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ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

([Jane:] “You didn’t even know at that time?”

(Jane:] “Why do you think now that you try to help people that are in trouble, on the downside?”

([Jane:] “She also took the first shot at you guys, but that didn’t mean much because you were going to kill them anyway.”

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 8, 1984 proclamations leg glittering tendons hurt

(One of the first things I learned when I got to 330 today was that Jeff Karder had increased Jane’s dosage of Darvoset to every two hours instead of three. Jane finally told me that she’d had a very rough morning, although during the night she’d mostly done rather well.

(Jane ate little lunch. [...]

[...] Jane said she’d been picturing herself at the old apartments on Water Street [we’d ended up with two], and around town as she used to go — all as though she were taking the last grand tour. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975 Street predict prime series probabilities

[...] Now when Jane and I drive past the old house we lived in on Water Street, close by downtown Elmira, we engender within ourselves mixed feelings of strangeness and familiarity. [...] “I’m glad they’re being changed,” Jane said the other day, in a strangely possessive response. [...]

[...] Jane was very quickly out of a fine trance that had lasted for just over an hour. [...] “I feel relaxed, relieved, and exhausted, now that we’ve started things up again,” Jane said, yawning. [...]

(Still in full trance, her eyes very dark Jane stared at me. [...] Jane blinked a few times, and Seth was gone. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 31, 1984 shin Margaret stretcher thirst Georgia

(On May 28, a nurse in hydro dropped an empty pan on Jane’s left instep, making one of those depression cuts in the flesh. It hurt, Jane said. [...] This morning, Georgia and another aide banged Jane’s right shin hard against the metal frame of the stretcher they put my wife on to take her to hydro. Jane screamed in pain, and Georgia cried. Jane at once began telling herself it all would be all right, and that appears to be the case. [...]

(Jane ate a quicker lunch than usual because I had to leave at 1:45 to go to the dentist. [...]

[...] Jane’s delivery had been good. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 5, 1984 yesterday divided ploy exhibits nurse

[...] A nurse took Jane’s vitals — temperature, 98.5. When all was clear and quiet — except for the patient, Karina, hollering next door — Jane said she’d like to have a short session.)

[...] I told Jane.

(Jane said she had a long wait for hydro this morning. [...]

UR1 Appendix 5: (For Session 686) appendix neurological leap messages vocabulary

(Once new developments in Jane’s psychic abilities begin to show themselves, one can start backtracking to find possible origins. I’d say that her own awareness of multiple channels has grown out of her initial sensing of the channels available from Seth, as described in the 616th session in Chapter 2 of Personal Reality; and that her material on neurological speeds is related to the observations of Jane that were noted by Sue Watkins in Seth Speaks; see the 594th session in the Appendix of that book. [...]

(9:10 P.M. Jane began her own dictation before tonight’s session by saying that as she’d typed her statements yesterday [for Appendix 4] she would “get glimpses” of some of the concepts Seth was going to talk about in “Unknown” Reality — yet they would immediately vanish from her consciousness, so that all she had left was the knowledge that she’d experienced the insight.

(By now Jane was dictating steadily, almost as she does when speaking for Seth.) “Now everything I just said came in a flash while I was waiting for you to write down what you just wrote; but what I got originally was like a ball of string, so that as I explained it the string unraveled into the words …

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

(A note: Jane’s very rich and vivid dream series is still underway, and she continues to keep detailed records. [...] That appendix contains excerpts from The Wonderworks — material which Jane wrote last month while in an altered state of consciousness, and which was at least partly inspired by her dream series. In some of the deleted portions of these sessions, Seth has rather extensively discussed Jane’s dream work and related activity. [...] It’s important to note here that Jane’s dream connected experiences include some new, and very exciting, psychic developments for her.)

(Last Tuesday afternoon, in our living room, Jane and I participated in a filmed television interview that is to be aired by a New York City station. The program’s host and his cameraman stayed to film Jane’s ESP class that night. [...] Jane also sang in her trance language, Sumari.

[...] At that time Jane spoke for Seth on two occasions from cities in the East. [...] I might add that since Seth launched “Unknown Reality in February of this year, Jane and I have fulfilled another television commitment, and that she was the subject of a lengthy radio interview. [...]

TES6 Session 249 April 6, 1966 ribbon quasars card Artistic bow

[...] I did not think Jane had noticed it particularly, and she confirmed this after the session.

(Jane did not feel very well before the session, but when I mentioned calling the session off she insisted on holding it. She began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed. [...]

(Jane’s pace was faster now, and her eyes had begun to open as she sipped some wine occasionally. [...]

TES9 Session 505 October 13, 1969 landscape ladder thumb units rock

[...] Jane’s trance had been good, her pace good, eyes open often, etc. See the 503rd session for September 24 for Seth’s comments re Jane’s relief at Prentice-Hall’s approval, through Tam Mossman, of Jane’s book on the Seth material. And Jane has been doing very well on the balance of the book.

(Shortly after I had the dream, Jane gave me her own interpretation of what the dream meant. [...] Since Seth’s own interpretation agrees with Jane’s— though more detailed—it isn’t necessary to give Jane’s version here, beyond saying the dream concerned my own artwork and related affairs.)

(Jane has been so busy finishing up the manuscript of her book on the Seth material, for Prentice-Hall, that we haven’t had a session since September 29.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 4, 1981 rollers cushion services absolute Frank

[...] Jane’s delivery had been good. [...] Jane laughed too, while agreeing she’s thought of alterations often. [...]

(Frank had an idea about placing one of our old chairs on rollers so Jane could be wheeled right beside the john to slide over onto it while she was having walking difficulties. [...] It worked—but barely, for it was too high for the john, and had no cushion for Jane’s backside comfort.

