Results 101 to 120 of 336 for stemmed:joy

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 894, January 9, 1980 creatures scheme body self sensations

[...] If joy has always been one of the characteristics of earth experience, so has suffering, and the subject will be covered in this book. [...]

The entities, or units of consciousness—those ancient fragments that burst into objectivity from the vast and infinite psychological realms of All That Is—dared all, for they joyfully abandoned themselves in space and time. [...]

TES3 Session 143 April 5, 1965 illness visitors Sonja pills Louis

[...] The man who is capable of joy is capable, to a large extent, of changing his world. Joy is not a weak spineless idiot either. [...]

Joy is the muscle of action, and without it there would be no action. [...]

TPS1 Session 387 December 11, 1967 Maltz exercises relaxation vision sleepy

[...] (Pause.) The exercises you see should have a joyful, gamelike atmosphere, or a nonchalance. [...]

[...] We want the condition completely healed, and for this joyful relaxation is definitely prescribed.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 824, March 1, 1978 Cinderella fairy tale godmother adult

Children experiment with the creation of joyful and frightening events, trying to ascertain for themselves the nature of their control over their own experience. They imagine joyful and terrifying experiences. [...]

TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968 thread agony neurological conceive traversed

All That Is loves all that it has created, down to the least, for it realizes the dearness, and the uniqueness of each consciousness which had been wrest (spelled) from such a state and at such a price; and it is triumphant and joyful at each new development taken by each consciousness, for this is an added triumph against that first state, and an added security against that first state, and it revels and (takes) joy in the slightest creative act of each of its issue.

TPS2 Session 607 April 3, 1972 Alma Porcius Marcus Cato statesman

I do not mean to scold her, but in her well-meaning sympathy she can hold down the native joy that he feels, when left to his own standards of achievement.

DEaVF1 Essay 4 Saturday, April 17, 1982 chimes dirgelike irrepressible prologue escapades

[...] Seth insisted that those powers, followed at least in principle, would raise man’s estate and fill it with a brilliance and joy in which the old problems of the species would largely disappear.

TPS3 Session 766 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1976 backtracked options unresponsive demands abundance

(10:59.) Your joys and challenges, and his, jointly form your realities. [...]

TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 hate evil ego roles assimilate

It becomes bitter and mortally frightened, with no place to turn, and it sickens the body, and shrivels, and concentrates more and more upon the morbid aspects of its environment, until it cannot even appreciate the splendid accomplishment of itself, and the joys that are peculiarly part of the ego.

[...] The ego can perform its function, fulfill its responsibilities within the physical field, and be free to know adequate joys and pleasures. [...]

TES9 Session 456 January 8, 1969 approach restricts portrait potato technique

[...] The first is to paint a portrait of a person whom you know, trying to portray the essence of that person, their deepest agonies and highest joys, their highest capabilities and fears of failure. [...]

[...] Think of your painting as a spontaneous play of the godlike self, who paints or plays for the pure joy of doing so, without effort, without questions, and without plans. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session February 9, 1976 ideal taxes expression mutilate envision

(Louder for the next several paragraphs:) Your joy, your challenge, should be in the expression of the ideal as you see it, whether or not you can in your terms count upon the consequences, or the impediments—whether or not the expression comes to fulfillment in your terms—and even if it seems to fall on ground on which it will not grow.

Then the joy of the ideal itself is marred for you, and you become over-protective. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973 affirm creaturehood journeys Trust yourself

(Quite slowly:) You will begin with where you are and joyfully start to expand those attributes that you have now, without expecting them to appear full-blown. [...]

[...] I speak my name joyfully, though names are not important. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 Joel Daniel violent Ned wring

Now our friend, poetic Ruburt, wrote a poem about the Gods in the Rafters that I enjoyed, although poetry has never been one of my particular joys. And, yet, in one manner of speaking, the very air about you sings with its own joyful consciousness and does not know the same kind of burden of consciousness that often oppresses you. [...]

Now the atoms and molecules also, my dear scientific friend over there (Arnold), these atoms and molecules, minute as they may appear to you, also carry their burden of consciousness and a responsibility, yet there is a portion of consciousness that can joyfully perceive in a different manner that is not forced to perceive by its nature, but that can playfully perceive as a creative aspect of its being and without responsibility. [...]

TES2 Session 58 June 1, 1964 outer ego plane passionate shrink

[...] There must be, with discipline, a passionate joyfulness and spontaneity.

I cannot stress too deeply this mixture of spontaneity, joyfulness and involvement with discipline, isolation and determination. [...]

[...] You must work ever harder at your painting, and always allow yourself spontaneity and joyfulness as well as discipline in your work; and you must show, sell, or even give away your work.

TES7 Session 317 February 6, 1967 Healy Blanche Price Ann Miss

[...] A joyful heart? [...]

[...] It too, of course, will change, but now he can let it change joyfully.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

[...] I would be cheating you of the joy of your own self-knowledge. [...]

[...] The selves are new but you have sat here for centuries, and in your aliveness springs the creativity from which all things are born and the joy and vitality that gives life to all worlds. [...]

NoPR Preface by Seth: Session 609, April 10, 1972 title mercy expectations thoughts outline

All consciousness has within it the deep abiding impetus to use its abilities fully, to expand its capacities, to venture joyfully beyond the seeming barriers of its own experience. [...]

The authors instead tell you to be positive, compassionate, strong, optimistic, filled with joy and enthusiasm, without telling you what to do to get out of the predicament you may be in, and without understanding the vicious circle that may seem to entrap you. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 cells memory twenty reborn body

[...] Within your physical being then each joyful, expanding, traumatic and tragic “past” event lies indelibly written. [...]

[...] You will be replenished and renewed as your thoughts motivate joyful body sensations and physical events, or you will be depressed as you bring into your awareness unpleasant past body happenings.

TES4 Session 178 August 16, 1965 waking brogue beneficial traffic routes

[...] The entire gestalt simply works better and more efficiently and more joyfully, from the smallest cell to the most organized aspects of personality.

Without a sense of joy and inner accomplishment and development of potential, the personality will not only fail to flourish, but the inner self will refuse to maintain the physical structure adequately. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 814, October 8, 1977 flu inoculations season disease shots

[...] Christianity, however, officially asks children of sorrow to be joyful and sinners to find a childlike purity; it asks them to love a God who one day will destroy the world, and who will condemn them to hell if they do not adore him.

That feeling gives the organism the optimism, the joy, and the ever-abundant energy to grow. [...]

[...] The idea of prevention is always based upon fear — for you do not want to prevent something that is joyful. [...]

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