Results 41 to 60 of 565 for stemmed:motion

TPS3 Sunday, August 14, 1977 Notes vet protrude prognosis Lords sunday

[...] Anyhow—by Sunday evening the whole head, neck, eye, ear, area quite improved in motion; moves faster, those ligaments more resilient, and the motion though restricted, I’d say, near normal. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 13, 1983 Magnum Lorrie shoulder artwork p.i

[...] While I wrote some letters she started some head and shoulder motions off the bed, making noises and other cries. Then a faster side-to-side motion, twisting back and forth. [...]

[...] Within the next few minutes Jane executed more of the same motions, and a general overall movement of her body. When I came back from going to the john she said she even kept up her motions “in miniature” while I was gone. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1982 Roe bedsores Peggy nurse Kardon

[...] You do not have to pretend they are not there, but know that the increased motion, and new psychic motion, will take care of the situation. [...]

The returning motion and energy that is released will automatically take care of the condition—and watch yourselves with your nurse’s mention of the bedsore episodes. [...]

(Long pause.) Increased motion at certain stages can also be interpreted as irritation—a stage that quickly passes. [...]

TPS1 Session 372 (Deleted) October 16, 1967 rage father mother shell catharsis

Once more: Ruburt begins to realize he can have full freedom of motion, without feeling that he will be forced to run away. He has a choice of motion now. He can stay and face a situation through, and have full freedom of motion. He will not use motion in a cowardly manner, as he feared. He can also use freedom of motion to help.

[...] He is able however, now, to face realities, allow himself motion, and not fear that motion will automatically mean cowardly flight.

TPS3 Tuesday, August 9, 1977 Notes McClure Bob ligaments knee symphony

[...] Last PM in bed left cheek jaw (bone?) opened much further —(same now); a further motion of neck ligaments to shoulders/arms. Also a large (ligament?) in front of right leg by knee is gaining motion.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 4, 1984 spontaneous compulsive impulses maple processes

[...] Your thinking, breathing, and motion are all guided by activities that are largely unconscious — at least from the standpoint of what you usually think of as the conscious mind.

[...] Spontaneity is particularly important in the actions of children, and in the natural rhythmic motion of their limbs. [...]

[...] Spontaneity, however, represents the spirit of life itself, and it is the basis for the will to live, and for those impulses that stimulate action, motion, and discovery.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 10, 1977 ligaments distractions bodily artillery nerves

[...] Ruburt was not aware of it, specifically, as he began to limit, say, the range of the eyes’ motions, for that happened inconspicuously enough as the head motions were restricted. [...]

The eyes themselves are moving somewhat more spontaneously, though their motions sometimes are not synchronized, causing at the edges of vision the odd motion of images.

[...] They are bound to cause certain sensations, unfamiliar feelings, unsynchronized motions. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 19, 1983 lunch shoulders straighten hydro foot

[...] She made some motions with her head and shoulders off the bed, side to side, with noises and harder breathing. [...]

[...] Jane’s body most definitely seems to be concentrating on its upper half, as it did yesterday, with only light motions in a leg or foot, say. [...]

[...] He could feel it try to straighten itself out further, and in doing so motions necessary for normal walking began to activate. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 17, 1983 denture pretty shoulders subdued Sharon

(At 3:19 she began a few subdued motions of her left foot as I worked with mail. [...]

[...] More of the same motions. [...]

[...] But her head started moving, and she started in on some stronger motions, head going from side to side, breathing much noisier, grunts and groans. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Wednesday July 6, 1977 wheels circles alot hardboiled wipers

[...] They begin around the back of my right ear like tiny circles suddenly turning; or clock wheels that had been wound too tightly, being released; then the motion spreads out in concentric circles, up to the right eye, and down to the right jaw. [...] And there’s the feeling of circular ripples from the small wheels, going all the way down to the right foot and toes; and with this, the feeling that these small wheels, circles, or clock-works have been too tight; constricted; and that these in the head are the “master ones” and as they release, motion is being restored to some degree all over. [...]

