Results 1461 to 1480 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 514, February 9, 1970 Sean environment altered form blend

[...] Carl and Sue are members of Jane’s ESP class.)

[...] Jane’s trance had been a deep one. [...]

[...] Jane’s opinion, so far, was that the book wouldn’t need any work except for the rearranging of an occasional awkward phrase, etc.)

TES9 Session 469 March 19, 1969 medium perception perceived brain apparition

(See page 266 of the last session, concerning Jane seeing Seth’s apparition. I had interpreted Seth’s material as indicating that Jane saw the apparition only while dreaming, and not in the waking state, as she has maintained all along.

(Tonight Jane said she interpreted the data to mean that she momentarily saw Seth’s apparition after waking up, before she switched to usual use of the outer senses. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 528, May 13, 1970 soul ness identity perception translated

[...] At times Jane’s delivery had approached the speed of the last session. [...]

[...] As in the last session, Seth closed the evening’s work by delivering a page of personal material for Jane and me. [...]

(Jane hasn’t been reading Seth’s book lately. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 785, August 2, 1976 sentence cellularly attuned grammar previews

(With some amusement: Even if Jane is bothered by the summer heat on a particular night, Seth is never affected. In trance Jane is as “cool as a cucumber” — until break, that is, when she has to contend with the temperature like the rest of us.)

[...] Seth came through with a page for Jane and me, and ended the session at 11:45 P.M.)

NoME A Verse from *A Psychic Manifesto* by Jane Roberts r.f.b Manifesto declaration unofficial verse

(A note by R.F.B.: This is the first verse of a long poem Jane wrote late in July 1979, as Seth was finishing his work on Mass Events. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 30, 1974 sportsman contribution financial specialized painting

[...] Jane’s fears. [...] Jane’s flexibility. [...]

(Which reminds me that when Jane and I lived at 317 South Elmer in Sayre, PA, I kept telling myself that by the time I reached 40 I would decide which I wanted to pursue. [...]

[...] I wondered if Jane and I could ever untangle the paths. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 28, 1984 keyholes honeycombs meadows golden buzzing

(Note: March 1, 3:05 p.m. Jane read this poem, and the one for February 29, quite easily without her glasses. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Friday, July 15 dishes hot bedroom reflexology itching


NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 671, June 21, 1973 dream space orientation waking solutions

(Since we’d missed both regular sessions this week, Jane decided to make up one of them tonight; she wanted to maintain her usual momentum on the book as much as possible. [...]

[...] Jane and I had talked about this earlier tonight, without being too serious about it. [...]

[...] Jane said she’d used the phrase given by Seth at 9:04, “Facts are only accepted fiction….” [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session September 29, 1975 unsafe affiliations safe newly insecurity

(After supper Jane began experiencing a profound, heavy, liquid, watery and supportive kind of relaxation throughout her right side from head to toe. [...] She also knew of my questions about counterparts that I’d come up with as a result of my work on The “Unknown” Reality: were Jane and I counterparts; and, to resolve a contradiction—in two different sessions in that book, were George Rhoads and I counterparts, or weren’t we? Jane was somewhat “out of it”, or better, by session time.)

(“Well, you’d better talk about Jane.”)

TPS3 Deleted Session June 25, 1977 conflict joint femininity power solitude

[...] When Jane said she wanted to have a session tonight, I suggested it be on herself. [...] We spend more and more time on affairs connected with symptoms, it seems—and those problems, connected with the construction going on in back of the house, where Frank Longwell is building Jane’s writing room in half of the garage, have combined to cut our production a good deal.

[...] During our talk last night, I told Jane that we’d made a serious error in deciding to publish it in two volumes, with extensive notes—that there were obviously other courses of action we could have taken. [...] Jane has been spending most of her time lately using the pendulum, making notes, reading old sessions on herself and myself, etc, but presently I see all this activity as repeating old rhythms. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel

([Sue:] “Are you giving Jane and Rob information about the personality characteristics of the probable selves of my dream?”)

In the terms in which you understand them, no formal sessions have been held, simply communication at various times of the day which our probable Jane has learned to interpret through the poetry experience.”

(When coming out of trance Jane had a coughing spell.)

TMA *Magic Show:* A Poem by Jane Roberts magicians apprenticeship rabbits secret dazzling

Jane Roberts, 1979

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 16, 1984 genetic deficient divergent qualifications elasticity

(4:16 p.m. As I was leaving for the day Jane asked me what I thought of the sessions. [...]

(Jane was interrupted twice during her delivery. [...]

TPS3 Session 703 (Deleted Portion) June 12, 1974 dynamics inward Herschaft overrode stages

(Note: At about 9:00 tonight, Jane abruptly became aware of a marked improvement in her walking. [...]

You (Jane and I) have to a large degree thrown aside old belief systems, and dared to rely upon ideas given largely to you by me. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 559, November 9, 1970 evolutionary entranced embedded multidimensional catalogue

[...] Jane’s pace had been quite slow for large portions of the delivery. [...]

(Seth continued with some personal material for Jane and one of the students in her ESP class.)

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Monday July 11 nutty o.k forefinger reflexology bunch


UR2 *With Winged*, a Poem by Jane Roberts Winged swoop foreshadows swirl curled

(A note by R. F. B.: Jane was 32 years old when she wrote this poem in April 1961. [...]

NotP Chapter 3: Session 763, January 5, 1976 personhood knowledge prejudiced Cézanne nonverbal

(While we were out for a drive in the country yesterday, Jane abruptly wondered aloud if Seth ever dreamed. [...]

[...] Jane called them “the Cézanne days” since she’s still getting Cézanne material)

(Seth immediately began a short discussion of a dream Jane had last night. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 779, June 14, 1976 psyche adjacently language biological pain

(As mentioned in other Seth books, Jane has her own physical hassles. [...]

(In fact, Jane was fairly well “out of it” before tonight’s session, but decided to give it a try.)

[...] He returned at 11:23 with a page or two for Jane and me, and then ended the session at 11:45 P.M.)

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