Results 201 to 220 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TES4 Session 175 August 4, 1965 Oswego paperweight enlargement quiet indecision

(Jane took another pause. [...] Jane took many pauses while delivering it, and until just before break she sat quite still. [...]

[...] Jane and I try to ignore such factors consciously, but have no doubt we feel the psychic effects of weather as much as anybody else.

(Jane spoke while sitting down and with her eyes closed. [...]

TES6 Session 252 April 20, 1966 sculpture bronze Bill column Macdonnel

[...] Jane visited with Marian one morning early last week, and for the next day or two remarked that she felt quite like Marian’s description of her own symptoms. We considered that Jane was reacting to suggestion here, but were rather surprised since Jane knows how to guard against negative suggestion as a rule.

(Jane took a long pause while delivering the last sentence. [...] Seth cut the session short, and after the five witnesses had left Jane was physically sick to her stomach three successive times. [...] Later Jane told me she had very little memory of what Seth had said, even in the very strong voice; this is unusual for her.)

(Jane’s increased abilities could already be revealing themselves. [...] Seth spoke on the integration of our personalities also in the 228th session; the material grew out of his material on the poetry book Jane produced so effortlessly. [...]

TES5 Session 213 December 1, 1965 Ormond test season envelope postmark

[...] Jane began speaking while sitting down, in an average voice and at a good pace from the beginning. Jane’s eyes opened wide immediately after Seth’s greeting, which is most unusual. [...] Seth/Jane was quite pleased and amused, and spoke with a smile. Jane was smoking.)

[...] After supper this evening Jane expressed a desire to vary the routine, although she did not want to skip the session. [...] Jane, very amused, commented every so often that she received little “messages” from a certain party, expressing approval of our actions, and merely suggesting that we do get to the session at least a few minutes before the Instream material was due.

[...] The envelope is addressed to Jane and me, “yourself and Ruburt,” but we do not particularly see where “afternoon” comes in. I remember the photograph of Jane and me taken at Marathon, Florida. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 6 Tuesday, April 20, 1982 candidate joints hospital surgical replacement

(8:47 A.M. Our original idea was to insert the session Jane gave this morning in one of the earlier essays. [...] After Jane came through with her dictation I told myself I’d know what to do with it, and awoke the next morning with the clear understanding that her session should be presented just as is, and when we received it. Jane said okay. [...] Presenting the session in a more isolated manner here, then, may give the reader a clearer idea of how we felt during Jane’s early days in the hospital [and later too, for that matter]. [...]

Actually, I came to realize, Jane was so terrified by the thought of those operations that mentally she shunted aside all such prospects. [...] Jane cried. [...] “Oh, they’d operate on the shoulders, too,” a doctor told me in front of Jane, without inflection, as though we were discussing an inanimate mechanism that needed rebuilding. [...] But it could well be argued that Jane needed to be able to write with a pen or pencil, to express her basic creativity in that particular elementary fashion, even more than she needed to walk. [...]

[...] The exception was the youngish doctor Jane had referred to at the very end of her last session. [...] He’d offered Jane encouragement as she is, and she had felt an immediate psychic rapport with him. But he was a neurologist, and we saw less and less of him as it was determined that his special skills wouldn’t be of continuing help in Jane’s situation. In the overwhelming medical view, then, as Jane said, the operations were the only way for her to go….

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 11, 1984 Darvoset porch Irises unwrapped sit

(Today I took Jane’s acrylic painting she calls The Irises into 330. [...] I told Jane that tomorrow I’d replace the oil portrait of mine that’s been there on the bulletin board. [...]

(Jane was feeling very restless when I arrived, so I quickly turned her on her back. [...]

(Jane asked that I read her some Seth material, so I picked the last nine sessions — starting with our new resolve and intent on July 30, after the long layoff since July 4. They’re all short sessions, but now carry all of our hopes for the future, and so far have been paying off. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 27, 1983 Surgical nurses Pinnacle atticle ate

(Yesterday, Saturday, had been a quiet day for Jane. [...] Jane ate well Saturday, and did but a few mild motions with her left foot, head and shoulders, and arms. [...]

[...] Jane had a cigarette. [...] Jane didn’t know either. [...]

(I read the prayer with Jane at 7:05, then left. [...] If Steve and Tracy visit, she’ll wait for them to suggest seeing me; Jane will ask them to call first. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 15, 1984 faltering Gaye Webster Gym flexes

(Jane said Georgia Cecce was in to see her this morning, and to borrow another pack of cigarettes. A nurse by the name of Gaye washed Jane’s hair this morning; I told my wife it looked good. Jane looked in the mirror and didn’t agree, although she did admit that her hair wasn’t white, but gray and white. Jane went through the motions of smiling into the mirror, after she’d put on lipstick. [...]

(After lunch Jane told me that she’d had a new catheter inserted at about 3:30 this morning. [...]

(Jane, with Carla’s help, tried to call me twice last night, but I didn’t get back to the house from John Bumbalo’s until about midnight. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 30, 1984 maintenance waft passionately exemption tasty

[...] Jane put on lipstick, then looked briefly in the mirror. [...] Jane had to be covered while he was in the room, but for a long while I didn’t hear her complaining about this today.

