Results 121 to 140 of 1249 for stemmed:live
[...] They multiply only in connection with live cells, and are thought of both as living organisms and as complicated proteins. [...]
[...] Think of them now as living electromagnetic cells, differing from the physical cells in your body only in the nature of their materialization. [...]
[...] A conscious realization of danger, for example, will call up all information dealing with similar situations, so that the body can deal with it at once from the vast bank of its living memory. [...]
(Long pause at 10:01, eyes closed.) The living flesh is quite aware of certain facts that escape you on a conscious level. [...]
[...] Perhaps that idea can give you some glimmering of the ways in which the daily events of your readers’ lives are changed as a result of our sessions. [...] That is a kind of qualitative event that in its own way cannot be judged or ascertained, and it presents a certain kind of emotional evidence—a living knowledge—that is transmitted to others, and is in its way more valuable than any scientific treatise that might validate our work.
4. The next way is to make a definite attempt, again, to live in the present, or at least to live one day at a time. [...]
They lived upon the physical planet with its wind and rain and storms and violence and animal [sic] but they would not show violence, they could not commit a violent act. [...] They became so terrified of the natural earth, with its pounding rains and wind that they literally crept into the bowels of the earth and lived there feeling as triumphant, when they set up a civilization within the earth, as you will feel when you set one up outside of the earth. [...]
[...] No one, therefore, could hurt our friend’s fish, even if it were a live one, in your terms. [...]
[...] All living is a thrusting out toward, and joyful thrusting out toward, the energy that you have not learned, as yet, to use creatively, you call violence. [...]
[...] They were social, could swim well (pause), and for some time could live on the water. [...] Those who cooperated survived, but they did not think in terms of the survival of their own species alone — but, in time terms, of a greater living picture, or world inviolate, in which all survived.
[...] Instead, you should think of them as different kinds or orders of species that are connected with all natural living things.
[...] Again, on deep biological levels beneath normal consciousness, and on psychic levels above normal consciousness, you are aware of the integrity of your being — but also of your great connection, while living in flesh, with the natural environment of time and space. [...]
[...] Ruburt was correct: Lives are simultaneous. You can live more than one life at a time — in your terms now — but that is a loaded sentence. You are neurologically tuned in to one particular field of actuality that you recognize.2 In your terms and from your viewpoint only, messages from other existences live within you as ghost images within the cells, for the cells recognize more than you do on a conscious level. [...]
There are, of course, future memories as well as past ones … As Joseph often says, “When you think of reincarnation, you do so in terms of past lives.” You are afraid to consider future lives because then you have to face the death that must be met first, in your terms. [...]
[...] That is, the private person is here seen as interacting with others because there is, beneath our awareness, an inner “person-to-person” relationship connecting each individual with his or her physical counterparts, though they may well be living in other parts of the globe while sharing the same historical period. [...]
(In our private session, Seth commented on my “quite legitimate” reincarnational data involving the black woman, Maumee or Mawmee, who’d lived on the Caribbean island of Jamaica early in the 19th century. [...]
[...] It does not follow, in other words, that everyone with which you are concerned involved themselves with you in past lives. [...] Many times in fact you solve problems that arose with certain personalities by helping other personalities in other lives.
[...] Approximately five years after this, the oldest sister went to France; first to a small town outside of Paris and then to Paris, where she lived with French relatives. [...]
[...] The 3-year-old boy lived into old age, turning into a prosperous tradesman dealing in wools and textiles. [...]
[...] You have at the very least a very large extended family, people whose lives you have touched for the better. [...]
[...] When you seem to suffer in contrast to the development or situation of any other specific or generalized persons, it is when you are trying to live up to artificial pictures of yourselves—of people who should have been as knowledgeable years ago as they are now, and who therefore now should be at much greater stages of development. [...]
[...] (Pause.) Then you lack trust in yourselves because you try to live up to images that are not connected with your backgrounds, and often ignore them. [...]
[...] Its rotating red light flashed briefly into our living room.)
[...] Now a number of scientists tell us that long before the end of this century we’ll have the ability to prolong our physical lives forever — or at least indefinitely, to be more “practical” about it. We’re told again and again that technically we’re on the verge of producing artificial versions of many bodily parts, as well as microcomputers that will be implanted within the body to regulate its performance; these advances, plus our “conquering” of disease, pain, and suffering, plus genetic engineering, will soon make it possible for human beings to live indefinitely. [...]
