Results 181 to 200 of 1249 for stemmed:live
[...] You have, far more than you realize, utilized our ideas in your daily lives, both to insure financial comfort—but more, to achieve the satisfaction that you are indeed reaching others, helping to change their lives for the better. [...]
Beside all that, you are trying to live your lives in a rather unique fashion, so that you are denied in large measure the comforts to which others flock. [...]
[...] Our original understanding was that the eye condition would pass rather quickly once Jane began to loosen up—but now it appears to be another fixed state in the general scheme of our lives. [...]
[...] In a strange fashion, they go faster than your lives, so physically you do have “catch-up time.”
[...] The nature of probabilities determines the framework in which these fulfillments can take place, and “frames” living developments. [...]
[...] Your body responds as you think it should, however, and so your conscious beliefs about reality have much to do with those probable experiences that you accept as a part of your intimate living.
[...] Consciously you can facilitate that development, and admit your brotherhood with all other living beings. [...]
[...] At another level, your body and your experience is a far richer fulfillment, a living, presently experienced materialization. [...]
[...] Involved were her questions about mammals, species, subspecies, and other classifications of living creatures. [...]
In view of Jane’s own limited knowledge of the scientific vocabulary man has devised to classify just the multitude of living forms alone on our planet, it’s very interesting that Seth used what I think is the correct popular terminology as he went through the session. [...]
[...] (Pause.) The world as you know it exists as it does because you are yourself a living portion of a vast “conscious grid” of perception.
[...] All of the larger divisions of life—the mammals, fish, birds, and so forth—are an integral part of that living gridwork. [...]
[...] On the other hand it has always been natural for the personality to turn outward in an easy manner, and with exuberance, so that in past lives we find two lives strongly devoted to the nurture of others. [...]
In two other lives there was instead the development of inner abilities to the exclusion of others, a closing down of the windows and a barring of the doors, and he would not look out and no one dared look in. [...]
He had a tendency to hoard in these two lives. [...]
(Seth dwelt upon the Tibetan monks who use astral projection, and follow their strict religion, while the peasantry live miserable practical daily lives, without hope for the most part. [...]
[...] The room was lit by a candle within three feet of us on another table, and by reflected light from the kitchen on one side of the living room, and from the bedroom on the other side. [...]
[...] Seth talked a good deal on the cooperation of all living things in maintaining our universe, and of how it’s so very wrong for civilized human beings to kill. [...]
[...] Her illness was not the result of events in this life only, but of past lives also.
(Pause.) You are involved with some of your counterparts more or less directly, while others live in different lands, and are sometimes separated also in terms of age differences or culture — qualities with which you would find it difficult to relate.5 Intuitively, you know who the counterparts are in your daily experience. This does not mean that if you become consciously aware of such affiliations you must then feel it your responsibility to form a kind of culture of counterparts, or to try and affect other people’s lives by reminding them of your relationship. [...]
[...] Seth delivered much material about reincarnation, including “the time of choosing” between lives, recreating and changing events in past lives, and past and present reincarnational family relationships; probabilities; dreams; the fetus, and so forth.
Many of you have daydreams in which you actually see yourselves as your counterparts, and portions of their lives sometimes come through to you as you go about your chores.
You usually live with your physical family, though this does not always apply; sometimes your ancestors come from various countries, so there is a physical lineage that you understand. [...]
(Pause.) You live surrounded by impulses. You must make innumerable decisions in your lives — must choose careers, mates, cities of residence. [...]
Overall, whether or not you are conscious of it — for some of you are, and some of you are not — your lives do have a certain psychological shape. [...]
(By his own definition Seth is no longer a physical being, although he’s told us he’s lived a number of previous lives; thus, ideas of reincarnation enter into his material. Mass Events is the sixth1 book that Seth has produced — all of them with Jane’s active cooperation, obviously, as well as my own, since I write down his material verbatim, then add my own notes. [...] According to him, these “entity names” mean only that in our present lives we identify more with the male aspects of our entities, or whole selves — which in themselves are neither male or female, but contain within them a number of other selves [of both sexes] to whom we’re related, or a part of, reincarnationally and otherwise.
(I also think that Seth himself could have some pretty funny things to say here to Jane and me — some day I’ll ask him — words with which he’d humorously caution us not to take the whole affair too seriously, to leave room in our daily lives for the simple, uninhibited joy of creative expression and living even while we study his unending outpouring of material. [...]
(We usually hold two “sessions,” or meetings with Seth each week, totaling three or four hours, but we think that actually Seth could talk 24 hours a day for the rest of our lives, and still not cover all of the material he’s capable of tuning in to for us. [...]
[...] We do intend to spend the rest of our lives studying the ramifications of that “unique, still-growing view of consciousness.” [...]
[...] They lived out of town, separated in time by a drive of approximately [half an hour]. Ruburt found himself wishing that the friends lived closer, and he was suddenly filled with a desire to see them. [...]
We received the page proofs for If We Live Again on the last day of July. [...]
[...] You in turn create other living creatures. You also produce forms of art — fluid living constructs that you do not understand, in terms of societies and civilizations — and all of these flow through your alliance with flesh and blood.
[...] Consciously, because of your time concepts, you will interpret those simultaneous lives in reincarnational terms, one seemingly before the other.
[...] Now theoretically, this center could be in the middle of your present living room, in physical space, but the distance between you and the members of your family still living — sitting perhaps, thinking of you or reading a paper — would have nothing to do with space as you know it. [...]
