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TPS1 Deleted Session August 16, 1971 game trust mistrust areas healthy

[...] Now, only a comparative few operate in such a manner that their entire lives, in all areas, bring about the results they think they are after. [...]

Ruburt has always taken it for granted that his organs functioned well, the living organs upon which survival is dependent. [...]

The mistrust of mobility, or fear that it could be taken away, was built up also, with other reasons given in the sessions, simply through the suggestion over the years of living with someone who was not mobile. [...]

[...] As far as your living quarters are concerned, enjoyment of them, taking spaciousness for granted, loving the idea of it, will bring you more.

TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964 matter permanent properties deterioration growth

[...] Growth in living things, perceived as living organisms, does not involve the extension of a particular physical thing.

We have much yet to cover about various topics only lightly touched upon so far, including the nature of matter, the process involved in its continual creation and manipulation, and the truly astounding cooperation involved, as all living things contribute their energy to keep the physical universe in any kind of permanent, coherent form.

[...] She resumed in the same manner; indeed her delivery became even slower and more careful and deliberate, so that at times she would pace from one end of our living room, where we hold the sessions, to the other end before voicing the next word. [...]

[...] What you perceive as change or growth in a living physical structure is not change or growth as you conceive it. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 540, July 6, 1970 reincarnation choose reenter cycle intermediary

[...] This is usually the level that is visited by the living in projections from the dream state.

[...] There will be emotional ties with other personalities whom you have known in past lives, and some of these may supersede your relationships in the immediately past life. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 639, February 12, 1973 Rooney puddle nightmares lsd creature

[...] The heading that you asked about is for Part Two of the book (“Your Body as Your Own Unique Living Sculpture,” etc., given in the 637th session in Chapter Nine). [...]

[...] While the experience was exhilarating, it could have turned into a “nightmare” had his conscious mind not clearly understood; had he walked outside, for example, and found himself encountering living creatures rising out of each rainy puddle; and if for the life of him he could not have turned the creatures back. [...]

[...] (Pause.) Again, the body is a living sculpture. [...]

a shining fluid living thing.

TES3 Session 110 November 25, 1964 a.j inquiring November Dee objectify

[...] He lived two other lives, one in Spain approximately 1341, and one in England in the 1800’s; this one as a banker in London. [...]

[...] They no longer live in Elmira. [...]

(In the 4th session, December 8,1963, Seth stated he lived in Denmark three centuries ago, and that Jane and I did also. [...]

[...] For your information Joseph, I was born in that existence in the year approximately 1486, and lived most of that life in the town called Triev, in the eastern part of the country, as a merchant dealing in spices.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

[...] We close the door between the bath and living room to keep Willie, our cat, in the living room at night. [...]

[...] Remember, you have chosen those circumstances before, in the quick projection into the living room.

[...] We slept in the living room for the night because the back of the apartment was chilly. [...]

[...] After a moment I realized that I wasn’t supposed to be in the studio, that I had just gone to bed and should be in the living room. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 654, April 9, 1973 reprogram past neuronal present biologists

Learning is not simply passed on from living tissue to living tissue — this your biologists have discovered — but it is also passed on through the body’s present corporeal reality, sometimes entirely changing the messages to past cells, that in your terms no longer exist.

[...] In some cases such a prediction can make death a fact — while its opposite can regenerate the patient’s belief in his or her own ability to live.

You are now rooted in your creaturehood, graced to perceive through your body a unique living experience. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 10, 1982 Hal wildlife infection elbow medical

(Long pause.) There are organizations, patterns that people try out throughout their lives, changing often from one to the other, interpreting and therefore of course experiencing reality through many different casts. [...]

You are beginning a new time in your lives, of greater understanding, compassion for yourselves and others, so hold with it. [...]

[...] Only by so doing could you clear the air and make your own decisions as to the course the rest of your lives would take. [...]

[...] I think that my appreciation of wildlife has grown considerably since we’ve encountered so much trouble physically in our own lives: the sheer ability to move with nature’s grace and skill has gradually become very important, and to me the animals express this quality perfectly: the ‘coons, the deer, the dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, chipmunks; the birds, and yes, even the insects....)

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] I know you understand this—but carried to the extreme, that resentment would allow you barely enough to live on, and you actually would refuse to make money, because you so resent the high taxes connected with a good living. [...]

(9:22.) He lives above his means for certain reasons—because he enjoys a certain kind of self-indulgence, and the immediate satisfaction of desires, but also a kind of backhand slap against the socially prominent or wealthier associates—that he can live as well as they.

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 511, January 21, 1970 delusion ghost book readers grown

[...] She has been both a man and a woman, and the entire identity who has lived these separate lives can be designated by the name of Ruburt.

You have each lived other existences, and that knowledge is within you though you are not consciously aware of it. [...]

The gift brings a responsibility, and many of you are tempted to congratulate yourselves on the successes of your lives, and blame God, fate, and society for your failures. [...]