As for Jane and me, we really don’t think it necessary that we live forever physically, or even to be 200 years old — an attitude that may be no more than a sign of our own conditioning. [...] Those of approaching generations, we thought, may have no hesitation at all about opting to live as long as possible. [...]
Environmental questions are being raised about man’s effects upon the world in which he lives. [...]
[...] As I said during our conversation, evidently after one has entertained certain feelings and ideas on unconscious levels for a long while, they take on a life of their own, and eventually actively come to resist being dispensed with: They are living, and do not want to die. Instead they seek to perpetuate their existence as surely as any other living organism does, and in certain senses come to appear to be irrational, in that they seem unable to understand that certain beneficial changes would perpetuate their own lives as well as that of their host, whom they are damaging overly much. [...]
[...] I told you also lately that your new standpoint would also be showering benefits from Framework 2 in other areas in your lives, and of this of course the letter gives clear evidence. [...]
(Not long after the session was over I told Jane I meant to ask Seth to comment on the vivid dream I’d had last night about the Gallaghers and an unkempt young man who was living with them. [...] Suffice it to note that I saw Peg and Bill living in squalor in a crude house on a barge or houseboat, with dirt floors, old furniture, and so forth. I’d surmised that their living conditions, in spite of the money they’d earned all their lives, represented their poor belief systems. [...]
[...] When we sat for the session around 9 PM, Jane said her pendulum told her that the symptoms were caused by the house we lived in, and, specifically, by the original owner. [...]
[...] He thought of this place as highly desirable once in social terms—the best place you had ever lived in together. [...]
[...] But you live with some constant aggravation.
[...] She was in the company of two young women, one of whom lives in the apartment beneath us.
[...] Jane walked into our living room and picked up the card from Parker, after I asked her if she had seen the mail yet. [...]
(At once Jane sat at our living room table, which is her work table, and put her right hand on the message side of the card. [...]
[...] The couple no longer live in Elmira. Several Elmirans keep well informed concerning them, and one Elmiran happens to work in the same out-of-state town in which they live.
[...] This room is too small to hold three people comfortably however, so for the session we moved back out to the living room. [...]
[...] The personality has always been involved with communication in one form or another in various lives.
In the past lives, again, desire for communication was strong. [...]
[...] Ruburt, and Joseph also, have known me in past lives, and our overall psychological structures have very significant similarities that make our communications possible.
I have lived in physical terms within your three-dimensional universe, and I am aware of that universe. [...]
(According to Seth I have lived a life in Boston, and it ended probably just before the Civil War.)
Homosexuals can benefit from the ideas in this book, particularly if small groups get together, examining their own beliefs, and reinforcing their will to live, their right to live, and the basic integrity of their being.
Whatever physical changes occur, happen because the will to live is weakened. [...]
I am not saying that AIDS victims are outright suicides — only that in many instances the will to live is so weakened and a despondency so strong sets in that such individuals often acquiesce, finally, to their own deaths, seeing no room in the future for their own further growth or development.
“Now: It is easy to live—so easy that although you live, rest, create, respond, feel, touch, see, sleep, and wake, you do not really have to try to do any of those things. [...]
The species—from your viewpoint (underlined)—lived at a much slower pace in those terms. [...]
[...] Your beliefs often tell you that life is hard, however, that living is difficult, that the universe, again, is unsafe, and that you must use all of your resources—not to meet [life] with anything like joyful abandon, of course, but to protect yourself against its implied threats; threats that you have been taught to expect.
“Living is easy (underlined). [...]
(Seth’s mention of Ed Robbins, who now lives in New Paltz, NY, struck me as rather strange. [...] Later, while I was living in my hometown of Sayre, PA, I received a phone call from Ed inviting me to work with him on a project in Saratoga Springs, NY. [...] Indeed, Ed introduced me to Jane the day after I moved to Saratoga, where I lived for about a year in the mid-fifties. [...]
Three lives ago, Mark was contained in a remarkably cruel and violent nature. [...] In the immediately previous life he was a woman, living in your own west, midwest.
[...] There are few of your friends and acquaintances in this life with whom you were connected to any strong degree in past lives. Some acquaintances were in your circle in various lives, and merely happened to be born in a like situation to your own because of problems that more or less corresponded to your own.
(“Can you tell us just where in the midwest Bill lived in that life?”)