Results 41 to 60 of 78 for stemmed:misunderstand

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

[...] Your purposes and the purposes of the three publishers all mix and merge, with unconscious knowledge of the importance of the books, and the ways in which they are to be presented—not that there won’t also be some “natural” misunderstandings here and there, also.

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

A young man can misuse and misunderstand his own abilities if they are stronger than the other personality frameworks that compose his identity. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 1, 1981 Werner Jim Adams muscular difficulties

[...] In all of this, however, thoughts of self-accusation simply must be avoided as much as possible, for to a good degree in one way or another such activities and misunderstandings are behind any illness, and Ruburt is hardly to single himself out in any one area as being more stupid than anyone else. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 636, January 29, 1973 grace guilt conscience punishment violation

[...] Conscience, as you think of it, is caused by a dilemma and a misunderstanding of the conditions set upon your physical existence. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session December 6, 1971 disappointment emotional interaction inhibition relationship

You would do far better by trying to bring these out into the open on your own parts and encourage them on the part of your mate; the angers or aggressions or misunderstandings, when you let them out and discuss them and feel them. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

[...] Destruction, you see, in your terms (underlined twice), presupposes a misunderstanding of life to begin with.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 11, 1981 Tam Prentice editors competent taxes

[...] He valued the relationship with Prentice (long pause), and he valued the idea of distributing the books in foreign lands, even if that venture meant misunderstandings or quite deliberate translations such as the shortening of one book, feeling that Prentice, while negligent, was not deliberately negligent, and that the situation would be righted and the material restored. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 902, February 20, 1980 Bible Abraham ship age Noah

(Four months ago I wrote in Note 1 for Session 885 that through a series of misunderstandings the people at Ankh-Hermes, a publishing company in Holland, had violated their contract with Prentice-Hall by issuing a condensed translation of Seth Speaks. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

(I should note that Jane seems to misunderstand my attitude here: the aim is not to use halting work on Seth’s latest book as a curative device, but to at least keep things from getting any worse. [...]

TES2 Session 85 September 7, 1964 Watts Borst Frank gallery directorship

[...] As it is there will be misunderstandings that could have been avoided.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 17, 1977 Framework paperback detailed operate suggestions

The two of you often misunderstand your patterns of behavior in that regard, for they operate at many levels of your lives. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 628, November 15, 1972 Augustus Two contradictory powerlessness beliefs

[...] At the same time he let his conscious mind wander, and to compensate saw himself as all-powerful, contemptuous of his fellow human beings, and able to work greater vengeance upon them for their misunderstanding of him. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session October 20, 1975 unsafe Bantam realistic Pocket safe

[...] There’s no need to go into all the complicated details here; it’s enough to say that the photos Bantam used in Seth Speaks were involved, especially the cover shot of Jane; as well as bids for Oversoul Seven between Pocket Books and Bantam; Jane’s fears that she’d end up committed for two more Seven books she hasn’t written yet; and various misunderstandings concerning ethics, expired option, and an offer to Jane to go to work for Simon & Schuster-Pocket Books, and to take Tam with her.

TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964 matter permanent properties deterioration growth

[...] This material should be as precisely put as possible, so that no misunderstandings can arise.

NoME Introduction by Jane Roberts impulses ourselves disclosures Introduction our

[...] And finally I began to understand: Our normal impulses are heroic, despite our misunderstanding of them. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 2. 1981 fiction writer novels public recognition

[...] Each one flying in the face of one kind of conventional misunderstanding or another. [...]

TMA Session One August 6, 1980 rational assembly magical approach measurements

Important misunderstandings involving time have been in a large measure responsible for many of Ruburt’s difficulties, and also of your own, though they have been of a lesser nature. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

Your black-and-white beliefs have often led you both to either expect scorn, misunderstanding, or on the other hand to expect too much of others who come here. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972 beliefs tongue yourself false flesh

[...] These unconscious portions of your being operate amazingly well, frequently despite the greatest misunderstanding on your part of their nature and function, and in the face of strong interference from you because of your beliefs.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 633, January 17, 1973 Augustus sirens thoughts perfect denied

[...] Trying to be perfect all the time can be far more than a nuisance: It can be disastrous because of your misunderstanding.

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