Results 901 to 920 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

(Jane said she had experienced another “concept feeling” while speaking, as she had in the 149th, 151st and 153rd sessions. [...] It involved, Jane said, some kind of inner comprehension that she was learning something in a new way, as though some kind of undifferentiated sense was operating and soaking up information. [...]

(Jane has been using her twenty-minute psychological time period recently for health purposes, with excellent results. [...]

[...] Jane was quite restless during the session, changing position in her rocker frequently. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 26, 1984 nirvana grass flagellation imprudent mulch

[...] Jane had heard the medicine cart in the hall, but a few minutes passed before a nurse came in with the Darvoset. Jane said she’d better close out the session.

(I told Jane that I hoped Frank Longwell had gotten his young friend to mow the grass this afternoon, as he’d promised to do this morning, but nothing doing. [...]

(Jane called tonight at 9:35, just as I was typing the session.)

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

(A note: The woman from Arizona sent Jane a telegram late Saturday afternoon, asking that Jane see her again, saying that she would wait several days at the Holiday Inn. [...] Jane called her at the Holiday Inn. [...] In any event, Jane was prepared to tell her that she would not see her again.)

[...] The two women were from Arizona and Massachusetts; the former had flown here to see Jane unannounced. I turned her away at the door with a promise that Jane would call her at the Holiday Inn. [...] I arranged that both women would meet here at 4:00 PM to talk with Jane for an hour before supper time; Sue Watkins was also due that afternoon with some typed material for Psyche—which is why I made the arrangement to begin with.

(Jane and I almost had an argument over the setup, though, for I had mistakenly assumed that she’d be glad to see everyone at once and get it over with, so we’d be free the rest of the day. Instead, Jane was counting on being free for the day and didn’t want to see anybody except Sue. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974 Perspective program screen jacket hat

(“The truth is,” Jane said to me the other evening, “I’m alone in this psychic thing. [...] We were discussing the material Seth had given after 11:38 in the last [712th] session; he’d talked about some of the strains Jane had experienced while serving “the first portion of her apprenticeship” in the development of her psychic abilities. [...]

(Jane commented here on something I’d also become aware of in recent sessions. [...] In some fashion she can’t describe, Jane is now able to reach the “right” trance state, or to arrive at it, much more easily. [...]

(Those circumstances might have acted as a leavening factor in the early years, perhaps to a mild degree helping determine the direction of some of Jane’s psychic explorations, with and without Seth. [...]

TES3 Session 96 October 12, 1964 gestalt Trinity unitary primary plane

(At 8:45 Jane had no idea of the material for the session tonight. [...] Jane has also begun the study of psychological time on a regular basis, but has nothing of note to report yet, beyond a few glimmerings.

(Jane began dictating again with her glasses off, her eyes quite dark as usual. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 22, 1978 inspiration deaden Frank distractions Instream

(As Jane and I worked with the pendulum on Thursday morning, May 8, I thought of two questions for Seth that we’d never asked him before. [...] Does he remember Jane, etc? [...] What does that individual now think about psychic phenomena: Does he remember Jane, etc? [...] Why did I get to talking with him in the conference room on campus, then take him to our room, where he proceeded to so upset Jane?

(Last night Jane had a dream she didn’t like. [...] Jane had agreed to do something that wouldn’t hurt, but it did. [...]

(This morning Jane and I worked with the pendulum on the question of inspiration, and discovered that there was much there to be learned and clarified in her attitudes, and mine too, for that matter. [...] We learned among other things that Jane felt she had to hold off on new inspiration while we fulfilled existing commitments—schedules and contracts, etc., and that she wanted to help type “Unknown” Reality, Volume 2, presumably, I thought so that she could get it out of the way so she’d be free to go on to other things. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 evolved portraits Mrs Speakers evolution

(Before the session we read over a letter Jane had received on March 16, 1971, from Mrs. R. Her son had disappeared on June 28, 1970. Jane had written her on April 4, promising some information soon.)

(In Chapter Seventeen Seth told Jane and me that we’d both been Speakers. Since I haven’t painted any self-portraits I wouldn’t have been included in the list anyhow, but Seth did neglect to mention my painting of Jane. [...]

(“How about answering the letter from Mrs. R. first?” As Seth, Jane reached out for the letter.)

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

(Jane read yesterday’s session for herself, and I helped her; she said nothing about my own notes for it. [...] Georgia had put her there, and had also washed Jane’s hair this morning. [...]

[...] I did a few letters, thanking people who have contributed to Jane’s hospital fund. Carla took Jane’s temperature — 98.4. I read the last sentence to my wife. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session October 13, 1975 Howard Venice Bumbalos prerogatives cancer

[...] After the session I told Jane I’d been tempted to ask Seth to comment on the tragic situation involving Venice and Howard McCullough, but decided not to because of Jane’s own concerns. [...] Jane was willing to go back into trance, but I thought she’d better pass it up.

(For the last several days, especially, Jane has been experiencing marked improvements in her physical condition. [...]

[...] Frank has done some notes on it, and Jane has a few. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 917, May 21, 1980 imagination eccentricity disorders insane stockpile

[...] Jane had also been doing very well on God of Jane, and chose not to be distracted by working on anything else—even Seth material. [...]

[...] I was most interested tonight as Seth discussed the implications of the letter, along with two thoughts Jane had picked up from him a week ago Monday, on the day she held the 915th session: “Alone, reason finally becomes unreasonable. [...]

