Results 821 to 840 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

[...] Jane left for the corner grocery to get a pack of cigarettes. [...] Once again Jane had been trying to give up cigarettes; this time the struggle lasted but a day or so, and ended in tears after supper this evening. [...]

[...] During the above delivery Jane was in her usual state of dissociation. [...] Resume at 10:07, Jane dictating.)

(Jane was back from the store at 8:55. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 863, June 27, 1979 paranoid spider schizophrenic web values

(Jane receives 35 to 50 letters a week. [...] Each Saturday and Sunday Jane catches up with her replies for the week, brief as they often are, so that on Monday morning, when I put out that bundle of letters for the mailman, we’re ready for the next week’s accumulation. All of the mail doesn’t need answering, of course, but the other day we estimated that with very little help from me Jane now replies to around 2,000 letters a year. [...]

1. In recent weeks Jane herself has been quite intrigued by the idea of “personal centering,” as she put it in her notes for God of Jane. [...] It’ll probably end up in God of Jane, but I’d like to present it here, too:

(In my Introductory Notes for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, I explained how Jane acknowledges the mail we get from our readers by sending them copies of letters from Seth and herself; to the latter she adds a few personal lines for each correspondent. [...] Seth dictated his letter in April 1975, just after finishing his part of the work for Volume 2 of “Unknown,” and I presented it while introducing Volume 1. Jane still handles most of the mail herself, and she continues to send people Seth’s letter because we still think he presented excellent ideas in it.

TPS1 Session 585 (Deleted Portion) May 12, 1971 creed panel permanent symptoms sketches

[...] I told none of this to Jane at the time. I thought I had resolved the problem, but when the symptoms continued during Jane’s ESP class Tuesday night, I realized I was wrong—the problem had not been cleared up.

[...] I was also struck by my reaction to the whole development, and couldn’t help comparing my reaction to Jane’s reaction to her own symptoms. [...]

[...] I had felt for some time now that Jane entertained fears of this kind, and that they must be resolved.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 18 probable selves bike Rob Carl

Rob and Jane look at each other. Jane says, ‘No.’ But somehow they both seem more like themselves, as I know them in daily life.

Apparently Rob and Jane were moving into the same apartment my Rob and Jane have lived in for years, but in another probability.

[...] I am standing by Chamberlain’s Dairy outside Elmira, but the scenery doesn’t change, so I will myself to Jane and Rob’s apartment. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 29, 1971 job tu deeply du rewards

(We were holding the session in Jane’s workroom across the hall from the living room, in order to obtain more privacy. It was so hot that Jane had been peeling off articles of clothing ever since the session began.)

[...] At break Jane experienced a real outburst, during which she said most forcefully that she wouldn’t get a job, had no intention of doing so, etc. [...] Anything I said concerning Jane and jobs referred to past experiences, which hadn’t worked out, etc.

(Jane experienced a bout of crying at the supper table this evening. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1979 poet tradition creativity specific conflict

(Jane was so relaxed yesterday and last night—as she has been often lately—that we held no session. At the same time she’s been extremely creative, working on her God of Jane, and the introduction to Mass Events—producing many pages of excellent material for those works. [...]

(Jane suggested having an earlier session, although I hadn’t really expected her to have one at all. [...]

[...] When she went in trance, Jane’s delivery was very active and energetic—in marked contrast to her near bleary-eyed state before Seth came through. [...]

TES8 Session 392 January 22, 1968 displaced minister Philip John committed

(Last evening Jane had spoken on parapsychology to a group of 18 members of a Methodist church group. Among them had been the minister of the congregation, and he had made an impression upon Jane.)

(Jane began speaking in a voice stronger than usual, her eyes opening occasionally. [...]

[...] Since the data was remarkably consistent in that none of it applied to John, Jane and I began to wonder if it was not displaced from someone else.)

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 627, November 13, 1972 beliefs unexamined assess coughing power

(Over the last few days Jane has received a number of telephone calls — as well as letters — from people about the country, asking for help from her and/or Seth. Some of the problems cited are quite severe, and often they’re beyond any reasonable [let alone quick] therapy that Jane, Seth, or I can offer. Because of our own sympathetic reactions Jane and I often end up feeling frustrated; also, to help but a few people with any thoroughness means that we’d have no time left for the rest. Apropos of Jane’s efforts to personally do what she can, she received a visitor recently who displayed signs of a secondary personality….

[...] Jane had begun coughing intermittently after last break. [...] While Jane rested, I suggested that if Seth returned it would be better if he discussed the reasons behind her coughing. [...]