[...] Lynn gave Jane eyedrops. Ten minutes later Jane began the session. [...]

[...] It also reminds me of something Seth said many years ago — that when Jane passionately wanted to get rid of the symptoms, she would do so. [...] I think today’s session shows that Jane has either reached that point of passionate desire, or is very close to it.

TPS1 Session 597 (Deleted) November 22, 1971 Mattie tone Midge Del Sumari

[...] Midge, Del’s wife, called Jane later that morning, and Jane in turn called me at work. There isn’t anything we can do, particularly, beyond the few letters Jane wrote. During break I explained to Jane that she might like Seth to say something about Del; by this I meant his experiences after death. I thought his death might give Jane a chance to “follow along” with a personality no longer physical in our terms. [...]

(Jane said she had to “fight to stay in trance” at the last, because she began to pick up some “bad feelings” about Midge, alone in the house down there in Florida, and probably drinking. Jane kept wanting to come out of trance. [...] Jane saw no flames, she said, but “it was all hazy, like smoke... [...]

[...] During the long layoff Jane and I worked on Seth’s book, editing, rewriting notes, etc. [...] Jane called the publisher today, and learned that The Seth Material is due in paperback probably in January, with Seth’s own book to be published next October.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 12, 1984 winter birds song sing frozen

* Both Jane and I belong to the family of consciousness that Seth calls Sumari. Jane can write, speak, and sing in Sumari — rapid, seemingly-nonsense words that she unhesitatingly translates into English prose and poetry of great beauty. (I can write in Sumari, but Jane has to translate it for me — and I’m always surprised at the results.) My wife has a powerful singing voice. [...]

* In 1965, in response to my letter, an older and very respected parapsychologist — “Dr. Instream,” Jane called him — invited Jane and me to attend the hypnosis symposium he was to conduct at a New York State college. [...] It was there that Jane and I had our most unfortunate encounter with the young psychologist. [...]

(Note: Jane sang this poem as she read it on March 13 — quite good. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 801, April 18, 1977 epidemics inoculation Mass Volume finished

(I’ll preface the workaday notes for the first session of Mass Events with the following comments, just to briefly summarize the lifetime endeavor that my wife, Jane Roberts, and I are involved in with the Seth books. Seth is a highly creative “energy personality essence,” as he calls himself, who speaks through Jane while she’s in a trance or dissociated state. [...] At the same time, Jane and I want each book to be complete in itself, so that the “new” reader can begin to understand what’s happening from the very beginning. [...] And these notes will also free Jane to deal with other matters in her Introduction for Mass Events.

(I also think that Seth himself could have some pretty funny things to say here to Jane and me — some day I’ll ask him — words with which he’d humorously caution us not to take the whole affair too seriously, to leave room in our daily lives for the simple, uninhibited joy of creative expression and living even while we study his unending outpouring of material. [...] Seth has already offered Jane encouragement twice since he finished his part of the work for Mass Events in August 1979. He came through with the following quotations when Jane began to express a renewed concern about her responsibility for his material, and for the reactions of others to it. [...] Interesting, then, the way the Seth portion of Jane’s personality structure [whatever Seth’s reality may be] reinforces those other portions that are meeting all of the challenges embodied in her current mental and physical existence — and we are continually seeking to learn more about how Seth is able to do this. [...]

Beginning in June 1974, then, while writing notes and appendixes for Volume 1 of “Unknown”, and taking Seth’s dictation for Volume 2, I spent eight months producing the art work for Jane’s Adventures in Consciousness and for her book of poetry, Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time; I finished all of those drawings in January 1975. In the meantime Jane completed Adventures in August 1974, and started Psychic Politics that October. [...] Jane finished dictating Volume 2 of “Unknown” for Seth in April 1975, and I started my notes and appendixes for it. In July 1975 Seth began The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression, and in December of that year Jane initiated work on her own The World View of Paul Cézanne: A Psychic Interpretation. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 679 February 4, 1974 mystical Linden photograph n.y church

(The photograph of Jane is 33 years old. It was taken by an older lady friend who was treating her to an outing at a spa just outside of the New York State resort of Saratoga Springs, where Jane lived with her bedridden mother, Marie, and a housekeeper. In a childish hand Jane had scrawled her friend’s name on the back of the picture, along with the date. [...] Jane is 12 years old. [...] Jane also wears a short-sleeved pullover sweater. [...]

[...] Jane had begun delivering the Seth material late in 1963, and soon afterwards Seth started developing his ideas on probabilities.1 Many times while looking at the snapshots since then I’d found myself speculating about the probable realities surrounding their two young subjects. I told Jane now that I understood the course of action each of us had chosen to make physical, or “real” in our terms. [...] By now, did those photographs actually depict the immature images of us, the Jane and Rob we knew and had always been, or from our standpoint did they show a probable Jane, a probable Rob — two individuals who long ago had set out upon their own journeys through other realities? I wasn’t clear on what I wanted to know, and had trouble expressing myself to Jane. [...]