[...] For example, some individuals do not undergo any such periods, but because of development and progress during their past lives, they are ready to begin more ambitious programs.
You will feel comfortable with the form that you choose, therefore, and you will usually use it when you want to communicate with others you have known; though for such communications with the living, you may instead adopt the form you had when you were known to the individual you want to contact.
[...] In the dream experience I think I was considering doing a book, a sequel, to the movie—but I was also seeing one or maybe two reincarnational lives of mine, seeing how a belief in reincarnation helped open a sense of the future in the present: I was learning how to visit those lives, which were still happening and for which I think I yearned—without dying in this life. [...] Lots I’ve completely forgotten about people who loved you in particular lives always in some way being supportive; that we’re caught up in time-to-time overlays Seth has referred to in his late book dictation; that rhythmic time overlays happened as various anniversaries or significant events from various lives overlapped, bringing them momentarily closer (like comets) when entries back and forth, and interchanges, are particularly easier.
[...] Listening to some of the tapes students made in Jane’s ESP class—in the early ‘70s, say—I hear Seth being allowed to spontaneously give regular students and first-time visitors often quite detailed and penetrating insights into their other lives; explaining how events and emotions from other existences can intermix with their counterparts in present lives. [...]
[...] On the same day I returned them to Prentice-Hall, I also sent in Jane’s signed contract for If We Live Again—and the mail brought us the copy-edited manuscript for God of Jane.
Even though she wasn’t walking, Jane continued taking her steps between her office chair and the living-room couch, from which she was giving most of her sessions those days. [...]
In ordinary terms, however, the dead are not concerned with the living except perhaps in the very earliest phases, when their emotional feelings are connected with those they have left. [...] Persons that they have known in past lives. [...]
([Rich L.:] “Why do the dead wish to influence the living so much?”)
Most of the dead do not particularly wish to influence the living. [...]
[...] These appear before your private lives physically materialize them. [...] Your lives are reorganizing themselves, finally, into a freer framework.
[...] The sportsman that you might have been still lives within you enough so that, for example, you automatically stay trim, limber.
(Which reminds me that when Jane and I lived at 317 South Elmer in Sayre, PA, I kept telling myself that by the time I reached 40 I would decide which I wanted to pursue. [...]
Thusly, your classifications of various species appear to you as the only logical kinds of divisions that could be made among living things. [...]
[...] Now these serve as quite handy reference points, but basically speaking they in no way affect the natural experience of those various living creatures that you refer to as “other species.”
If your purpose is to comprehend what other living creatures perceive, then the methods you are using are at the best shortsighted, and at the worst they completely defeat your purpose. [...]
[...] You must look with your intuitions and creative instincts at the creatures about you, seeing them not as other species with certain habits, not as inferior properties of the earth, to be dissected, but as living examples of the nature of the universe, in constant being and transformation.
(11:33.) You are trying out highly creative, innovative, imaginative, and truthful concepts—not just theoretically and artistically, but applying them to your lives. [...] His condition was caused by a set of beliefs, and so was everything else in your lives. [...]
[...] They are given certain more or less predictable frameworks in which to experience their lives.
[...] People may question the precepts, but generally speaking they live and work within organizational frameworks, each one ruled by various assumptions or suggestions.
[...] Jane initiates information on “world views,” with examples: Seth defines that concept as “the view of reality” held in the immortal mind of each of us, the “living picture” that exists outside of time or space, and that can be perceived by others. [...] He explains in some detail how we live more than one life at a time, how “the greater self ‘divides’ itself, materializing in flesh as several individuals, with entirely different backgrounds — yet each embarked upon the same kind of creative challenge.” [...]
[...] Seth’s information and my own notes detail the interdependent, yet spontaneous, psychic and physical relationships within which each of us elects to move; they reveal how a conscious understanding of such factors, some of which may reach back into one’s childhood, can help greatly in practical daily living. [...]
(In other words, when I tell her to live in the pleasurable aspects of a moment, I don’t mean for her to use this as a method of sweeping unpleasantness under the rug, etc.)
Living in the moment will automatically let some of these things take place, and will automatically, again, stop negative projections into the future; even a five-minute future.
[...] They begin to look at the structure of their lives in a different fashion that attempts to evoke from nature, and from their own natures, some graceful effortlessness, some freedom nearly forgotten. They begin to turn toward a more natural and a more magical approach to their own lives. [...] Surprising events that were earlier covered up or ignored seem to appear with greater frequency, and everywhere a new sense of quickness and acceleration gradually alters the expectations of people in regard to the events of their own lives, and to the behavior they expect from others. [...]
When I look up at those three high, old-fashioned bay windows that illuminate the living room of Apartment 4, on the second floor of that house, I visualize Jane sitting behind them at her oak table, thinking and writing, intrigued and comforted by the busy patterns of people and automobiles traversing the intersection she looks down upon: Walnut and West Water Streets. And behind those windows, at night in that living room, she paces back and forth for hours at a time after she begins to speak for Seth in December 1963. [...] Accordingly, then, a Jane Roberts Butts and a Robert F. Butts live in that apartment I’m creating. [...]
[...] The quest for nostalgia is one way to bring the living past up-to-date. The yearning I feel each time I drive past the apartment house Jane and I lived in for 15 years, just west of the business section of Elmira, represents my conscious reunification of the past with the present, and even a projection of both into the future in ordinary terms.