Results 1021 to 1040 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TES9 Session 487 June 16, 1969 injections brain infections Pietra drugs

[...] Jane’s trance was good, but she was aware of the questions I asked. [...] I explained that I thought the information could be helpful in answering questions other people come up with occasionally; giving Jane something to use as a guide, etc.

[...] During break I told Jane I had a couple of questions for Seth, but would wait to ask them until he said all right. [...]

(“I’d like to know what’s been going on with Jane and her teeth.”)

TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

(Jane’s psychic experiences continue. [...]

(This morning before the alarm rang, Jane found herself having an experience in which she was standing amid gray-white smoke. [...]

(Jane is trying to get back on a regular basis of psy-time experiments. [...]

TES3 Session 97 October 14, 1964 fixture Macmillan October Fleeting cycles

(At 8:55 this evening Jane had no idea of what Seth would talk about for the session. [...]

[...] The fact that Macmillan stated they thought another publisher would take on The Fence, had not, I thought, particularly cheered Jane, at least at the moment.

[...] At the same time Jane’s pacing also picked up speed.)

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 546, August 19, 1970 suicide choosing heaven evil impediments

[...] At first I thought the break was announced because our cat, Willy, had jumped up into Jane’s lap while she was speaking. She flinched so I thought he interrupted her, but upon coming out of trance Jane said she hardly remembered the incident. [...]

(Jane told me that “at the tail end of the session,” she had picked up this idea from Seth; I could tape a session, and while it was in progress I would be free to do a series of sketches of her speaking for Seth. [...] Jane was sure the idea came from Seth. [...]

[...] Of the four regular sessions held in the remaining time, large portions dealt with matters growing out of the September 4th publication of Jane’s own book, The Seth Material, and a projected radio and television tour.

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

[...] I call Jane Roberts “Ruburt” (and, hence, “he” and “him”) simply because the name designates another portion of her reality, while she identifies herself as Jane. [...]

(Because of the press of other matters following the 753rd session — my work doing the notes for Seth’s “Unknown” Reality, Jane’s involvement in writing a new introduction for one of her own books that’s coming out in a new paperback edition, and a stream of unexpected visitors — we didn’t hold any sessions for several weeks. [...]

[...] Later in the session Jane felt that Seth was taking her on a guided tour of Jerusalem, way back in the first century A.D. None of this consisted of book work, though, so the session remains in our files along with other material that we hope to publish one day.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 633, January 17, 1973 Augustus sirens thoughts perfect denied

(A note: Jane spent a large part of her working time today rereading her manuscript, The Physical Universe as Idea Construction, and writing new material related to it. [...] This event initiated her psychic development; almost ten years after its conception the work still serves as a “touchstone” for her — and today Jane discovered concepts in it that she’d been blind to earlier. [...]

[...] Jane thought it had come through; although she had glimmerings of it now, she couldn’t get it clearly. [...] “Oh, put it down,” Jane said as I began to leaf through it. [...]

[...] In some recent deleted material he had discussed Jane’s initial uncertainty about signing a contract for the publication of psychic work before it had been produced. Tam Mossman, Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, has read the first six chapters of Personal Reality [as we call it], and has written her a very encouraging letter.)

TES9 Session 446 November 6, 1968 lessons system training polls ideals

(At 9:08 Jane said she felt the pyramid effect as she sat in her rocker. This usually means that Seth’s larger personality is going to speak; nor did Jane feel Seth around. [...] Jane seemed to be waiting. [...]

(The article led me to wonder why we behaved as we did, as a species, with seemingly little change throughout recorded history; I wondered what purposes, what real sense, lay behind our attitudes and actions, etc; Jane and I had a little discussion about it.

[...] Jane’s eyes slowly opened after a long pause. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 646, March 7, 1973 death brilliance unconditionally Twelve verdict

(Jane was tired after supper, so I didn’t ask her about having a session. [...] By the time this episode was resolved Jane had come alert, and surprised me by saying she wanted to hold the session. [...]

(Just yesterday Jane received a letter from a woman who described the onset, a few years ago, of extraordinary feelings of transcendent love for mankind. [...]

(Aside from her sympathetic response, Jane found the letter evocative of some of her own psychic experiences, and asked me to put it in our Seth notebook for an answer — we felt that Seth’s reply would be of interest to many. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 5, 1973 status unremittingly badminton money poverty

[...] There was but little said about Jane’s progress in it, except for a footnote at the end. Jane’s progress has been steady for the past two weeks, however, and is in keeping with that described in earlier sessions.)

(Here Seth refers to the check for $7,500 that Jane recently received from Prentice-Hall as half her payment for the paperback rights of Seth Speaks. Jane wrote on the check’s envelope that the money represented a “final payment” to me, etc.)

[...] Jane is too concerned with bodily improvements, as Seth suggests, and we are still lax in playing badminton daily.)

