Results 21 to 40 of 764 for stemmed:light

TSM Chapter Three wires mirror séance palm cubes

“A tiny point of light grew on the edge of the ring, but by moving my arm, I discovered I could make the light wink off and on. It was simply the red reflection from the candle, so I placed the candle behind the curtains where the light was diffused. [...]

[...] Other, later effects happened in full light, in a few of my ESP classes, for example. The Seth apparition also appeared in full light. [...]

[...] Sitting quietly in the dim light, staring at the ring, I realized that the unwary observer might not have too much trouble seeing whatever he wanted to see.

[...] It seemed to be an internal suffusing of the flesh with a cold white light. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 534, June 8, 1970 extinguished vision interference spelling alarmed

Turning it off does not extinguish (expetnrise) it in the way that a light (like) disappears (disappeares) when a switch is turned. Following the analogy (aneleogy), if consciousness were (werse) like (light) a light that belonged (belenge) to you, even when you switched it off, there would be a sort of twilight, but not darkness (darkners).

[...] When the interference had been strong, covering most of the field of vision, I had experienced a peculiar sense of both darkness and light, with the objective world indistinguishable within what I can only describe as a field of patterned, alternating lightness and darkness that possessed a velvety depth.

(Seth suspended dictation on his book at my request, but during a brief interlude suggested that I have Jane turn on the rest of the lights in the room when she came out of trance. Then, I was to imagine my consciousness growing brighter and brighter, filling the room like light; I would find that all of my abilities would soon return. [...]

(The effect, which always reminded me of a mirage, began with a smallish, bright sawtooth pattern of light just to the right of my direct line of vision. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Tuesday, July 26, 1977 James dishes walked snack synchronized

[...] My vision would change minute by minute; I walked some faster but felt so light on my feet that I called Rob... [...]

This light feeling, etc. [...]

TES4 Session 178 August 16, 1965 waking brogue beneficial traffic routes

[...] In it I found myself approaching a certain traffic light in my car. [...] In the dream I sat waiting for some little time for the light to turn green, giving me access to the main highway, Lake Street. I seldom take this route in actuality, since this particular light is set to favor the heavy flow of traffic on Lake Street. [...]

(When I was a few car lengths from the light, the dream suddenly popped into my mind. Just as in the dream, I found myself stopping for a red light. [...]

[...] I then found myself traveling down this particular side street, approaching the light in question, but without remembering the dream to this moment.

The ego that ignores too many of the possibilities of the inner self is soon in dire difficulty, and is forced to realize that it has been considering survival in a very limited light.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 16, 1977 ligaments improvements muscles thunder ankles

[...] Then the lights went out. [...] Yet I never got to light the candles—the lights came on within a few moments. [...]

You are constantly in the position of saying to the body “In the face of what we want, your improvement, whatever it might be, is not only not enough, but almost a parody in the light of normal walking.” [...] You constantly say “In the light of the past, these improvements will come to nothing—and indeed are worse than none, for they only lead into false hopes.”

[...] The lights flickered often. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 624, October 30, 1972 patient disease sound doctor beliefs

[...] This passes through your body in somewhat the same way that some kinds of light do.

[...] They also have “structures” of sound, light, and electromagnetic properties that you do not perceive. [...]

The sound, light, and electromagnetic patterns give strength and vitality to the physical form that you recognize. [...]

There is light then that you do not see with physical eyes, as there is sound that you do not hear with your ears. [...]

TES9 Session 464 February 10, 1969 windows entity upright pyramid slitted

A light bulb in your terms cannot hold the light within itself, but when it receives the current then it must share its light with others. [...]

[...] Inner attunements are refined, and to some small degree you can look out through the small end of your own window, and glimpse the light at the other end. [...]

There are such lights throughout the entire universe, but this one is at your own apex point, to which your consciousnesses are attuned. [...]

TPS1 First Hypnosis Session, Jane February 12, 1968 Florida induced relaxed hypnosis hypnotized

[...] One of the first things Jane told me, after I asked her to speak, was that the bathroom light bothered her. This, even though a closet light in the bedroom itself was on, and brighter. But I turned the bathroom light off.

[...] I did not definitely tell her that she could not open them, but believe that had I suggested this she could not have done so— this in the light of later events.

[...] I was confident that I could induce a good sound relaxation and at least a light trance state, and we achieved this and more. [...]

[...] I thought she was in a light trance state and Jane later agreed that she was, that she felt very relaxed. [...]

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

(Ruburt:) “There will be light. There will be light and somebody else... [...]

([Theodore:] “Does she have to go by the two unfriendly figures to leave and reach the light?”)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 823, February 27, 1978 principle complementarity uncertainty quantum Heisenberg

[...] The energy and power that keeps you alive, that fuels your thoughts — and also the energy that lights your cities — all have their origins in Framework 2. The same energy that leaps into practical use when you turn on your television sets also allows you to tune into the daily experienced events of your lives.

The complementarity principle (stated by Bohr in 1928) resolves the seeming paradox posed by contradictory experiments that show how light, for example, can be regarded as consisting of either waves or particles. [...]

