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TPS7 Deleted Session November 25, 1983 Godzilla Kong lifestyle mop flurry

[...] Jane was comfortable in room 330, though. [...]

[...] Jane ate well. [...]

[...] Jane started reading yesterday’s session, but didn’t do very well. [...]

TES8 Session 349 June 28, 1967 Joanie lettuce Gilbert Bill cigarette

(Jane spoke actively, her eyes open much of the time. [...] Jane spoke rather rapidly and Bill couldn’t keep up verbatim-wise, but did get down most of the gist of what Seth was saying.

[...] The session resulted after the stage had been set earlier in the evening, through Jane’s playing the tape recently received from the Murtough family in Chula Vista, CA; and, afterward, her playing part of the tape made some time ago for Dr. Instream.

(Jane now placed her right hand over her heart, and repeated herself several times, eyes closed.)

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

(It will be remembered that in the 87th session of September 14, 1964, Seth began an interpretation of Jane’s dream of September 7. The ramifications from this dream are still spreading. [...] In it he said that although he was not sure, he thought Jane’s schoolgirl friend, Marie Tubbs, now living in Florida, may have been in childbirth at the time of Jane’s dream, with a possibility that the water bag had broken during birth. [...]

(After this session Jane wrote to Marie in an effort to verify the above statement. [...] In her reply, dated October 11, Marie told Jane that she has not been involved in childbirth for two years. [...] And at the time of Jane’s dream, Marie said, hurricane Cleo had been descending upon them at Boynton Beach, and “we had plenty of water around then during the storm. [...]

(Earlier today, feeling somewhat tense, Jane had visited a chiropractor for treatment. [...] Not remembering any injurious incidents, Jane came home quite upset.

UR2 Section 6: Session 732 January 22, 1975 counterparts Peter family Henry Ben

[...] Most of the people are members of Jane’s class; some have met certain of their counterparts, but not others; Jane, Sue, and I are the only ones who know everyone Seth named. During break Jane came through with additional psychic affiliations among her students, but it isn’t necessary to discuss them here. [...]

(Then Jane remembered that our friend Sue Watkins had had something to do with Seth naming a second family of consciousness shortly after Jane had brought the Sumari concept through several years ago [see Note 10]. But the thing was, Jane mused now, that she didn’t think “Sue’s family” was on the list Seth had just given: “It was something like Gramada, but that wasn’t it….” [...]

[...] Jane, while agreeing, couldn’t elaborate upon this very much, beyond saying that she felt each family could have subdivisions, and/or combine with others, so that mathematically at least there existed the possibility of “a lot” of them. [...] Strangely, neither of us had ever asked Seth to name any of the other families of consciousness, following Jane’s Sumari breakthrough some three years ago — but at the end of this session see the material about the family of consciousness Sue Watkins had tuned in to back then.

SS Appendix: Session 593, August 30, 1971 hole coordination black entropy points

(To illustrate this as she spoke for Seth, Jane touched her eyes with one hand and the top of her head with the other. [...] I sat roughly south of Jane as she faced me, so this meant she indicated the western corner of our living room.)

[...] First we received several pages about a very interesting development in Jane’s psychic faculties: her growing ability to perceive a beneficial “helper,” as she has taken to calling it…. [...]

(Earlier in the week Jane received word that her editor wanted an Introduction from her for Seth’s book, and an Appendix. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 698 May 20, 1974 dream lackadaisical semiconstruction world useless

(Jane had been in another lackadaisical mood most of the day, yet she’d told me after supper that she wanted to have a session tonight. [...] “And it’ll be on the book … I’m not used to being so relaxed beforehand, though …” What developed was a very short session, and contrary to her expectations, Seth devoted half of it to Jane herself. [...]

[...] As stated, Seth returned after break with a discussion of the reasons for Jane’s excellent state of relaxation. [...] As she comes to understand her own belief systems more and more, Jane very gradually continues her physical improvement. [...]

[...] His material led Jane to do some excellent work with dreams on her own. See, for example, chapters 4 and 5 in The Coming of Seth, and Chapter 14 in The Seth Material. Actually, Seth and Jane dream data run through all of the books those two have produced so far, either singly or together.

DEaVF1 Essay 10 Wednesday, June 23, 1982 song essay sing cupboards Sumari

[...] Jane spontaneously gave voice to her song yesterday afternoon while sitting in the glass-enclosed front porch of our hill house. [...] (The whole series has taken much longer than I expected it to, though.) I only know that Jane began to sing in very melodious tones that flowed through the house. [...] And that present clarity of voice, almost free of tremor, showed how much Jane has improved since returning home. [...]