TPS6 Deleted Session April 20, 1981 Sinful science church religion Frankenstein

[...] After I got up, the pendulum told me the feelings came because I resented having to do the yard work without Jane being able to help me. [...] And again, I did not discuss this situation with Jane.

[...] Jane called me at 8 PM for the session. [...]

[...] By 3:30 Jane had had a series of three or four dreams—very pleasant in the main, containing “a prognosis, as though I’d made a good decision. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways

Jane and I haven’t had any sessions for the last 12 days, while we worked on God of Jane and Mass Events respectively. [...]

10:10 P.M. “He slips it in on me, that’s what he does,” Jane remarked, when I kidded her about saying the session couldn’t be for Dreams. [...]

The session had been one of those in which Jane thought a great deal of time was passing. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 618, September 28, 1972 core Seagull Dick unstructured belief

[...] He came across The Seth Material, saw similarities in Jane’s and his experiences, and came here to see if she or Seth could explain the phenomenon. There are points of correlation, of course, only Jane is presented not with just a voice but with an entire personality, Seth, who then writes books while she is in an altered state of consciousness. [...]

(Jane had delivered a rather lengthy but informal session for our guests last night, as we lingered around the supper table after a late meal. [...]

(Earlier this evening Jane had sung quite spontaneously in Sumari, but her manner became more deliberate now as she began speaking for Seth.)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

(Jane had said before the 846th session, which she held a week ago, that she wanted Seth “to get back to” book dictation, and Seth had obligingly given the heading for Chapter 7 at the end of the session. [...]

[...] We spent all of our waking hours checking everything, and on Monday Jane called certain people at Prentice-Hall to give her approval of the index while I mailed Emir back to Eleanor.

(Through all of the mass and personal events referred to in the sessions and notes since she gave the 832nd session on January 29, Jane has occasionally written poetry and painted — and worked steadily at her third Seven novel: Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

[...] Jane and I ate supper with the lights off and the blinds drawn, but by the time she went to work Jane decided to turn on the lights in her writing room, and see them should they return. [...]

(In a long conversation that Jane and I found hard to follow at times, Carol described how she’d put together elements from various philosophies and belief systems in order to get what she wanted. In some fashion, Jane and I thought as we listened to her, she was able to make it work for her. [...]

[...] As I typed the session the next day, I told Jane I was quite enthused by it. [...] I told Jane I wanted to discuss it thoroughly with her when I had it finished. [...]

TES3 Session 123 January 20, 1965 electrical emotions attractions climate independent

(While trying psychological time on January 19 and January 20, Jane achieved excellent states of “ecstasy” both times.

(Jane had no idea of the material for the session before it began. [...]

[...] Jane was well dissociated. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979 units ee sperm particles unmanifested

(Jane was in a “bitchy” mood as session time approached. [...]

(By now Jane was moving into a more subdued form of that rolling, resonant delivery for Seth that she’d used in the last session.)

That analogy will help you at least intuitively understand the existence of situations such as suffering, and poverty, that otherwise seem to have no adequate explanations (as Jane and I were discussing today). I hope also to account for behavior on the part of nature that certainly seems to imply the survival of the fittest in a tooth-and-claw fashion, or the punishing acts of a vengeful God on the one hand and the triumph of an evil force on the other.

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

(The dream Seth refers to happened on Wednesday morning, November 9, 1977, and Jane did an excellent job of interpreting it. The dream actually reviews the whole of Jane’s and my life together, our motives and actions, fears and beliefs, etc.)

(Once again Jane was so relaxed that I suggested she forget the session. [...]

(In the last deleted session Seth had promised us some data on early man, but I told Jane to forget that for now. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 2, 1971 bull pasture listen Gert silence

([Bette:] “During break Jane stood here talking to Dee  and as I stood and watched these two, Jane all of a sudden was a very little girl looking up at this man and the man was trying desperately to get Jane to say that she was sorry for something that she had done, and Jane would not say this. [...] Was Dee like a headmaster in a school that Jane attended?”) 

TES4 Session 167 July 5, 1965 rejected ego reactions restrict impulses

[...] Jane spoke while sitting down and with her eyes closed for the entire session. [...]

[...] Jane was well dissociated for a first break. [...]

(Jane smiled, her eyes still closed.)

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 20, 1984 Donald superbeing hero chocolate personage

(The crew at the hospital did have a birthday party for me, and even though I knew what they were up to, it was still a delightful surprise, what with their obvious good will and cheers, the cards, and the food — more than we could eat, at least Jane and I. Mary, the head nurse, made the chocolate cake with chocolate icing. [...]

(Margaret Bumbalo called before I left Jane and invited me to supper, but by then I was full. [...]

[...] A young nurse brought in Jane’s Darvoset and aspirin. [...]

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