16 results for stemmed:jealousi

TES8 Session 352 July 12, 1967 jealousy loyalty pillow smothering proclamations

He fears that you will feel forced to give him more love than you want to. This is partially a leftover from his realization of your feelings of jealousy, you see. All of this material is very important.

As he becomes reassured again you see he will not require as many proclamations. The rejection he felt however was quite real, and you did feel it—the jealousy—for whatever reason, was felt as valid. Therefore, the necessity for the reassurances.

(“Last night my pendulum told me my hand developed a tremor as a result of this jealousy.”

TES8 Session 350 July 6, 1967 jealousy Catherine temperas oils lingering

Some of your feelings of jealousy, some (underlined) come from your knowledge of your mother’s feelings. Once the jealousy became charged enough then you became sensitive to these telepathically received feelings of hers, and they nourished your own.

[...] You also put up resistance because of your jealousy. [...]

This was the beginning of your jealousy, and he picked it up.

TES9 Session 460 January 27, 1969 Ace sale Wollheim endeavors impetus

[...] You fear that direct psychic experience in terms of projections could rob you of the energy you should put into your painting and quite unconsciously, though not entirely, when you are focusing upon your painting strongly with particular inner vigor, then you close the door to personal psychic adventures out of a misplaced jealousy for your art.

[...] But this feeling of jealousy prevents you from using consciously what you have gained. [...]

NotP Chapter 5: Session 772, April 19, 1976 sexual male female orientation deities

When you view the animal kingdom, you also do so through your specialized sexual beliefs, studying the behavior of the male and female, looking for patterns of aggressiveness, territorial jealousy, passivity, mothering instincts, or whatever. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 5, 1984 Jeff talent Karder poets fix

[...] This line of belief continues as follows: If your talent is extremely unique or original, it may be safer to deny it entirely, or to adopt some disability or handicap that will quell the jealousy or envy of others who might otherwise hunt you down.

NotP Chapter 5: Session 771, April 14, 1976 sexual homosexual male heterosexual female

[...] He may at times be jealous of her attention, but this is not a sexual jealousy in conventionally understood terms. [...]

TES3 Session 93 September 30, 1964 tub Larry leaked pajamas theatre

[...] Here Ruburt was led backward to the first level momentarily, being reassured, saying “I will not be the old tub, she was and is,” therefore on a surface level overcoming jealousy because the former administrator spent so much money on clothes and appearance.

[...] It gave him information, it helped overcome his jealousy, and it was a transition from surface significance to deeper knowledge.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 16, 1971 Eva Alpha press loyalty grandfather

Now there is some sense of jealousy in the family over the child that the child senses and this, also, has to do with his sense of hesitation in speech. [...]

TPS1 Session 377 (Deleted) November 6, 1967 success jealous virility caps castration

[...] I wanted to be sure I wasn’t confused on the jealousy-envy terminology; I also wondered if there was actually any difference.)

TPS2 Deleted Session February 16, 1972 job leadership aspersions trip beacons

[...] I have been for her success, especially since I began to understand my poor reactions to the publication of her first book—jealousy, etc.

TPS1 Session 208 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1965 envy penis faltered itch envious

Now, on your part we will use the word envy rather than jealousy. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 592, August 23, 1971 Essenes Sue records falsified Qumran

(9:46.) There was some jealousy, then, from certain members of the Essenes at John’s progress. [...]

TES9 Session 441 October 9, 1968 mythlin male proportionately Zeno Pitre

[...] He paced himself out of jealousy of his energy, so that it outlived him. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

[...] A recent check with my pendulum shows no residue of jealousy in any area, etc.)

TES1 Session 21 February 3, 1964 Throckmorton maid Lessie Dick daughter

[...] This time the present personality of the maid tries to make up for the jealousy, and for many quarrels that she initiated secretly between Throckmorton and his daughter, by malicious tattling and playing one member of the family against the other. [...]

TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions

In part, whatever disapproval they feel, and it is not nearly as great as you imagine it to be, is based upon jealousy in a large degree, and yet, conversely, you have given them strength, and even helped to justify them, in that underneath it all they do realize that despite their own shortcomings you have managed to achieve something.