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TES5 Session 208 November 15, 1965 primary secondary clock gravity conditions

[...] Jane said she was very well dissociated for a first delivery. [...] Jane’s eyes were open for most of the session, her delivery very emphatic and fast, her voice about average.

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] She said she had not been conscious of anything else while speaking; that is, Jane heard no other noises, etc.

[...] Jane spoke while sitting down, and at a rapid rate for the most part. [...]

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Session 881, September 25, 1979 billion creationists reptiles ambitious evolutionary

I know that Jane is interested in the book in question, but also a bit afraid of it: “I don’t want to be so influenced by it—or by any other book—that it starts coming out in the material,” she’s said more than once recently. [...] But Jane has an excellent critical mind. [...]

(Saturday afternoon Jane finished typing the final version of her Introduction for Mass Events, and yesterday morning I mailed it to Tam Mossman at Prentice-Hall.

[...] He promised something Jane and I could really focus upon … an exciting yet thoughtful time of “work” and new information. [...]

TES3 Session 117 December 23, 1964 holidays enigmatic overtime shortest baking

[...] Jane had been working in the kitchen all day in preparation for the holidays. [...] At 8 PM Jane began to clean up after her baking marathon in the event there was a session, although she wasn’t sure there would be one. [...]

[...] We were standing beside our Christmas tree when Jane took off her glasses and began to speak for Seth, in a voice somewhat stronger than usual. [...]

[...] Jane said she was surprised at the abrupt way it began. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 13, 1984 irs Olson Suzanne calorie Dana

(Day 12 of Jane’s new regime.

(Jane called last night.

[...] Jane was on her side. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 7, 1978 Wanda disapproval appointment Frank ommm

(Driving home, I had misgivings about my actions in making the appointment without consulting Jane, but told myself I trusted my impulse and the working of Framework 2. I also felt that Jane would never see a doctor on her own. [...] I thought Jane would be able to see the doctor and do her own thing without conflict. Jane, however, reacted strongly when I told her about the appointment. [...]

[...] Since I’d been thinking of Wanda rather strongly last week, wondering whether the doctor in question could help Jane and her eye condition, I took our meeting as a clear case of the workings of Framework 2. On impulse I asked Wanda if she could arrange an appointment for Jane, and was surprised to hear that it could be set up for next Monday. Wanda was to call that afternoon and give Jane a time.

(When Wanda called, however, we learned that her doctor wasn’t the kind of specialist Jane should see after all, so the situation was resolved seemingly without effort on our parts. [...] We ended up with Jane more or less on a two-week test period to see if she could get results on her own—although in the light of tonight’s session I doubt if the “deadline” matters. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 12, 1978 Emir Eleanor conservative weight truth

(At about the same time Emir was mailed, Jane sent Richard Bach “a crazy poem” that she’d written a couple of days earlier. [...] He gave Jane the excellent news that wherever he went the Seth books were known, and that Jane truly was changing our society through her work. [...] But Dick’s message was certainly a heartening one, and one I’d say that Jane could really use to good effect.

[...] This morning Eleanor called Jane to say that she “loved it,” and made a Jane a firm offer for its publication. Jane accepted the offer. [...]

[...] 1: Jane’s weight, which I’d realized recently, had dropped without my noticing it. Seth’s recent remark, that she was beginning to gain weight again, had alerted me to it, although I’d noticed in recent weeks that Jane was much too thin—when I helped her put on a shirt, take a bath, etc. 2: What’s going on generally with her, physically, or as Jane put it “Why is it—her recovery—taking so long?” 3. At least a few words from Seth generally on the whole Emir thing.)

TES3 Session 144 April 7, 1965 knot Lorraine Belgium narcotics action

(This morning Jane learned through this individual that the husband in question has been involved with narcotics, to the extent that it was treated in the newspapers at the new location. Jane and I have not seen these published reports.

[...] She has also offered to do some typing for Jane and me.

(Since Jane began to achieve a deeper trance state, and to speak while sitting down and with her eyes closed, she has become much more sensitive to interruptions. [...]

TES4 Session 151 May 3, 1965 action limitless moment ego points

(As usual Jane spoke while sitting down and with her eyes closed. [...] Jane began speaking in a rather normal voice, but before long it began to deepen and strengthen. [...]

(The heavier overtones of Jane’s voice had subsided to some degree by break time, but it still had good substance. Jane maintained this reduced characteristic as she began dictating again, at a good rate, at 9:42.)

(Of course Jane and I have for some time been aware of the possible differences in meaning between Seth and ourselves, over interpretation of the word “soon”. [...] In it Seth stated that Jane had already made a sale, yet she did not receive confirmation of the sale of her ESP book until April 19, 1965. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] Jane and I met him in May 1960, when we moved from Sayre into an apartment house close to downtown Elmira. [...] Jane began the sessions there three years later; indeed, we were to stay there for 15 years. [...] Eventually he moved downstairs when a larger apartment right beneath ours became available: Still later, Jane and I rented the apartment he’d had on the second floor, so that we ended up with two apartments, side by side; we needed more room by then, and didn’t want to move.

[...] Jane initiated her ESP classes late in 1967—so each Tuesday night for the next seven and a half years, our friend put up with a vast amount of shouting and banging over his head. He knew what Jane was up to, but had only a peripheral interest in “psychic phenomena.” [...]

During the last couple of weeks David hadn’t made his regular trips up the hill, but Jane and I were so busy that that fact nearly escaped us. [...] Jane and I couldn’t believe it. [...]

TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 condensed molecules creation combination diffusion

(I made a list of these, added a quick sketch of the horses, and Jane’s Saratoga experience and ecstasy experience, pages 65 and 66; all with the idea of quizzing Seth about them at tonight’s session. These experiences with psychological time have become so intriguing and numerous that Jane and I devised a method to keep a list of them, in chronological order for quick reference.

