Results 1261 to 1280 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TES6 Session 271 June 27, 1966 miniature stone paperweight indisposed worrisome

(Jane was indisposed. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...]

TPS3 Session 695 (Deleted Portion) May 6, 1974 landmark chores fun devours intimate

[...] He has shown himself (Jane held her right arm out; in the last couple of days it has straightened out noticeably) that the body can change—that alternate realities can alter the present that you know, and that new intent can alter a life.

[...] Jane has had many welcome signs of improvement within the last week or two; I thought it best that she continue doing her own thing that way, with help from Seth at the end of the regular sessions.)

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 11, 1984 disease presto sprinkler prey die

(I told Jane that I woke up at about 4:00 a.m., worrying about all the things I had to get done this week. [...] Then Wednesday morning I’m scheduled to see our lawyer regarding taxes, Jane’s social security, and so on. [...]

[...] Jane suggested I get a checking account. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 521, March 30, 1970 actor play multidimensional production role

[...] Jane left trance quickly. [...]

(Jane resumed at a slower pace at 10:15.)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 638, February 7, 1973 doses lsd illumination enforced assault

[...] (As Seth, Jane sat quite motionless in her rocker for well over a minute. [...]

[...] (Jane leaned forward for emphasis:) Such massive doses of LSD chemically activate all levels of cellular memory to such an extent that in certain terms they are no longer in charge of themselves, and the memories can then emerge unpredictably when the system is under stress. [...]

[...] Tam Mossman, Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, has notified her by telephone that within a few days she will receive a contract for the publication of this book.)

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 902, February 20, 1980 Bible Abraham ship age Noah

[...] My second thought was to cut his statement out of this record entirely, so that Jane and I wouldn’t have to contend with it at all. Jane wasn’t upset by Seth’s remark, and I could appreciate the humorous aspects of my own initial reactions—yet in all of the years he’s been giving us material, Seth has never before made a reference to what seems like impossible longevities.

[...] Our editor at Prentice-Hall, Tam Mossman, insisted that Ankh-Hermes publish another, full-length edition of Jane’s book in the Dutch language. [...]

After discussing another dream of mine, Seth said good night at 10:11 P.M. “I felt so relaxed before the session I was like a dishrag,” Jane said with a laugh. [...]

TPS7 Sequel to the Fred Conyers Story, October 23, 1982 Fred officer police conyers Denver

[...] He delivered a name and phone number from a woman in Alberta, Canada, who wanted Jane to call her. [...]

As with Jane and me, Fred had offered no signs of violence toward the police or anyone else that they knew of. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 867, July 23, 1979 portraits species disease inventions perplexity

[...] Jane felt the humidity as we sat for the session at 9:15. [...]

(Neighbors stopped in at 8:45, however, and Jane explained afterward that because of the visit, brief as it was, the material had “retreated away” from her internal perception somewhat. [...]

(10:42 P.M. I’ve indicated but a few of the many long pauses Jane took while speaking for Seth; in fact, the session had been her slowest one in many months. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

(2. Jane’s use of her nasal spray to relieve her sinus pressure—which Seth has said helped cause the bulging of her eyes. I wanted to know whether using the spray would constitute a crutch that might delay Jane’s recovery.

(Jane’s eyes continue their heavy watering, especially in the morning, although she says they feel much better. [...]

(Yet several times today, again, Jane experienced brief period where she could read much better without her glasses than with them—quite phenomenal changes, in fact.)

NotP Chapter 7: Session 780, June 22, 1976 language implies psyche identity Cézanne

(As we sat for the session, Jane reminded me that she thought Seth would do an introduction tonight for her own book on Paul Cézanne. [...]

[...] “But I’ve done introductions for Seth’s books, so why shouldn’t he do one for mine?” And yes, the Cézanne material mentioned earlier — see Jane’s introduction for Psyche — had developed into a full-fledged book of its own.

[...] In any case, Jane and I were safe and dry on our little hill this time — a far cry from our experiences in the great flood of 1972, as described in The Nature of Personal Reality. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 911, April 28, 1980 genetic Iran rescue defective hostages

[...] Jane sat in the doorway that opens from her writing room onto the screened-in back porch of the hill house, and watched the birds searching out the wet remnants of the feed I’d scattered in the driveway this morning. [...] Jane grew very relaxed as she sat there at that quiet hour—yet she wanted to hold the session anyhow; she called me early; she felt Seth around….)

[...] As we ate breakfast early Friday, Jane and I were astounded by television news reports that in the predawn hours of the 25th, Iranian time, American commandos had failed in a very complicated attempt to rescue the hostages. [...]