TPS3 Session 699 (Deleted Portion) May 22, 1974 muscles regaining soreness released legs

The same applies to the arms, where certain motions will seemingly be easy suddenly, while others will appear difficult. [...] Then in their own fashion they begin their natural motions.

[...] When he feels like motion, as tonight in the parking area, that is the correct thing to do. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 22, 1977 solitude rejection hurt deposits squandering

[...] He is not moving that fast bodily, but his eyes are newly accustomed to faster motion. Earlier, the eyes’ motion fit the bodily stance. [...] The eyes, therefore, have become unsynchronized in that regard, and are learning more natural motion. [...]

You each saw a program about animal motion. [...] As he changes his motions they will acclimate. [...]

[...] Actually, the ligaments jerk as they attempt new motions. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 15, 1984 faltering Gaye Webster Gym flexes

[...] Jane went through the motions of smiling into the mirror, after she’d put on lipstick. [...]

It is an excellent idea for Ruburt to tell his arms and legs that it is perfectly safe for them to straighten out, to stretch and flex, and to use their normal capacity for motion. [...]

The rapid changes in the eye motions demonstrate the rapidity of muscular action and reaction that takes place in all other portions of the body as well.

TES6 Session 277 August 3, 1966 projections blunders control environment future

[...] It has motion. This motion follows certain laws which we will not discuss at this time.

[...] Now it is this that may carry you to other systems, though the word carry seems to imply a motion backward or forward. The motion may feel backward or forward, but instead there is an immersion into various depths.

[...] Perhaps as a barrier to your own motion, or perhaps as a propelling agent, over which you have little control. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

(She did some side-to-side motions with her head and shoulders, with noises and grunts and groans. [...] Some of her motions were a bit stronger, but not violent by any means today. She did come through with some good head motions, rotating around in a circle in one direction, then reversing it. [...]

[...] Then head and shoulders, pretty fair motion. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

(At 3:40 Jane began a series of foot motions. [...] Her head and shoulder moved actively sideways—good motions, with her left leg pumping up and down. [...]

[...] Her right foot moved in sympathetic motion, too. [...]

[...] Right after the session Jane initiated more leg motions. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 22, 1982 blood Dr finger clot Persantine

[...] And I really feel that according to whatever terms we want to use, this is God’s great motion, moving and supporting me. [...] But I could sense that motion, and can now, rather than just intellectually say the words. [...]

[...] She’s had added motion in her arms and elbows and wrists especially, and these are related to the finger blockage, she maintained. [...]

[...] And I felt the same thing happening down toward the arms, and that there was one long tube in particular in my left arm that had been bent and twisted, like a portion of a rubber hose —and that also had to do with the release of wrist and elbow motion, and that that was releasing, getting straighter and unbending. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 803, May 2, 1977 chair sculptor die disasters patterns

The differences in motion are so divergent that to you the chair, like your body, appears permanent. The atoms and molecules, like the children, enjoy their motion — solidly sketched in space from your perspective, however, with no “idea” that you consider that motion a chair, or so use it.

[...] In that game they enjoy the motion of their bodies, but they do not identify with those swirling circles. The atoms and molecules that make up a chair play a different kind of ring-around-the-rosy, and are involved in constant motion, forming a certain pattern that you perceive as a chair.

[...] This mental or psychic — or in any case nonphysical — environment is ever in a state of flux and motion. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

[...] I rubbed various spots on Jane’s neck and head—got good results with motions. [...]

[...] More head motions. [...]

[...] The motions Jane has done today have been about average for her now for some time. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 28, 1983 cake Iran Afghanistan exciting elbow

[...] She followed these motions with some gentle head and shoulder movements. [...]

[...] Not only that, I told her, but the motions looked easier for her. [...]

[...] Jane kept making shoulder motions. [...]

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