[...] Jane was more fully dissociated than usual for a first monologue. [...] Jane resumed in the same low-key manner at 9:39.)

(Last Saturday Jane received several brief flashes from Seth; we have been concerned lately with the best way to handle the problem of witnesses—that is, to familiarize potential witnesses with the material, and at the same time keep our sense of privacy, and also maintain control of the sessions. Jane rather angrily cut Seth off, feeling this is a problem we must handle ourselves.

TES4 Session 173 July 28, 1965 Watts solution dream spirals actions

(Jane smiled, a reaction that I expected. It will be remembered that the sessions began when Jane contacted the Frank Watts personality. [...]

(Jane has been practicing psychological time regularly, but reports that she has achieved little besides her usual excellent state. [...]

(Jane has had some striking clairvoyant and telepathic experiences outside of psy-time, however, and is keeping separate records of these. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 18, 1983 violet Rembrandt enhanced stared hurrying

[...] It’s a great little session, I told Jane as I got ready to turn her on her side. [...] But Jane’s mobility as far as walking goes is what it’s all about, after all. [...]

(I had an interesting little experience after lunch this noon as I was hurrying to get my stuff together preparatory to going to the hospital to see Jane. [...]

[...] But I’d had a unique experience, and one I resolved to describe to Jane. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 17, 1984 suffering heaven fatalistic Bumbalos sent

(It also arouses my sense of irony and dismay — for the nurses who told Jane such things are presumably in better health than she is. Their implications were that God loved Jane more than he loved them, and would reveal this in heaven. [...]

(3:58 p.m. Jane did call this evening — at about 10:00, just as I was sitting down to begin typing this session. [...] He’d read Jane’s latest book, The Education of Oversoul Seven, and liked it very much.)

[...] Room 330 was on the chilly side to me, but Jane was comfortable.

TES2 Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Callahan divan Miss tongue mouth

(Perhaps if I had agreed enthusiastically to keep the blue divan, Jane would have done so. As it was, although I told Jane it was up to her as to whether we kept it or not, it was actually Jane who offered it to Leonard. [...]

[...] While trying psychological time, Jane again experienced the feeling she has likened to ecstasy, and described so thoroughly on page 66. [...]

(On February 17, 1964 our neighbor Miss Florence Callahan who lived in the front apartment on the same floor as Jane and I, was taken to the hospital suffering from arteriosclerosis. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 683 February 18, 1974 bulb multipersonhood personhood units herd

(In Note 6 for the last session I wrote quite easily that Jane and I felt “no physical or emotional threat” as we considered the vastness of the inner universe described by Seth. While we talked after supper tonight, however, I discovered to my surprise that Jane did entertain some doubtful thoughts on our places within this great organization of things. [...]

[...] A television producer wanted Jane to appear on his show. [...] When I hung up, Jane said, “I’m still half in.” [...]

(“I don’t know,” Jane said. [...] “Maybe these sessions are for your own writing,” Jane speculated. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 12, 1984 esthetic profusion decent symphonic intrinsically

(4:56 p.m. “Boy, am I sweating,” Jane said. [...] I should have added that before the session Jane finally got through the session for March 19 by herself, after some hard going, and that I had to finish reading the last session to her myself.

(Jane called last night. [...]

[...] Some of my teeth bother me at times, and tonight the pendulum told me they do so because I’m worrying about Jane.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 6, 1984 segment gallantry diseases Wilson fulfillment

(This morning Dr. Wilson visited Jane, and suggested that he’d like to clean out the site above her right knee where it’s open and draining. [...] He also said that even if Jane had an operation, he didn’t know if it would help straighten the leg. Jane and he discussed some sort of chair in which she could sit up, and he mentioned a type of vehicle like a wheel-chair-lounge of some sort, that perhaps could be adjusted for her to use.

(Jane called last night. [...]

(After she’d eaten and I was getting ready to leave, Jane said, “I really feel guilty at making your life so hard,” and added more words to that effect. [...]

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

The tree on Jane’s kitchen wall is very nice, and it is also significant as far as your opening up is concerned. I cannot say that Ruburt would go mad over a painting on a kitchen wall, or anything else on a kitchen wall, but then Jane is a different Ruburt all over again.

Ruburt, or I will say Jane now, strongly resented your mother, Joseph, on that Thanksgiving directly before the animal’s death. [...] The suggestion acted upon you and Jane, as well as upon the dog.

[...] I use the name Jane now rather than Ruburt for the sake of convenience. Jane is dissociated to some degree as far as your parents are concerned. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session January 9, 1983 delays Rembrandt quicker snail foreknowledge

(This session came through two days before I was to join a meeting of doctors, nurses, and other personnel at 11 AM, Tuesday, to see about arrangements for Jane to return home. [...]

(“I guess that’s it, Bob,” Jane said. [...]

[...] Jane’s voice had been somewhat stronger in her delivery. [...]

UR2 Appendix 15: (For Session 710) gurus untruth Eastern mystical philosophy

1. In Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, see the material on Jane, mysticism, and religion in the Introductory Notes, the 679th session, and Appendix 1 for that session. In that first appendix, the notes on Jane as an “independent mystic” (despite her denial that she even thinks of herself as a mystic), are especially appropriate here.

[...] Jane’s quick and impassioned response through her own writing, as presented below, reflects feelings deeply rooted within her mystical nature, and also illuminates important aspects of the body and direction of the Seth material as a whole. [...]

[...] Obviously, in those terms of linear time, Jane and I each feel that we chose our present environments.

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