirit of nature, and at the same time you had a tendency to distrust what you could not actually see, smell or touch.
[...] Your love of nature, Joseph, and Ruburt your love of nature, is another method of dissociation, or can be if you use it as such.
In normal terms in life, while the conditions for life are given, the nature of physical time means that practically speaking life will be full of surprises, for in usual terms you do not know what will happen tomorrow. [...]
[...] He became divided, seeing these as opposing tendencies in his personality, rather than as complementary ones that quite naturally met in his personality, so one was set against the other. [...]
[...] It also means the natural aggression of motion.
[...] He was examining beliefs, expressing aggressions naturally, and freeing his spontaneity. [...]
Now these emanations arise as naturally as breath, and there are other comparisons that can be made, in that there is a coming in and a going out, and transformation within the unit, as what is taken into the lungs for, example is not the same thing that leaves the lung on the exhale stroke.
Being just beyond the range of matter, having a structure, but a nonphysical structure, and being of a pulsating nature, they can expand or contract. [...]
Intensity not only governs their activity and size, but the relative strength of their magnetic nature. [...]
[...] They form, their nature is behind, what is commonly known as air, and they use this to move through. [...]
[...] Let me briefly continue that early Seth material here: “In drawing up his list of so-called natural laws, I have said (in the 16th session) that man decided that what appeared to be cause and effect to him was, therefore, a natural law of the universe. [...]
Much of “Unknown” Reality is involved with the breaking up of theories that have been long accepted, but that prevent you from perceiving the powerful nature of those absent portions of the self. [...]
The animals were also accepted in this natural philosophy of selfhood as the individual plainly saw the living quality of consciousness. [...]
3. Seth packed a lot of information into the short 689th session for Volume 1. He discussed the innumerable experiments of consciousness with animal-man and man-animal forms; the great communication between man and animal in ancient times, and the deep rapport of both with their natural heritage; psychic and biological blueprints and cellular precognition; the growth of man’s ego consciousness; the beginnings of our god concepts and mythology; and more.
[...] Besides this, in an odd fashion, they lack a certain specific nature, as I will shortly explain, and there are too many of them by far to be handled at one session. [...] I want to stress the purposes they have served, and their general nature and so forth did help to bring up a variety of important issues. [...]
[...] There are times, according to the changes occurring, when naturally it would not walk, say, for a good part of the day, and often left alone, it might suddenly want to exercise new positions. [...]
So for now I simply suggest that Ruburt walk gently three or four times a day to whatever degree seems natural at the time. [...]
After breakfast, use the pendulum to insert positive suggestions of a specific nature—not about the world, but psychological supports and directions for the specific day. [...]
[...] (Pause.) In a way, some disease states help to insure the survival of the species — not by weeding out the sickly but by introducing into large numbers of individuals the conditions needed to stabilize other strains within the species that need to be checked, or to “naturally inoculate” the species against a sensed greater danger.
[...] It was the nature of man’s dreams, however, that was largely responsible for what you like to think of as the evolution of your species. [...]
[...] It was the nature of your dreams, and your dreams’ creativity, that made you what you are, for otherwise you would have developed a mechanical-like language — had you developed one at all — that named designations, locations, and dealt with the most simple, objective reality: “I walked there. [...]
[...] Most of your inventions came in dreams, and, again, it is the nature of your dreams that makes you so different from other species.
[...] Dr. S. also described a couple of drugs—penicillin being one—that was used to reduce the clotting ability of the blood—and also reduced the body’s natural defenses.
Many conflicts naturally begin to resolve themselves in your relationship as you handle Ruburt’s changing conditions. [...]
[...] I will have more on this later if you want it, but I have given you the pertinent material that I hope will ease Ruburt’s condition now, while also paving the way for healing experiences, (long pause), healing experiences that will happen indeed almost magically (intently) as Ruburt relaxes and allows his natural motion to express itself more and more.