(As we waited for the session tonight, Jane said two channels from Seth were open: Seth could speak on the people who have been seeking her out, or give book dictation. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 18, 1978 safety fest tyrant unpredictability illustrated

(At times Jane wakes me up at night; she’s very nearly crying in discomfort, yet now we understand that those feelings represent her muscles wanting to be used; so far, though, we haven’t managed to get ourselves out of bed at such times, which usually develop perhaps an hour before the alarm is to ring; these bouts, then, happen after she’s usually slept for several hours, and the body wants action. I do think Jane has signaled to the body that it’s time for changes to be made, which marks a learning point for her.

(Jane’s physical condition continues to change and improve. [...]

[...] At the same time, Jane has been exercising a lot lately, and I’d rather she didn’t overdo this activity.

TES1 Session 16 January 15, 1964 plane enzymes Malba saucer ectoplasm

[...] (Jane dictates:) Yet ego is relaxed. [...] So Jane concentrates while I give her the messages, even though it is not her ego which is concentrating. [...] The cat is doing the same thing in his way that Jane is, and in the particular situation you are thinking of his inner senses, that is the cat’s, were focused in my direction.

[...] Jane and I both were surprised at the amount of material we had gathered in forty-five minutes. [...] Jane’s voice never went beyond a certain medium deepening and a small increase in volume. [...] Jane resumed dictating at 9:51.)

[...] Seth referred to Jane’s habit of pacing endlessly around the room as she talked. Although her voice sounded normal to me, Jane said that during this session even [...] Jane resumed dictation at 10:28.)

TPS4 Deleted Session May 8, 1978 scorn tapes Meredith authorities grassroot

(Recently Jane was told that a complete set of class tapes, with transcripts was being offered by someone on the West Coast for around $255.00 for 55 of them—$5.00 or thereabouts a tape. During a call to Tam this morning, he advised Jane to “put a stop” to the affair before it went too far—to at least write the people involved a letter. Jane has asked Sheri Perl for the names and addresses to do this, and plans to write a letter. [...] Jane is against the whole thing on esthetic and invasion-of-privacy grounds, not monetary ones so much, and I guess my feelings about it all are too ambiguous. [...]

(This rather humorous material from Seth was in reference to a talk Jane and I had, at my instigation, several days ago, when I idly speculated about asking Scott Meredith to personally represent us. [...] [That dilemma has since been resolved.] In the meantime, both Jane and I had forgotten all about the Meredith question.)

(Today is Jane’s birthday.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 845, April 2, 1979 nuclear Mile Jonestown Island scientists

(Although Seth didn’t call this session book dictation, Jane and I decided to show portions of it in Mass Events for two reasons: 1. The material in Note 1 can be taken as an extension of the discussion on reasoning and the intuitions that Seth gave in the 825th session. [...] This thinking also applies to anything Jane and I may want to add on either of those two mass events.

2. Jane and I try to understand both the advocates of nuclear power and those who are against it. [...] Jane and I passionately believe that instead of concentrating primarily upon nuclear power the United States should be making massive efforts to utilize many other sources of energy — at least until the risks and technologies involved with generating nuclear power are understood much more thoroughly. [...]

Ideas about conservation enter in as a result of my comments about alternate sources of energy, of course, and these are related to a number of deep desires that Jane and I have. [...] Jane and I are more than ready to make those sacrifices; indeed, we live very conservatively even now. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 846, April 4, 1979 Jonestown cult fallout reactor Island

[...] But Jane had written some chapter headings, which were very good, and half a page of commentary for Seth’s hypothetical book. [...] Jane believed me, finally, and in the course of the conversation I learned that she’s also been worrying about which of Seth’s recent sessions should be presented in Mass Events. [...]

[...] Jane and I read that it will take up to four years and many millions of dollars to decontaminate, overhaul, and place the crippled reactor back in operation; the cost is given in incalculable estimates ranging from $40 million to $400 million. [...]

(Regardless of whether the events at Three Mile Island have resulted in any significant radioactive fallout so far, they have generated some disquieting fallout as far as Jane and I are personally concerned. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 933, August 7, 1981 Bahais pleasure tribe dreamers Shiite

Last month, in the opening notes for Session 931, in Chapter 9, I recorded that on July 8 Jane spontaneously wrote “a complete outline for a book on Seth’s magical approach to reality.” Actually, we’ve been quite aware of the potential of such an idea ever since Seth began that material a year ago.3 After supper this evening we went over the loose-leaf notebook of information Jane has accumulated for The Magical Approach to Reality: A Seth Book, and discussed how she could follow her outline in putting all of that material—on our dreams, psychic events and insights, her poetry and our essays—together with Seth’s private sessions on the magical approach. [...] Jane seemed to pick up on my own enthusiasm.

