Results 241 to 260 of 1249 for stemmed:live
[...] She referred to a “psychic fair” she’d accidentally tuned in to on television, while waiting for me to come into the living room for the session. [...]
[...] The fact is that man lives by those values that science ignores (quietly emphatic, and repeated).
[...] But that intent was sabotaged because the philosophy behind it denied the validity of the very subjective values that give man his reason for living. [...]
[...] She said that the living room seemed “different” this evening, significant; but it was a “nice difference,” she added. [...]
[...] The individual now realizes that he is indeed a living web of reality, and this becomes immediate conscious knowledge.
(Pause at 10:15.) In normal living and in day-by-day experience, all the knowledge you need is available. [...]
[...] I cannot stress too thoroughly the fact that the beliefs of those times structured individual human living, so that the most private events of personal lives were interpreted to mean thus and so, as were of course the events of nations, plants, and animals. [...]
I spoke about the quality of life, and it is true to say that in at least many centuries past, if men and women may have died earlier, they also lived lives of fuller, more satisfying quality—and I do not want to be misinterpreted in that direction.
Each time someone we know gets in serious trouble, Jane and I start questioning anew our own values, and those of the society we live in, for such challenges seem to come unbidden and unwanted from way out in some far corner of each person’s reality. [...]
Continuing along as you have in the last few days, you should find yourselves by the holidays far clearer in your lives and ways than perhaps now seems possible. [...]
Ruburt has also been picking up some information, quite interesting, on unusual versions of perception, in which, say, living and nonliving are combined momentarily to form momentarily new kinds of objects. [...]
[...] You might live in a city and a state and a country at one time, yet you do not think that your presence in one of these categories contradicts either of the other two. So you live amid psychic organizations, each having its own characteristics. You may consider yourself Indian though you live in America, or American though you live in Africa, or Chinese though you live in France, and you are quite able to retain your sense of individuality.
So the psychic families, or the families of consciousness, can be thought of as natives of inner countries of the mind, sharing heritages, purposes, and intents that may have little to do with the physical countries in which you live your surface lives. [...]
However, none of this is apart from normal living. [...]
The odds against such a “coincidence” developing would be astronomical — except that the Millers had lived in a neighborhood close to the hill house several years ago (when the acquaintanceship with Louise Akins had been made), had moved out of state, then returned to buy the house next door to us. [...]
In 10 of the sessions between the numbers 314 and 325 in Volume 7 we see how, with Jane’s need and consent, Seth was reaching into deeper, more penetrating material involving her conscious and unconscious lives. [...]
[...] Then there’s Jane’s business and personal correspondence; much of her poetry; her journals; her unfinished autobiography; several novels she wrote before publishing the three Oversoul Seven books; the later essays she dictated to me, while in the hospital, about Seven’s childhood; her family history as far back as it can be researched; an objective biography of her physical and creative lives including her two marriages, and Jane’s and my struggles to survive before the advent of the Seth material. [...]
[...] During her upset she’d mentioned going back to Sayre to live several times, “where we started out.” [...] I must admit that if I’d had to guess at any upcoming major changes in our lives, moving back to Sayre would have been the last on the list. [...]
[...] Were their dreams and other psychic experiences — other than the recorded instances — outstanding on a regular basis as they lived out their lives day by day?
(All of the following historical dates are quite approximate, but they show the overlapping pattern of the physical lives of the three personalities making up the Christ entity.
There were probable Christs, in other words, living in your terms at that time. [...]
The Speakers help you in the formation of dreams which are indeed multidimensional artistic productions of a kind — dreams existing in more than one reality, with effects that dissect various stages of consciousness that are real, in your terms, to both the living and the dead and in which both the living and the dead may participate. [...]
[...] Here a great creative synthesis and a great creative diversification takes place, in which any given dream image has meaning to various layers of the self — on one level representing a truth you have lived and on other levels representing this truth as it is more specifically applied to various areas of experience or problems. [...]
[...] It is simply living on different terms.
[...] Our friend wanted to live and had faith that he would. [...] The lives and events of all those involved with his trip—the neighbors, the children, and so forth—all of those issues were arranged in Framework 2, so that while the events seemed most unpleasant, they were highly beneficial.
[...] It may seem that the retribution of law holds societies together and keeps, for example, criminal elements down, so that you have operating processes that insure more or less stable living conditions. [...]
The entire pattern of your lives is taken into consideration in Framework 2. There is no need for bargaining. [...]
Other examples should be appearing in your lives. [...]
[...] What were Jane and I doing all of that “time” — that nearly one-quarter of a year of our physical lives?
Often by purposefully trying to slow down your thought processes, or playfully trying to speed them up, you can become aware of memories from other lives — past or future. [...]
[...] You form your past lives now in this life as surely as you form your future ones now also.
[...] With that in mind, you can see that future lives are very difficult to explain from within your framework. [...]
In fact, fragments of many episodes from many other lives may rush into their consciousness, and in most cases they are, of course, quite unprepared for the experience. On the other hand, usually such episodes are highly reassuring, for along with them rides the inner assurance that life has been lived before, many times.
There are multitudinous species of viruses and so forth that man has not encountered and recognized, and there are connections between viruses and other species of living matter that remain unknown. [...]
They all use tools of one kind or another, and live indeed in close concord with the animals. [...]
[...] Those senses possess their own variances, so that without any word such as “now” or “then,” the creatures are able to know quite accurately how many living creatures are in the vicinity, how long they have been there (pause) — and their experience with time is one that follows the seasons in such a way that they have formed a wordless, fairly accurate picture of the world, including navigational direction.
To live does not require any monumental effort.
These elements are all living and highly potent in the affairs of his life — so that in no way do his relationships with his mother (pause) become any isolated concentration, existing apart from the other affairs of life. [...]
(8:43.) In that framework it almost seems as if the most natural wish would be the wish to live one life for some kind of eternal duration. [...]
They may even seek the experience in order to put their own lives in a different, larger perspective, many such people are not fully aware of such decisions, and so many face-saving psychological devices are used by the individual, and certainly by society, to smother the recognition of such unofficial motivation. [...]
(Long pause.) Overall, the psychology of death of course then involves the psychology of life, for people are seeking for a value fulfillment that connects each of their lives—that is, in reincarnational terms. [...]
[...] I had a letter half done for Jeanne Miles, my well-known artist friend who lives in New York City. [...]
[...] As ancient man had lived without the news media we’re so used to, so does Jane speak for Seth without all of that modern help. [...]
1. Jane called her book of poetry If We Live Again: Or, Public Magic and Private Love, and Prentice-Hall published it in 1982.
[...] She’d been letting If We Live Again grow for some time as she selected poems for it from the many she had written, and kept writing.