Ruburt (Jane) today received a letter from a man who would certainly be labeled a schizophrenic. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 619, October 9, 1972 beliefs imagination child punishment parents

(The members of Jane’s ESP class have been putting the ideas in Personal Reality to good use. Strangely, this has made Jane somewhat impatient, since she can only proceed with what Seth has given so far. [...]

[...] (Seth-Jane spoke emphatically, rapping upon the coffee table between us.) Because of this, physically speaking and in life as you think of it, the mind is to a large extent dependent upon the brain’s growth and activity. [...]

[...] Jane said she had been really out during her trance, and that now she felt “almost drunk with exhilaration.” [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

[...] As of now we have so far mailed the letter to Eleanor re Rich Bed; phoned the ad about a house in to the Elmira paper; obtained the paint for Jane’s workroom; put up new curtains in her room; begun inquiries about the duplication of the letter for readers who write to Jane; packaged the first six chapters of Seth’s book to mail to Tam at Prentice-Hall tomorrow; begun to check the galleys for Oversoul Seven—all of these being items on the list we made out a couple of days ago. [...]

(I didn’t know exactly what Jane meant. [...] I didn’t ask Jane what her interpretation of this significance was, by the way. [...]

[...] “He isn’t done, I can tell you that,” Jane said after she’d come out of a deep trance. [...] When Jane got up she could barely move about her chair. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 17, 1973 symptoms Picasso price extraordinary isolation

(After supper Jane and I went over a long list of reasons—beliefs—she had compiled today about the reasons for her symptoms. [...] Jane made the list because of some things I had said in recent days—that the same reasons for her symptoms were still operating, in spite of all the deleted sessions we’d had, in spite of all the suggestions, etc. [...]

[...] Jane, I’m waiting. [...] As I’ve said several times lately, I think that it is only very recently that Jane has begun to appreciate my reactions to her condition; that she has even realized that I have a position about them. [...]

[...] The situation is as you both saw it this evening (while reading Jane’s list), except that you did not see it in perspective.

TES1 February 14, 1964 whatnot sensation nibbling suffusing principally

(At around 9:15 PM I was in the living room talking to Jane about her book on ESP. [...]

[...] I held up my hand without speaking, Jane stopped talking, and we waited quietly to see what might develop. [...]

(Two similarities between this time and last time: Although other people weren’t present as they were before, tonight Jane and I were discussing others; and I was also sipping wine [again my first small glass] like before.)

TPS6 Deleted Session May 7, 1981 responsibility pleasure penance gloom incoherent

(Yesterday morning I read Jane Tuesday’s session, concerning her exaggerated sense of responsibility, and so forth, and it seemed to have an almost immediate effect upon her: She became very relaxed. [...] I thought of Jane confining her replies to correspondents via postcard only, or at least only rarely sending out the letters with a longer reply to someone truly in need. [...]

[...] Frank Longwell visited later this afternoon, and applied to Jane’s legs and back a heating device he’d lent us some time ago. It furnishes moist heat, and Jane found it quite effective; she ended up quite relaxed.

(Jane did decide to have a session tonight, though, since we’d missed last night’s, and we had company—Rhoads and Gallaghers—scheduled for Friday night. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 10, 1977 relaxation shoes suggestions inequalities inoculation

(Jane wanted to know about the delayed reaction she experienced to my suggestions last Monday, after our first such episode, following Seth’s instructions. [...] I’ve given Jane suggestions twice since then, the last one being at naptime yesterday. [...] Jane has also given herself one such period of suggestion.

(Today Jane’s right leg “definitely felt straighter this afternoon,” on two occasions, one of them being after her nap. [...] Jane doesn’t know which suggestion session —or all of them, say —brought about what effects. [...]

[...] Jane said she was willing to continue, but.... [...] So did Jane.)

TES4 Session 160 June 7, 1965 traffic action impediments mutant unimpeded

[...] Jane had no idea of the material for the session before she began speaking, on time. [...] There was quite a bit of traffic noise even at this hour, and Jane’s voice had a stronger edge, as though to cut through it.)

[...] I thought it was bothering Jane, since she seemed to be sitting in a rather tense position in her rocker. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated, but not as well as usual for a first break. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 26, 1984 Menahem dilemma vantage choices punishment

[...] I took the article in to 330 today so that Jane could read it. Dr. Menahem very favorably compares the Seth material with a number of psychological disciplines, and I told Jane I hoped his feature would show her that the general validity of her work would continue to grow. [...]

[...] Jane had a sip of coffee and a cigarette. [...]

(4:44 p.m. Jane had been interrupted twice within three minutes since last break.“Gee, I felt these great big chunks of material there,” she said. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 860, June 13, 1979 impulses meditation luckily decisions tiny

(Once again now, Jane was quite relaxed. [...] The situation wasn’t without its humorous aspects, however, for Seth himself seemed eager to go: As we sat for the session Jane said she was getting material from him on several topics. [...] Jane was also picking up on Seth’s dictation for tonight. [...]

(Four weeks ago, I wrote in the opening notes for the 854th session that Jane wasn’t sure of Heroics as the title for her new book. She’s been using it ever since, though — until late last night, that is, when she finally agreed that she did have the definitive and very original title that she’d been searching for all along: The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 23, 1981 pk target microscopic displacement micro

(Jane was again very relaxed after supper as she sat on the couch watching TV. [...]

[...] One even took us to task for “obscenities” in Volume 2 of “Unknown.” Jane and I have been talking about how best to deal with the implications of the mail—it often bothers her—but haven’t reached any conclusions. [...]

[...] Jane has read the first two pages of questions. [...]

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