1. Recently I asked Jane if Seth could give us some information on the consciousness connected with nuclear energy—a fascinating question I’ve often speculated about—and she promised me that he’d discuss it soon. [...] I reminded Jane that some time ago Seth had remarked that as physical creatures we human beings cannot bear to directly confront the basic, vast, unimaginably awesome and creative consciousness of All That Is. [...]

(A note: Six years have passed since Jane delivered the passage I was trying to recall. [...] I told Jane that I don’t think anyone else has ever said it as well. [...]

TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

(Jane felt quite tired before the session this evening. [...] As session time approached Jane was so unenthusiastic that I made her coffee to help pep her up, at her request.

(Toward the end of the experiment, I saw Jane enter my field of vision from the right side. [...] Jane was walking on the other side of a long black shiny car hood; she looked at me, smiled and waved a greeting.

(Jane had nothing to report from her experiments with psychological time. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 913, May 5, 1980 Steffans Mrs woodcuts David heroic

[...] Jane met Mrs. Steffans just once, in 1973, when she came through with a spontaneous “reading” for the lady at an informal party David Yoder gave in the apartment he was renting at the time. Jane and I think it most interesting that we were living in the same downtown apartment house as David was, and that Jane met—just that once—a person living in the house we were to buy two years later. Furthermore, Mrs. Steffans is the last individual for whom Jane has given a reading under such public circumstances.2

2. For a brief description of Jane’s encounter with Mrs. Steffans, see Note 13 for Session 744, in Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality. Seth, and Jane and I, described a number of our house-hunting adventures in the two volumes of that work. [...]

(After lunch today Jane and I were visited by our old friend David Yoder, who’s been in Florida recuperating from the heart bypass surgery he underwent early this year.1 David brought news that was at first startling, then quickly developed into several conflicting emotions and ideas for us: He’d just learned from a relative of hers that a few weeks ago Mrs. Steffans [not her real name], the wife of the couple we’d purchased the hill house from in March 1975, had committed suicide at her home in a Western state while her husband was away on a business trip.

TMA Session Ten September 10, 1980 education Bowman official unlearning culture

[...] But these sessions, dealing with Jane’s improvements, validate the Seth material as it’s come to us over the years. [...] [Others, I’ve often speculated, couldn’t realize the depth of Jane’s challenges.] As we talked, Jane laughed and said she picked up from Seth that “the best books are yet to come.”)

[...] Jane missed the September 3 session, but when she asked me about it a few days ago I replied that I was up to date. [...]

(Once again Jane was very relaxed as we prepared for the session. [...]

TPS3 Session 768 (Deleted Portion) March 22, 1976 ence ex peri Wheeler tal

(She referred to four pages of material on black holes, etc., that she’d first written out last night, following a letter she received from Pensinger in Trumansburg, New York: I have a copy on file, and so does Jane. [...] Certainly a connection with all of this is the call Jane received from Andrija Puharich a few days ago; he wanted her to see what she could get about physics; he’d been to a meeting of physicists at Princeton University, Wheeler’s home base; he’d given Jane the names of some well-known physicists who were interested in what psychics could get, but she hadn’t remembered any names.)

Psychic structures interweave, and realities do, one through the other (as Jane wrote this afternoon). [...]

[...] Jane said she felt Seth Two behind her, for the first time in a long while. [...]

TMA Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 translating poetry playacting rational ancient

(I’d just finished typing the last few pages for Monday night’s session, and I asked Jane what she thought of my final note: I’d speculated about any reincarnational connections that might tie her abilities to speak for Seth, without help of any modern kind, to the abilities ancient man had displayed, when, according to Seth, he’d been able to carry all of his history with him mentally. As ancient man had lived without the news media we’re so used to, so does Jane speak for Seth without all of that modern help. [...]



(At lunch today I read the latest group of poems Jane has prepared for her book of poetry for Prentice-Hall.1

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

[...] As Jane said, “Scott conserved his energy, but he seemed to do well enough, although his movements were slow, especially walking and sitting down. [...] Scott Nearing was quite interested in how well the Seth books were doing, whether any of the “leading magazines” had interviewed Jane, and so forth. The reasons behind his interest are brought out in tonight’s session, and in Jane’s own brief summary of the visit in her notes. [...]

(Odd notes: Today Jane received the contract for Emir from Delacorte, but is not about to sign it yet. [...] Tam is to call Jane following the interview, or if it’s too late Jane will call him Tuesday morning—which she did. [...]

[...] Jane was very restless, and had been so for much of the day. [...]

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