I speak through Ruburt twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, in this same large (living) room. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 535, June 17, 1970 death alive dead gaps unaliveness

Now this honorary guard is made up of people in your terms both living and dead. Those who are living in your system of reality perform these activities in an “out-of-body” experience while the physical body sleeps. [...]

Even these experiences will vary, however, and even this state is a state of becoming, for many will continue into other physical lives. [...]

[...] Overall, you may be far more interested in people that you have known in past lives than those close to you in the present one, for example.

[...] What you are begins to include what you have been in other lives, and you begin to make plans for your next physical existence, if you decide upon one. [...]

TSM Chapter Five Stevenson refrigerator Phil gumboils Rob

[...] Rob also sent him copies of a few sessions, including some of the information we had been given about our own past lives. According to this, we lived several existences in the very distant past, including one in Denmark three centuries ago when Rob and I were father and son and Seth a mutual friend. Our last lives were in Boston in the nineteenth century.

[...] Phil lives out of state but travels to Elmira every six weeks or so on business.

[...] I can live with them.”

[...] Suddenly he ran out of the closet, fur on end, bolted through the living room, and hid behind the curtains. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974 particles waves Physicists pool wavelike

[...] They spread out from the “point of contact,” forming individual lives. In your conception of the centuries, then, there are other counterparts of yourself living at the same time and in different places — all creative versions of the original self. [...]

Psychologically, then, while you are living your memories follow a pattern of past into present. [...]

[...] Jane’s trance had been good, but still she’d been bothered by the sounds of traffic rising up from the busy intersection close by our living room windows. [...]

In those terms each living person has other counterparts of himself or herself alive, generally speaking, at the same time, sharing the physical face of the earth. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 898, January 30, 1980 computer divine unspoken animals inheritors

[...] “I love the red couch cover you’re sitting on,” she said as we waited for the session—and indeed, the corded fabric glowed in the warm light cast by the table lamp on the room divider behind the couch; the divider separates the kitchen from the living room.

[...] In that regard, again, your dreaming state presents you with many clues about the source of your own lives and that of your world.

[...] (Pause.) You create lives for yourselves, changing them as you go along, as a writer might change a book, altering the circumstances, changing the plots. [...]

NotP Chapter 6: Session 774, May 3, 1976 nest love identify selfhood explore

[...] Man did not live in fear, as is now supposed, nor in some idealized natural heaven. He lived at an intense peak of psychic and biological experience, and enjoyed a sense of creative excitement that in those terms only existed when the species was new.

[...] Myths and tales are formed in which those who love communicate, though one is dead while the other lives. [...]

TES4 Friday, October 15, 1965 Two Dreams by Jane Butts radio apartment staircase pack awoke

[...] As a result I was afraid to touch the radio again, or yank the cord, so I left it and went into my room, the living room. [...]

(I am in our living room. [...]

[...] Then I realize that I did know the people who lived in this apartment before also, and had forgotten. [...]

TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions

(Jane also reported that twice within the past two days she had received “flashes” in the third person, to the effect that our bed, temporarily in the living room, should be moved to my empty studio in the back of the apartment if we are still here next winter. The messages were to the effect that “Ruburt’s psychic energies could be dangerous if he [Jane] does all his living in one room.”

[...] In other lives they were both much happier, and that happiness sustains them now. [...] But the following lives should be relatively happy ones.

They have had six lives apiece, merely because they are particularly stubborn. But you must be able to see your relationship with them in perspective, even though I cannot go into the intertwining of all your lives in one night.

(“How many lives have they already had?)

NotP Chapter 9: Session 790, January 3, 1977 kitten Willy psychological awe dream

[...] I have had many lives, in your terms, yet in other terms I have not lived physically, but rather lent or loaned my energy to lives that rose from my reality but were not me. [...]

[...] These books, however, initiate quite physical events as readers learn to take better control of their lives, expand their consciousnesses, and become aware of their own greater abilities.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 834, February 5, 1979 mosaics painting shared cults paranoia

[...] (Pause.) A few that I discuss may be exaggerated, in that they are not “normal” conditions in most people’s lives. Their rather bizarre nature, however, throws a giant spotlight upon intents, purposes, and cross-purposes, that too often appear in the lives of quite normal men and women.

(After supper this evening Jane read some notes I’d written recently, in which I speculated about why I paint portraits — my “heads,” as I call them — out of my “imagination,” instead of using live models of “real people.” [...]

[...] They seek out leaders — political, scientific (humorously), or religious — who will order their lives for them.

TES5 Session 228 January 31, 1966 shoe weather storm blizzard excesses

[...] The force originates within the psychic or nonphysical aspects of each living creature within your system. This force acts as a balancing mechanism for the psychic structures, and through use of it living forms create and maintain in a most basic manner their own physical environment.

(As early as the 6th session Seth told Jane and me that we were living the last of our physical lives, and that both of us had chosen to become entities. [...]

Now I shall tell you that physical weather is also caused in part by psychic energy, rushing through the human system and through the systems of all living creatures, and also by an excess, a chemical excess, beyond that which the individual organism can handle.

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