(After a pause at 12:02, Seth delivered a page of material for Jane before ending the session at 12:16 A.M. As I interpret his information on the photographs, then, Jane’s depicts an individual who was to become a probable Jane to the one I know, while mine is pretty much an early version of the self who’s always lived in this reality …)

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 12, 1984 blueness Karina Shawn lipstick eyebrow

(Maybe more on it tomorrow, Jane said at last. [...] I told Jane I thought she sounded like she was reliving a reversion to her childhood. [...] Jane said their actions made her feel bad, because it reminded her of when she’d had her own panic feelings, and people had tried to calm her down in her early days in the hospital. Now, Jane said “cancel” to herself after she’d told me her feelings.)

(Jane tried to read the session again, but soon gave up. [...] I thought I had a good idea there, and Jane agreed. [...]

[...] With the best intentions, her account reflected all the negative beliefs about illness that Jane and I had come to expect in the hospital setting. After Shawn left, I read to Jane her material from 4:25.)

TES5 Session 204 November 1, 1965 John Driscoll Dudley Elms companion

(See also page 11 of the 200th session for notes on the clairvoyant/telepathic experiment, involving John, that Jane conducted successfully the last time he was in this territory. [...] Jane wrote down 13 impressions; and John later confirmed 10 of them.

[...] It was obvious that Jane was in a good mood before the session, and Seth reflected this. Jane began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed; her pace was quite fast, her voice definitely stronger and more active than usual. [...]

(I might mention here a situation that John, Jane and I, and Bill Gallagher have long been aware of. This is the fact that John, Jane and Bill all have mothers who were, or are, bedridden with arthritis. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 4, 1984 Elisabeth buoyancy river temperature jogging

[...] We went over parts of a long letter from Sue Watkins, but Jane couldn’t read it. [...] Jane spent a lot of time waiting for people to do her vitals, then finally decided on a session.)

[...] A gal took Jane’s temperature, and it was again at 100. “Oh Jesus,” Jane muttered, but said little else, beyond saying that she didn’t want antibiotics. [...]

(Jane called last night with Carla’s help. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 17, 1983 Steve hibernation rotating Saul moving

(At 3:05–3:20, Jane began moving several parts of her body at once—shoulders, both feet, rotating both arms and hands. [...] Finally, I told Jane, she had so much moving at once I didn’t know what to look at first. [...]

(Jane had a cigarette and Darvoset after lunch today. [...]

[...] I described all of these things to Jane to let her know what’s going on in our world, thinking also that they will help her recovery. [...]

TES5 Session 239 March 7, 1966 John perfume dominate Philip wife

(Jane paused at 10:17, without opening her eyes. [...] I could not be sure, without checking with Seth in detail, but I thought Jane had been wandering about on the above data. [...] Earlier in the day I had wondered what would happen if I asked Seth/Jane to go over all of the data again; I supposed Jane would take this as a sign that the first data wasn’t much good, and at break Jane said this was her thought at the time.

[...] Jane felt emotionally good about this data, she said. [...] Jane called her publisher on February 8, as noted in the envelope material in the 234th session, then hurried to get the scripts and tape ready for the mail on February 10. A variety of incidents were involved while Jane made the tape recording of the poems, etc.

(Jane was not feeling at her best, and did not do as well as she wanted to on the experiment. [...] Previously Jane has done well with envelopes before witnesses.

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 18, 1984 diseases bedridden tape vein coping

(Yesterday I’d mentioned to Jane that I hope Seth, in his current book, will go into the real relationship between wellness and disease. [...] I also asked Jane about the question of diseases in wild animals — even those who have never seen a human being. [...] Some of my questions grew out of my taking the cats for treatment of fleas and ticks, I told Jane, and I repeated the questions today.

(I’m quite aware that many of my own questions in this vein spring from insights gained through Jane’s condition — just as Seth referred to such goals on Jane’s part. [...] Meaning that Jane has carried her own situation far enough, and then some.)

(Jane seemed somewhat subdued, although she ate well. [...] Jane seemed to agree with the thesis that basically a deep fear is in back of her troubles, and we went over some of the same ground we’d covered yesterday. [...]

TES3 Session 148 April 21, 1965 smoking tension naturel hairs smoker

(Jane did not feel at all well before this evening’s session, and I was not at my best either. I suggested to Jane that she pass up the session but she wanted to have one if possible. [...]

(Jane has not yet resumed her study of psychological time, even though Seth said it was all right for her to begin again on a daily fifteen-minute basis. [...]

[...] Jane spoke in a quiet voice, sitting down and with her eyes closed; and, strangely enough, in a rather rapid manner.

TES1 Session 3 December 6, 1963 Gratis Watts Frank China incarnation

[...] Jane thought that in the previous session she had quite often received the answer to my questions mentally, before the board had a chance to spell them out. [...]

(“And the same number of times for Jane and me?”)

(By this time, Jane was usually getting the answers to the questions mentally, before the board had time to spell them out. [...]

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