Finally, since I opened the first essay with a line from one of Jane’s songs in Sumari, I think it appropriate to close the last essay with Sumari, too.

Jane didn’t tape this new Sumari, though—which we regretted—for she wasn’t able to get out of her chair to hunt for her recorder; I was too charmed just listening to her sing to think of a tape. [...]

TES3 Session 108 November 18, 1964 inwardness fruit Sonja November universe

[...] Seth deals with this fact to some extent as far as his relationship to Jane is concerned. Jane is not Seth now, he states, not his subconscious mind; nevertheless Jane’s entity Ruburt is, now, an extension and materialization of the Seth that he was at one time, centuries ago. [...]

[...] Sonja has always been attached to a portrait I had painted before Jane and I were married, and at various times had urged me to sell it to her. Yesterday she asked me again to sell her the painting, and I did even though it had sentimental value for Jane and I.

[...] Jane was again well dissociated. [...] Jane’s pace had been fairly rapid. [...]

TES9 Session 455 January 6, 1969 John Bill Peg fluids retention

(Seth also said that Jane and I would die within a short time of each other, when our earthly work was finished. [...] Seth said that Jane would publish 5 books on the Seth Material; 3 novels; 3 books of poetry; plus 2 books to be dictated by Seth himself. I do not recall if the dream book, now at Ace, was mentioned; or if others were.[Jane died in 1984. [...]

[...] Jane now took a break, I wished for full notes because of the humor flying about, but had fallen way behind. Seth then returned briefly when John, during break, asked Jane a question related to the causes of gout.)

(Peg is planning an interview with Jane for the Elmira Star-Gazette concerning the publication of Jane’s book on the Seth material.)

TES5 Session 203 October 28, 1965 Peg Rhine Rico Puerto Duke

(As Seth stated in the 201st session, Jane’s psychological time experience of October 22, involving the Gallaghers, did prove to be quite legitimate; along with some less striking psy-time events Jane experienced during the week Peg and Bill were in Puerto Rico.

[...] Jane has made copies of the clairvoyant material from the three sessions involving the Gallaghers; they are to write in their account of what actually transpired after each of Seth’s predictions or statements. [...] Jane’s psy-time experiments will also be so treated so that we have a unified body of work covering this experiment. [...]

(The portrait referred to by Seth happened to hang on a wall facing Jane this evening. [...] As soon as I began work on it last spring, Jane insisted it was of Seth. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

[...] I now watched a transformation begin to take place in Jane, as our familiar Seth retreated and Seth Two began to come to the fore. At the same time I knew that subjectively Jane was experiencing the feeling of a “cone” or “pyramid” coming down over the top of her head. Jane has often told me that whereas she feels Seth come to her in a very warm and alive and friendly manner, she feels her consciousness going out of herself to meet Seth Two — “up the invisible pyramid like a draft up a flue.” [...]

[...] When I feel that Jane might choose to continue a session, I ask for a break instead of ending the session. It had been a slow delivery, and Jane knew she hadn’t been out long.

[...] Jane’s voice, as Seth, was a little different from usual. [...]

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

(While taking a nap late this afternoon, Jane had the dream detailed page 139.

(Reading some of the recent sessions on dreams earlier today, Jane got the idea that Seth would talk about dreams this evening.

(Jane did some work on one of her paintings last night. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 699 May 22, 1974 photograph dream snapshots waking picture

(2. A photograph of Jane and her parents, Marie and Delmer. It was taken in the summer of 1932, when Jane was 3 years old, and as far as we know it’s the only one of the Roberts family in existence. [...] I’ve had the question in mind ever since Seth discussed separate, childhood snapshots of Jane and me in the same terms during the first session for “Unknown Reality. [See the 679th session, with the notes relevant to Jane and her family background. In that session, Seth told us that the 12 year old Jane in the photo under discussion was to become probable to the one I eventually met and married.] Beside whatever Seth could tell us about her parents, I was curious to know whether the Jane who was shown at the age of 3 might be — or was destined to become — another probable Jane.6)

(The moods of relaxation that Jane has been experiencing often since early this month seemed to have passed, at least for now. [...] I reminded Jane of the two questions I’d put off from Monday’s abbreviated session, but Seth made only a brief reference to them at the end of tonight’s material.)

