Results 721 to 740 of 1470 for stemmed:natur
The nature of that consideration will show itself as a natural result of the psychological events now occurring. [...]
(Long pause.) The more stimuli, thoughts, desires and material of a diverse nature brought into the system—within reason—the greater the amount of material the inner self has to work with and put together in its own creative fashions—but do remember those sessions given that remind Ruburt that his body can indeed recover, that he can indeed trust his body’s processes, and that he should not compare his life with anyone else’s, but trust in the entire fabric of his existence, and you indeed should trust the entire fabric of your own. [...]
[...] (Smile.) And look even further: what is the nature of one who can ask such a question?
I do not know art, but I understand the nature of perception within your system, and I understand what you are trying to do and such hints as I can give you can also be applied to other areas. [...]
—and so I set myself to learn what I can about its nature, in order to help you.
(At supper time this evening I explained a few problems of a technical nature, connected with my painting, to Jane. [...]
This exercise alone will open your perceptions, increase your awareness and automatically expand your appreciation of your own nature.
[...] Many of the suggested small exercises given earlier in the book will also help you become acquainted with your own reality, will give you direct experience with the nature of your own soul or entity, and will put you in contact with those portions of your being from which your own vitality springs. [...]
[...] Because of the timid nature of these [Lumanian] people, they did not enjoy outpost existence, and only the bravest and most confident of them were given such an assignment, which was temporary to begin with.
[...] The natives of the area, using such caves for natural shelter, could therefore be observed without danger. [...]
[...] For this reason there was an easy distinction between what was called inner sight and outer sight, and it was quite natural for them to close their eyes when seated in conversation in order to communicate more clearly, enjoying the ever-changing and immediate inner images that accompanied any verbal interchange.
[...] The very nature of some would be frightening to you. Your paintings are a creation, and yet by their nature they are limitations. [...]
My instructions concerning projection should tell you a good deal about the true nature of the self.
[...] Now this kind of projection, this extension of identity, is the true nature and the creative aspect of aggression. [...]
[...] There is no basic moral problem then when you consider the true nature of aggression, for it is highly creative, and without destruction there would be no existence. [...]
[...] Because these stations all operate within the same psyche or supernatural radio, the overall quality of the programs will have much to do with the nature of the psyche itself. [...]
From the point of view of the perceiver these would be unofficial events, and yet they could serve as important clues to the nature of reality. [...]
[...] Studying yourself and the nature of your own consciousness, then, will automatically lead you to some extent to an understanding of the “unknown” reality. [...]
Such journeys take you through the nature of the psyche itself, as well as to those other realities that exist as the result of the psyche’s concentration within particular frequencies.
Now, involving the performance on Ruburt’s part this evening, we have here once more another example of the nature in which action is changed by itself. For indeed, as it was possible for Ruburt to some slight degree to allow her friend to speak, nevertheless the action involved in the whole situation nevertheless changed not only Ruburt, but also necessarily changed her Father Trainor, in that any action of its own nature can never remain the same.
I want here, Joseph, to make one note for our own benefit, that should be included with our material on the nature of action, if indeed our two visitors will for a moment forgive me. [...]
Not only that, it is simply a fact that your scientists will indeed discover, and no misty, magical superstition, that consciousness, of itself and because of its nature, forms physical matter. [...]
If indeed it is understood that this personality, as with many personalities, has been materialized in feminine form, then these perfectly natural dependent feelings are found to be merely residues from previous personality patterns. [...]
Paul also represented the militant nature of man, that had to be taken into consideration in line with man’s development at the time. That militant quality in man will completely change its nature, and be dispensed with as you know it, when the next Christ personality emerges. [...]
[...] And yet it may seem to him that he does know, for the nature of a dogma’s origin will be explained in terms that this main character can understand. [...]
(10:27.) In the next century, the inner nature of man, with these developments, will free itself from many constraints that have bound it. [...]
[...] There will be many who will be afraid to accept the nature of their own reality, or to be shown the dimensions of true identity.
Atoms perceive their own positions, their velocities, motions, the nature of their surroundings, the material that they compose. [...]
The universe is the natural extension of divine creativity and intent, lovingly formed from the inside out (underlined)—so there was consciousness before there was matter, and not the other way around.
That kind of an event simply cannot fit into your concepts of “the beginning of the world,” with consciousness arising out of matter almost as a second thought, or with an exteriorized God initiating a divine but mechanistic natural world.
I am not here specifically blaming Christianity, for far before its emergence, your ideas (underlined) and beliefs about good and evil [were] far more important in all matters regarding the species than any simple questions of genetic variances, natural selection, or environmental influence. In man’s case, at least, the selection of who should live or die was often anything but natural. [...]
[...] He gave it in the 832nd session for Chapter 5 of Mass Events (on January 29, 1979), and I quoted it in the Preliminary Notes to the Preface for Dreams: “Nature in all of its varieties is so richly encountered by the animals….”
[...] Frank, who was expected at noon, did not come until later, because unconsciously he was also aware that something of that nature was occurring. [...]
[...] When you really believe disapproval to be a virtue, and you believe in virtue, then you obviously find yourselves in a position where the more you disapprove of yourself the better person you think you are—a contradiction of the most insidious nature, for how can you approve of a self you disapprove of?
[...] You both had exaggerated ideas, or distorted ones, about the nature of creativity, and about people who were creative, and you considered yourselves rightly as creative people.
[...] As they surface they show the universe in a new light by the very nature of their relationships. [...]
[...] Then the cordella changes its nature, becomes another new emerging group of relationships, another lens in other words. [...]
It builds up from feelings that are by their nature denied clear expression through the specific but therefore limiting alphabet systems. (Pause at 11:06.) It allows the perceiver to face experience much more closely, and once having done this to some extent he is free in other areas also. [...]
[...] You will, however, emphasize one certain quality above all others — your athletic nature, your spiritual bent, whatever it may be.
[...] When you understand the nature of reality and your part in forming it, then you can no longer look to others to solve your problems for you, and you realize that your own beliefs are the rich creative elements that you yourself must mix and match. [...]
[...] This also happens frequently in the dream state, when you allow your natural creativity so much freedom. [...]
[...] That association was what had prevented its natural motion and expansion earlier.