[...] I let Jane sleep Sunday morning while I spent a couple of hours fastening the cushion in place and covering it with linoleum tablecloth material so that she could slide more easily on it. We tried the new contraption at noon when Jane got up, and it now works fairly well, well enough to be of consistent use. [...]

TES6 Session 280 August 24, 1966 indispositions sprain hay Wollheim cheese

[...] Exactly a week and a half later, on Wednesday, August 17, Jane received a letter from Don Wollheim, of Ace Books. He is to visit us on September 1. Jane is particularly interested to talk business with him. The Wollheim letter was entirely unexpected, no correspondence having passed between Jane and Mr. Wollheim, or business, for a long time.

(On Saturday, August 20, Jane received her first press copy of her book from her publisher, F. Fell: How to Develop Your ESP Power.

[...] Jane began speaking in an average voice, with her eyes closed and while sitting down, at 9:09.)

TPS1 Session 387 December 11, 1967 Maltz exercises relaxation vision sleepy

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] As Jane spoke I became aware that I had felt quite sleepy at times. [...]

(At break I got up and walked about, explaining how I felt to Jane. I cleared up a little during break, but when Jane resumed at 10:50 I found myself back in the state, fighting to keep my eyes open, etc.)

(Before the session I described to Jane my dream of Wednesday, December 6;and the second vision I had, of another painting, on the evening of Thursday November 30; the first painting vision being the one of Bill Gallagher on November 28,1967, and discussed by Seth in the 382rd session.

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

(I did not describe the vision further at this time, although by now Jane had read my written version of it. As the board spelled out the answer, Jane began to hear it within, a bit in advance.)

(To begin this evening’s session Jane and I sat at the board as usual, with our fingers touching the pointer. [...]

Asia was where you saw him though he was in many other places, traveling in his middle years (Jane dictates:) doing penance for his sins according to the customs of the age.

TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968 thread agony neurological conceive traversed

(In line with a policy of trying to keep abreast of topics brought up during sessions, I mentioned to Jane this evening that I would like more data from Van Elver via the “sepia” discussion, begun in the 424th session; and some data about Jane’s impressions concerning the dream book when it was at Parker. [...]

[...] Jane left trance, which had been deep, easily. [...] After she hung up Jane told me that before the session she’d had the feeling we would be interrupted in some way— probably through a visitor; but she hadn’t told me beforehand.

(Jane was speaking so rapidly here that I could not keep up, and I asked Seth to wait. [...] It was obvious Jane’s trance was a very deep one.)

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 25, 1984 populace bbc infirmity zealously British

(Jane didn’t call me last night. In the mail for yesterday I found the new cover design for the trade paper edition of The God of Jane — a nice-looking job, we like it. And I found another check for $1000 in a letter, as a donation to Jane’s hospital-expenses fund. [...] I’d told Jane about the sensations.

[...] The producer wanted to know about doing a series on Jane’s work. [...]

(Once again, Jane’s Seth voice was good, with the usual pauses.)

TES4 Session 166 June 30, 1965 Philip reorganization John company deluded

[...] Jane was again well dissociated. [...] I had already asked Seth to slow down several times, and now at break asked Jane, as Jane, to see what she could do about the problem. [...]

[...] During these readings Jane’s brogue was unmistakable. Jane grew up in an Irish neighborhood in Saratoga Springs, NY, and is a quarter Irish. [...]

[...] Jane was fully dissociated. [...] Jane’s eyes had remained closed; her voice had been rather loud and fast.

TPS4 Deleted Session July 26, 1978 interview walking Poett inferiority spontaneiously

[...] It was one of the most difficult sessions I ever recorded; I told Jane that by its end I was barely able to write Seth’s words legibly. In spite of the very reasonable tone of the material in it, to me it seemed to fly in the face of all of the accumulated fears that had been bugging me, and Jane also, I thought. [...] Nor could I take any comfort from Seth’s remarks about encountering strangers, or even friends, I said, since it seemed that whenever any outsider was present we were both constantly worrying about whether they would notice Jane’s condition, whether she ever got on her feet, and so forth, until it seemed that those episodes were hardly worthwhile. [...]

[...] They represented my recent, and growing, concerns about Jane’s progress. I’ve found myself waking up early in the morning, stewing about her condition; usually I get up and eat breakfast alone, then call Jane by ten AM. [...]

(A few days ago I wrote out a “new manifesto” of beliefs for Jane and me, to replace the suggestions she’s been using in the morning after breakfast. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 26, 1981 service pleasure Turkish Ramstad apparel

[...] I typed it as soon as I got up, and Jane read it at the breakfast table. [...] I explained these items to Jane in some detail. [...]

(All of that naturally led Jane and me into talking about our own experiences in NYC after our marriage. We went over a lot of ground, and it seemed to have very beneficial, even therapeutic effects for Jane. [...]

[...] And following those two connections, I speculated with Jane about a third: my hurting the lower left ribs about a week ago during the visit of Tom D’Orio and friends. [...]

TES2 Session 70 July 13, 1964 Philip John compromise jeopardize demented

(Jane and I decided to record tonight’s session, and to make it a practice to do so more often in the future. Accordingly, Jane set up the recorder after supper, so that she had but to flip a switch to start it going at the beginning of the session.

[...] Jane has nothing to add to this record.

(John Bradley also brought with him carbon copies of the beginning sessions, which a friend of his in Williamsport has been typing up for Jane and me. [...]

TES8 Session 414 June 5, 1969 Kennedy Senator nation ideals poison

(Jane felt much better today after hitting something of a low spot recently. [...] John Pitre phoned this evening from Louisiana, with three questions for Jane. [...]

(I called Jane’s name three times. [...] Jane wanted me to touch her, she now said, but was unable to tell me to.

[...] Jane also had a long unscheduled session last night. [...]

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