[...] Jane’s state of dissociation had been excellent, her delivery rather fast around the indicated pauses. [...] [See the appropriate note at 10:34 in the 694th session.] Then, as we ate, Jane had asked me once again if “Unknown Reality had any organization — or purpose: “Where’s Seth going with it?” I suggested she forget such worries and let the work come out in its own way, explaining that portions of these notes were concerned with recording the circumstances surrounding just that procedure.

TES9 Session 422 July 10, 1968 protein poem spontaneous overtime reserves

(At 8:45 tonight Jane said that Seth was going to talk about the York Beach apparitions we created at that resort in the summer of 1963, while on vacation there, in Maine. Jane had been writing about the incident this afternoon and I had wondered aloud if Seth could give more data on this. [...]

(Here Seth refers to our seance of early 1964, and some physical effects manifested in Jane’s hands. Now Jane held up one hand, then pointed to it.

(Jane began speaking in the usual Seth manner.)

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 23, 1984 heart heartless transplant medical technology

[...] With her glasses, Jane did fairly well reading most of the sessions for March 19 and 21.

(As we talked Jane impressed upon me that she’d definitely picked up that a household pet would help our neighbor Joe Bumbalo a great deal — she wants me to be sure to impress upon Margaret Bumbalo that this is the case; she felt it strongly, it wasn’t just a generalized idea, Jane said.)

(At 3:10 Jane said she’d just picked up from Seth the heading for Chapter 4 of the book — that she had to reach a certain level of well-being before she could get his material, obviously.

TPS7 Deleted Session January 2, 1984 bandages itching pendulum powdery scratching

(Jane didn’t go to hydro this morning. [...]

(Jane showed me that she no longer wore bandages on her left shoulder or elbow. [...]

(Jane ate a good lunch. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 11, 1981 public arena spontaneous withdrawing white

(Jane had spent a lot of time today either on the couch or the bed [in the latter case making notes], and seemed to be better, generally speaking. [...] Jane decided to have a session by 9:30, then. [...]

[...] I think it came to me because of my concern recently over the new idea I’d come across—concerning Jane’s ideas about her relationship with Seth, her feelings about her abilities versus his, etc. I must admit that I am still rather surprised to understand, finally, that Jane has entertained feelings of inferiority about her abilities as related to those of Seth.

(“Jane then wanted to do the Seth books and not do them. [...] Jane could have ended up in as much trouble by not doing the Seth books as she did by doing them, then. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

Jane and I went to bed at about 1:15 A.M., after watching a movie on television. [...] Jane lay quietly on my right, her back to me. As I rested face up in a very pleasant and peaceful state, waiting to enter the sleep state, I became aware of two extremely bright lights shining off to my right, beyond Jane’s form but within my peripheral vision. [...]

2. We moved from our downtown apartments into the hill house almost five years ago (in March 1975), but Jane thinks she tried to write the poem Seth referred to several years before that. [...] Jane has stacks of journals, poetry notebooks, manuscripts, and loose notes of all kinds, but neither of us could dig out what we wanted. [...] “But I know I didn’t throw out whatever I did on that poem,” Jane said. [...]

After supper Jane reread my accounts of my dream of last Saturday morning. February 9, and of my waking experience the next evening.1 Both events had involved intense perceptions of color and/or light, and I’d told Jane that anything Seth cared to say about them would be most welcome. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 18, 1981 upright couch lean compassionately cultural

[...] I mentioned to Jane when I read the session to her from my notes this morning that it’s one of those obvious things easy to overlook: Jane’s steady relaxation is bound to help....)

[...] Jane’s delivery from her new position on the couch had been steady and emphatic until she slowed down noticeably toward the end of the session. I told Jane it was an excellent session and that she’d done well. [...]

(No session was held Monday night because Jane was so relaxed again—that is, I’d thought that was the reason, but more about that later. [...]

TES9 Session 465 February 17, 1969 prophet background painting lips figure

(Jane didn’t feel particularly like having a session, but decided to anyway. I asked no questions before the session, nor did Jane, but we were still surprised at the subject matter.)

(Jane said she was “little and tiny inside the voice,” which always means that Seth’s presence is strong and immediate. To Jane while in trance, the voice seemed “to be booming all around, with me inside.”)

[...] Tonight I explained to Jane the problem involved in determining the correct relationship between background area, and the prophet, who is in a standing position. [...]

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