Results 861 to 880 of 1249 for stemmed:live

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

[...] Here your simple spider is using his sixth sense, for these senses are the latent property of other living things, and not restricted to mankind.

The tissue capsule of which I have spoken earlier surrounds every living consciousness. [...]

[...] No living consciousness exists on any plane without this tissue capsule enclosing it.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1981 Sinful raccoons rope fireplace slackened

[...] As I turned on a couple of additional lights in the living room, to see to write by, our friends in the fireplace began to sound off —adding a new sort of whistling or crying sound—and Jane made what may be a good point: light may leak past the closed damper enough that the raccoons respond to that stimulus. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 9, 1973 Eleanor Rich pendulum Bed lesser

[...] Jane took a nap while I finished cleaning up the living room.

TES5 Session 210 November 22, 1965 Helen test envelope husband primary

[...] I should note here that Marian and Helen left us at 8:55, and that Helen lives just a block from us.)

[...] They are on their way, or rather, have just arrived at the home of the woman who lives in this town. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 2, 1976 Andrija resiliency teeth indispositions lapses

The gentleman who wrote you from Canada (Vincent Vycinas)—the writer—is living out his cultural agony. [...]

[...] You live in a cultural world. [...]

TPS1 Session 208 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1965 envy penis faltered itch envious

[...] He likes to think that under different circumstances he could live as you live. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 secrets Joel vulnerable Ron divulge

([Ron:] “You asked us about the meaning of our own lives. [...]

[...] I was quite a pious old man and woman in many of those lives and completely forgot or justified the errors in course of my youth. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 728 January 8, 1975 ledge season mountain violets born

Instead, you are not only reading but writing many such books of living experience, that represent existences. [...]

You must begin any study from your own viewpoint, from your own ledge, but your personal living experience is always the main source of information. [...]

TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965 impeding action crosscurrents flow jazz

[...] Jane and I attended a jazz mass presented by Joe Masters in the Presbyterian Church, in Horseheads, just north of Elmira, NY, where we live. [...]

(Tonight’s session was again held in our living room. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 13 dream electrical rem intensities world

[...] The beginnings of dreams reach back into ‘past’ lives of which you are not aware and beyond even this; the origins are part of a heritage that was before your planet existed.

[...] You simply are not aware of these selves on a conscious level any more than you are aware of ‘past’ lives. [...]

The gradations of intensities are so minute that it would be impossible to measure them, and yet each field contains in coded form the actual living reality of endless eons; contains what you would call the past, present, and future of unnumbered universes; contains the coded data of any and every consciousness that has been or will be, in any universe; those that have appeared to vanish, and those which, seemingly, do not yet exist. [...]

TES5 Session 226 January 24, 1966 John Cleveland McKeown Searle Hilton

[...] Two women live together, this is a separate impression. [...]

The two women referred—I am not sure so we shall go slowly—the two women live together and they had reference to one of the two gentlemen I have mentioned in connection with Philip.

[...] Now I am not certain whether this refers to the age of one of the women, or whether they live on a 34th Street in the same city. [...]

TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965 test Gallagher border Leonard trends

(Actually the young couple calling on us live in a downstairs apartment. [...]

(Normal lights were on in the living room where we had gathered. [...]

[...] We suppose the “familiar location” can refer to our own apartment wherein I made the drawing; or perhaps to the apartment house itself, in which our visitors also live. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 27, 1984 insurance circulate enemies health exuberance

(4:34.) Overall, you have both activated Framework 2* sufficiently enough so that its effects are beneficially appearing in all areas of your lives — including the physical area.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 4, 1984 spontaneous compulsive impulses maple processes

[...] Spontaneity, however, represents the spirit of life itself, and it is the basis for the will to live, and for those impulses that stimulate action, motion, and discovery.

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

[...] In some cases according to your own level of projection, some will be going about their normal lives within other planes or systems. [...]

TES8 Session 338 May 1, 1967 splinters environment dimension cluttered prime

There is obviously a cooperative element here, for each living consciousness has its part to play in maintaining the environment, which in turn gives its nourishment.

TES9 Session 489 June 23, 1969 pyramid gradations interwoven faint diversities

[...] You perceive them stuck like living specimens on the glass of present time, with no comprehension of their multitudinous expression elsewhere.

TMA Appendix C Gramacy magician magic tricks coincidence

[...] But somehow in my mind at least, not recording that session added to it’s magical quality … the spontaneous psychological or psychic transformation came and went … We were sitting at the living-room table with the lamplight clear on my face; Gramacy could follow Seth’s psychological passage; see my features change, taking on ever so subtly those other contours. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 21, 1971 revelations scrambled labels Florence Sumari

Each of you receive revelations every moment of your lives. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 784, July 19, 1976 cordellas alphabet sentence Chinese language

In a way events are like the spoken components of language, yet voiced in a living form — and not for example only sounded. [...]

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