Results 1 to 20 of 38 for stemmed:marketplac

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

Now (to me): You are creative, but you are a male — and one part of you considered creativity a feminine-like characteristic. If it were tied to moneymaking, as it once was, then painting became also powermaking, and hence acceptable to your American malehood; and I am quite aware of the fact that by the standards of your times both of you were quite liberal, more the pity. You would not take your art to the marketplace after you left commercial work, because then, in a manner of speaking, now, understand, you considered that the act of a prostitute — for your “feminine feelings” that you felt produced the paintings would then be sold for the sake of “the male’s role as provider and bringer of power.”

(She laughed. “You’re so strange. Here you won’t go to the marketplace, but you think of saving all of these private sessions for posterity, to give them to the world some day. You’re very close-mouthed: You don’t blab our personal business, but you’d do that…. Instead, I see us when I’m 80 and you’re 90, out in the back yard, burning it all.”

(Yet she easily agreed that this evening’s session, whether private or not, cast much light on the Seth material as a whole, adding depths of understanding and background information. And, incidentally, in spite of my feelings about the marketplace, I’ve sold a number of paintings over the years…. )

TPS7 Deleted Session December 4, 1983 Phyllis cream knuckles healing rinse

An excellent dream, in which the paintings stand for paintings—but also show that the fruit of your other endeavors will do well in the marketplace—that the marketplace will reward you—and that also includes the insurance situation. [...]

TPS2 Session 632 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1973 sell financial marketplace Nebene eat

He feels that you are not satisfied with your work, and so will not try to sell it in the marketplace, while he must sell his work in the marketplace. [...]

[...] Oddly enough, I am sure that my work will end up very successful, both as art and in the marketplace. [...]

TPS5 Session 853 (Deleted) May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity connotations prostitute

[...] You would not take your art to the marketplace after you left commercial work, because then, in a manner of speaking now, understand, you considered that the act of a prostitute, for your “feminine feelings” that you felt produced the painting would then be sold for the sake of “the male’s role as provider and bringer of power.”

[...] “Here you won’t go to the marketplace, but you think of saving all of these private sessions for posterity, to give them to the world. [...]

TES9 Session 495 August 13, 1969 glaze figure sell entrust character

[...] You have a deep distrust of the marketplace. [...]

[...] And if you want to, you will take them to the best-known marketplace. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] He enjoys the easy commerce of the marketplace, the unpredictability of being a contractor.

(9:16.) He likes the farmer image, but he is afraid that being a farmer would cut him off from the commerce with the marketplace that he now enjoys, and the hearty comradeship. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

[...] Treatment in the marketplace, or in society, often shows great divergence from that stated national ideal. [...]

[...] Instead it settled for platitudes that equated cleanliness (pause) with virtue — hence, of course, your deodorant advertisements, and many other aspects of the marketplace (amused).

TPS5 Session 846 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1979 side supermarket prominence exotic instincts

[...] You are at her side, and the supermarket stands for the marketplace.

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 295 October 19, 1966 loaf bread Grenada motorcycle snorkeling

A strange marketplace that does not sell vegetables.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 16, 1978 conspired knowledge search promise unneeded

You were gifted enough so that you would not starve in the marketplace (humorously)—and yet your gifts were also those that would fit in with your overall purposes of obtaining knowledge of the inner workings of nature, and the psyche. [...]

TPS3 Session 755 (Deleted Portion) September 8, 1975 recovery wisdom subsidiary craftsmanship gradually

[...] And determined that he would try to circumvent it—hence your sketches in Dialogues; for despite your avid and determined dislike of the marketplace and its imperfections, of which he is more aware than you think, he thought that he would still see to it that your talent was placed to some extent at least before the world —rail as you would against the stupidities and poor craftsmanship. [...]

NotP Chapter 5: Session 774, May 3, 1976 love sexual submission devotion glance

[...] You are also obsessed with sexual behavior when you proclaim its merits in an exaggerated fashion from the marketplace. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 impart transmit solve am community

As old friends occasionally meet at the marketplace, so old friends have a habit of meeting here. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 14, 1978 solve compounds defects perfectionism problem

[...] You did not want buyers around, and you did not want the marketplace, and you wanted to progress at your own sweet rate—as you are. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 896, January 16, 1980 suffering adults sick deadening pain

[...] I’ve recorded six of those long and complicated dreams, set in my hometown, since December 22; in them I explored my various, sometimes contradictory beliefs about writing and painting, my relationships with society and the marketplace, and with my [deceased] father as he represented certain other beliefs. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 24, 1973 reactivated financial disciplinary he criticize

There was some resentment against you, for he could not accept what he considered as a sacrifice on your part in jobs throughout your life, and yet he was angry because you would not do, he thought, what he had done—try to do your creative best, and then force the marketplace to take it. [...]

TES7 Session 295 October 19, 1966 stilts recommendations memory rna charges

[...] A strange marketplace that does not sell vegetables. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 29, 1979 Enquirer Mitzi abilities sperm nosing

(Pause.) You could not treat your paintings as products in the marketplace. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 700 May 29, 1974 science chaos Wonderworks art scientist

[...] In a completely different context, they are quite as used as any city or marketplace in the physical world. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

The paperbacks are important, regardless of sales values, because they appear in the ordinary marketplace, out of esoteric cubbyholes. [...]

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