At this time Jane and I think the missions failure is a blessing: Based upon our limited knowledge of the factors involved, we do not see how it could have succeeded. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 24, 1977 Nebene foreshortening pendant Egyptian Framework

(This afternoon Jane had received a call from Larry Davidson in San Francisco. [...] Jane agreed. Larry mentioned Chestnut Beads, and told Jane that her novel is still well-known, at least in the Bay area. It’s also become something of a symbol for aspects of the feminist, or women’s liberation, movement, he said—something Jane was quite surprised to hear.)

(Jane had no specific questions, except that “I hope he goes into stuff for me. [...]

[...] “I’m out,” Jane said....

TPS5 Deleted Session January 24, 1980 Leonard Crestwood deer thermometer message

(In the call this morning, Jane learned that Leonard had overdone his physical activities at the house, and suffered some discomfort as a result. [...] He told Jane it hadn’t occurred to him to ask me to get it for him; instead he’d called another friend. [...]

(Jane called Leonard Yaudes this morning while I was painting [I thought she was talking to Peg G.], and said later that she was picking up from Seth a good deal of excellent material on the body consciousness, our social mores re illness, and my own recent panicky hassles after Leonard’s operation a couple of weeks ago. [...]

[...] Jane’s delivery had been quite fast. [...]

TPS2 Session 627 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1972 cold symptoms sinus antibodies autobiography

[...] Seth called for a break for Jane at 10:30 because she had been coughing rather steadily for some time. This was an interruption of the material on Chapter Six of Seth’s book, but as long as a break had occurred I suggested Seth say something about Jane’s cold. [...]

It began—the cold—after Eleanor (Friede) showed such pleasure with (Jane’s autobiography) Rich Bed. [...]

[...] A note added after Jane’s death in 1984: she worked upon her most interesting autobiography, From This Rich Bed, periodically over the years, but never did finish it. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 707 July 1, 1974 cells probable components predictive goals

(Earlier this evening I reminded Jane of the conversation about cells, versus their components, that we’d had because of Seth’s material at 9:38 in Session 705. [...]

[...] Next, Seth came through with a page of information for Jane and me. [...]

[...] His first practice element grew out of Jane’s projection into a probable past in her hometown of Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

(Jane wanted Seth to discuss her own progress—which continues, if too slowly for her. [...]

[...] The whole thing had a weird unbelievability about it, as Jane and I watched the TV reports and read—and saved – the newspaper accounts.

[...] To Jane and me, it seemed as if his material was being enacted in real life as the ideal demonstration of Seth’s material. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971 pope populace reign Caprina churchman

(The session began late this evening because Jane and I first attended a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary surprise party for a member of ESP class. [...]

[...] When I wondered if I was right in thinking it likely that Seth’s papal incarnation took place in the fourth century, Jane said she “got” the year A.D. 325. [...]

[...] “I knew he was doing that,” Jane said, then added that she just went along with it. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 781, June 28, 1976 language unstated God archaic tenses

(Seth devoted the first part of the session to a continuation of his introduction for Jane’s “Cézanne” book — and he has yet to complete that material. [...]

[...] Jane’s delivery was quite intent. [...]

[...] Now Seth delivered some material for Jane, then closed out the session at 12:09 A.M.)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 cancer norm Autistic host children

[...] I found the whole premise or situation strange indeed, I told Jane — that the male of our species actually has the potential to pass on cancer to the female. [...] The chances for ironies abound in our belief systems, I said to Jane. [...]

(According to him, tonight’s session after 9:52 isn’t book material either, but Jane and I are presenting it here because in it Seth returns to questions I’d asked earlier in Mass Events: What about the roles played in human affairs by viruses like smallpox? [...]

[...] Jane was rather quiet as we waited for Seth to come through. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 3, 1978 pendulum recover walk issues specific

(I told Jane at suppertime tonight that she was having a session this evening. [...] There had been a number of developments in the past few days, and the session that follows outlines some of those as they apply to Jane’s condition, so there’s little need to repeat them here.

(Through the day Jane herself received periodic insights from Seth about the condition, mostly having to do with her fears that she wasn’t walking enough, and not trusting the body to do its own thing in the recovery process. [...] Yet Jane said the material from Seth blamed her panic-stricken attempts to see if she was walking enough each day.

(We had attempted to find reasons for her rigidity this morning through using the pendulum, with some success, we thought, but as the day passed there was little response physically on Jane’s part.

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