I bid you then a fond good evening, and more effortless, gentle encounters with the natures of your own beings. [...]
[...] There are, then, “spirits” of all natural things — but unfortunately, even when you consider such possibilities you project your own religious ideas of good and evil upon them. [...] Instead, you should think of them as different kinds or orders of species that are connected with all natural living things.
[...] Again, on deep biological levels beneath normal consciousness, and on psychic levels above normal consciousness, you are aware of the integrity of your being — but also of your great connection, while living in flesh, with the natural environment of time and space. The earth-god concept can be consciously used, but only to your greatest advantage if you understand the purposes of your conscious mind and its relationship with your biological nature.
[...] Beliefs of like nature attract each other, for you are bound to look for consistencies in your behavior and experience.
Now, dictation: Not long ago Ruburt was presented with a demonstration embodying the nature and power of beliefs.
There are purposes not nearly as easy to describe, however, intents of a psychological nature, yearnings toward satisfactions not so easily categorized. Man experiences ambitions, desires, likes and dislikes of a highly emotional nature — and at the same time he has intellectual beliefs about himself, his feelings, and the world. [...]
(9:40.) When you simply want to reach a destination in space, there are maps to explain the nature of the land and waterways. [...]
It is very difficult to try to explain the nature of any event, or the ways in which any given specific mental attitude can release or inhibit the expression of any given series of events. [...]
(10.30.) I hope to give you more sessions on the nature of events, in a package, so to speak, though Ruburt will have to be at his best since the concepts are so difficult verbally.
[...] I can perceive your objects as objects, or not—but the true nature of reality must come from a study of consciousness.
[...] In sleep, however, many dreams are of a telepathic nature, with strong clairvoyant overtones. [It is the ego’s persistent discrimination in choosing the stimuli to which it will react that determines the nature of physical time as it appears to the personality.] The ego, because of its function and characteristics, cannot make swift decisions as can the intuitive self. [...]
I was disappointed, naturally, but again I sent the dream manuscript out; this time to Prentice-Hall, on April 2, 1968. [...]
[...] But in order to answer this question, Seth considers it along with the nature of time and probable events.
It is natural enough in your situation to have blue periods now and then.
* In Jane/Seth’s The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, which was published in 1981, I wrote: “Seth maintains that Framework 2, or inner reality, contains the creative source from which we form all events, and that by the proper focusing of attention we can draw from that vast subjective medium everything we need for a constructive, positive life in Framework 1, or physical reality.” [...]
3. Among others in The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book, see Chapter 9: Seth discusses the state of grace, natural guilt, artificial guilt, and related subjects.
[...] In a fashion the form also represented the innocent and powerful inner self, or spontaneous self, or naturally magical self—the terms are synonymous.
Ruburt knew that Helper could be sent out to others, to their advantage, and in that regard the form stood for the great power of natural, positive desire and thought patterns. [...]
[...] Value fulfillment means that each individual, each entity, of whatever nature, spontaneously, automatically seeks those conditions that are suited to its own fulfillment, and to the fulfillment of others.
Your love is large enough for each other to withstand any natural expression of aggression or resentment on either of your parts, as mentioned earlier. [...]
[...] Looking back, our meeting and getting together seemed the most natural and inevitable things in the world; how could I improve upon that? [...]
(8:03.) Your joint love for each other is highly important precisely because you do work in such solitary fashions, and because the bent of your minds does not lead to a natural give-and-take with an emotionally friendly group of nearby colleagues. [...]
[...] This does not mean there cannot be discussion, or decisions made about seeking help from others, or whatever, but that the idea of a crisis situation aggravates the very natural feelings (long pause) that are present and unfortunately exaggerated in the entire situation. [...]
[...] This was followed by a discussion of the data Seth introduced in last week’s class session, concerning the pulsating nature of atoms and molecules — and this in turn led to the consideration of possible origins for the so-called flying saucer phenomena.)