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TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

The truth, as he interprets it, is no longer the joyful, curious, creative, free search for truth, let it lead where it will; but the idea of a life’s work makes him think “Who’s following me? [...]

TPS2 Session 632 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1973 sell financial marketplace Nebene eat

[...] I do not seem to be the kind to dash off paintings to sell them and let it go at that. [...]

TES9 Session 492 July 7, 1969 Pietra heightened thrashing period barrier

Insert the month of March here, and let it go at that for now. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 591, August 11, 1971 Christ Luke Matthew conspiracy crucifixion

[...] But I tried to relax and let it come out, because I had so many questions about those times myself….”

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 530, May 20, 1970 superself intense shadowy perceive table

Now: Let me make it clear once again: Your present personality as you think of it is indeed “indelible,” and continues after death to grow and develop.

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 531, May 25, 1970 streams blinders process river attention

Now let me emphasize here that you are simply not unconscious. [...]

NotP Chapter 3: Session 762, December 15, 1975 Cézanne skill psyche triggered inclinations

[...] Since Seth discusses this himself in the session, I’ll let him carry on from here.)

NotP Chapter 9: Session 788, September 6, 1976 significances predream aunt vase Sarah

[...] But let us forget that term for a moment and consider association, with which you are already familiar, since your stream of consciousness operates in that fashion. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 10, 1979 shovel sports driveway plowed sexual

[...] If you paint or write steadily, that does not mean you will let all chores go. [...]

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

[...] Since we have here this evening such an elegant and welcome guest,” Seth smiled, “Let us then perceive him in terms of a slight discussion of matter, in which he will be our guinea pig.”

[...] I will let you take your break. [...]

SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

[...] It would also [let] us show a photo that does not exploit her channeling. [...]

[...] Each time I may feel my own ignorance about even our own physical reality, let alone other realities, I fall back upon my own feelings and beliefs. [...]

‘I went back to work on a long-overdue Seth book the next day, but don’t let my determination to carry on Jane’s work fool you. [...]

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

[...] So I take this opportunity to give my greetings to you both, and I will now as promised let you take your break.

[...] She said that before the Father Trainor demonstration she had been concerned about her voice being able to give a session tomorrow night, Monday, let alone tonight.

(And once again, let it be noted that Jane suffered no aftereffects of any kind from this long session. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

(10:06.) You must each try to get the feeling (underlined) of creativity as you are acquainted with it, and then let that feeling splash over to other portions of your life, and particularly to the area of Ruburt’s mobility.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 9, 1984 Potter Penny Lois Sayre rn

Such experiences let you taste, again, the feeling of your own greater abilities and freedom. [...]

TES7 Session 293 October 12, 1966 energy October converting maturation demand

[...] When he does not do this he lets himself down.

TPS6 Deleted Session February 9, 1981 Walter public inferior Oswego encounters

[...] That is, if once he disliked crowds, a new purpose and understanding should let him rise above such nonsense—but there has always been a kind of singularity there (long pause)—a characteristic need to go his own way. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 31, 1977 Cézanne firewalker Trafzer Waldo Framework

If he is considering his own personal situation, however, let him remember that the firewalker utterly believes in his ability. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

Let Ruburt return to the definite 3-or-4-hour writing period, involving what he understands of Sumari time, interspersed with what you are doing to change the environment in the apartments—a good mixture of the mental and the physical. [...]

TPS2 Session 600 (Deleted Portion) December 13, 1971 cordella Alphabets language shambalina impressionism

Now I will let you take your break.

UR1 Section 3: Session 704 June 17, 1974 oracle physician predict disease psyche

[...] Let us look at medicine, for instance.

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