I doubt if physicists in the 1920s were concerned about the psychological activity of atoms, molecules, or particles, although it seems that Heisenberg came close to Seth’s idea when he considered the free behavior of an electron emitted by a light ray. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 5, 1977 firewalker fire bulb flames Framework

If you have a light bulb lit, it is bright and hot. If you turn the light off, the bulb is still there. Its light and heat become latent, but practically nonexistent. To your hand a light bulb that is not turned on will be cool. [...]

Our firewalker turns off the fire—for himself, however, though its form, like the turned-off light bulb, remains. [...]

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

[...] I soon discovered that even the pole lamp I always have on furnished enough light to see Jane’s features clearly. Even though this light is on the other side of the bath door, due to reflection from the white walls of the room there was plenty of light. With the light on the room divider on, or the closet light on, the illumination was enhanced. Jane said that after careful thought she felt the closet light was also on during the break at 9:56. [...]

I have told you they were fragments, and if you will reread the material in the light of the newer material on matter, then the whole incident will become more plain to you. [...]

(During this break Jane and I checked one point we had thought of since the last session, and this was the amount of light available in the room during the time Bill Macdonnel and I had noted the change in Jane’s features as she stood in the bathroom doorway.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 enzymes plane saucers Rob mental

The quality called light on this plane could just as well appear as sound in another; and for that matter, even on this plane, light can be changed into sound, and sound into light. [...]

[...] Would you for a moment turn off your main light and open your blinds and curtains so that I can look out into the snowy night?

(Still in trance, I turned off the brightest of our two lights, then opened the blinds. [...]

(This morning at breakfast I announced suddenly, to Jane’s surprise and my own, that light was a mental enzyme … We started tonight’s session sitting at the board as usual, without asking questions.)

UR2 Section 4: Session 714 October 23, 1974 snapshots tone postcards sound Politics

“I say ‘sounds’ — yet these inner body sounds can only be compared to an interior body situation where sound operates as light. [...] In those terms there is opaque light, and transparent light as well. Sound has light value, and light has sound value. [...]

[...] If they are lightly held to and accepted, they can serve well as guidelines. [...]

“If I can get this it’ll be something, I’ll tell you,” Jane said, lighting up. [...]

[...] “What I’m getting is a fantastic sound that’s imprisoned in a crystal, that speaks through light, that’s the essence of personality. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 559, November 9, 1970 evolutionary entranced embedded multidimensional catalogue

History, as you know it, represents but one single light upon which you focus. [...] When you ponder upon the aspects of God, you unthinkingly speak of the creator of that one light. That light is unique, and if you truly understood what it was, you would indeed understand the nature of true reality.

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

(Telling us about his recent dream and apparition experiences, Bill had mentioned that at times when his eyes were closed he was aware of the feeling of a white light, or glow, that varied in intensity at different times. Jane was interested in this description because it tallied with an effect she attains quite often in psychological time experiments—this feeling of a light within, even though the eyelids are squeezed tightly shut. At times Jane has seen images after the appearance of this inner light, but Bill has seen only the light. [...]

(Later, resting on bed after work with eyes closed, saw a quick but rather violent vision of a round, very bright daylight-type light. But this light seemed to be clearer than daylight, and to be almost like a mirror that was reflecting another mirror. [...]

[...] And since he is still a doubter of the material, he sees this inner knowledge in a new light, and is upset.

[...] Light feeling.

UR2 Section 4: Session 709 October 2, 1974 orientation disengagement cellular faster Unknown

[...] None of this can be ascertained from within the system — that is, the initial faster-than-light activity or the deceleration afterward. Such faster-than-light behavior, then, helps form the basis for the physical universe. [...]

[...] Those disturbances are the result of a slowing down of prior effects of faster-than-light activity, and represent the emergence into your space-time system of energy that can then be effectively used and formed into the cellular pattern.

[...] In out-of-body states, however, consciousness can travel faster than light — often, in fact, instantaneously.

[...] It is by altering its own relationship with the physical universe that consciousness can best understand its own properties, and glimpse from another vantage point that physical universe, where it will be seen in a different light. [...]

TES8 Second Part of Session 363 September 12, 1967 Martha Ruth Shirley Venice Winchester

And another man, younger, light skin, wears light colored trousers, part of uniform? [...]

[...] He wore light blue trousers at their marriage. [...]

ECS1 Second Part of Session, Tuesday, September 12, 1967 Martha Rachel Winchester Sally Florence

And another man, younger, light skin, wears light colored trousers, part of uniform? [...]

[...] He wore light blue trousers at their marriage. [...]

TES3 Session 110 November 25, 1964 a.j inquiring November Dee objectify

[...] We turned off the lights and sat at our table by the bay windows in the living room. Shadows were active; the room was rather well lighted by lights from passing traffic.

(Now we turned on a closet light and left the door ajar so that the living room was softly lighted. [...]

[...] Jane’s back was to the light source and I could not see her features clearly. [...] Instead it acquired a very dry and light and hesitant quality. [...]

[...] In one of them Dee achieved a light trance state. [...]

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