Results 161 to 180 of 244 for stemmed:invis

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Session 881, September 25, 1979 billion creationists reptiles ambitious evolutionary

This further unites all species in a cooperative venture that has remained largely invisible because of beliefs projected outward upon the world by both your sciences and religions, generally speaking. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 kindergarten truths yourselves Oliver baby

[...] And my invisible and nonexistent heart goes out to you in understanding. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 cells memory twenty reborn body

[...] Briefly, the picture is “shown” in the invisible arena where flesh and spirit meet. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 863, June 27, 1979 paranoid spider schizophrenic web values

I sit in a swivel chair
with smooth ball bearings.
Without warning, I turn myself
around in a complete circle,
but nothing disturbs
my world vision,
and objects appear on all sides
with sweet precision,
as if a projector in my head
sends out invisible rays that turn
into images, so I
always seem inside
dimensions of depth
and weight.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980 retarded technology species values council

There are people who are highly intellectually proficient, whose reasoning abilities are undisputed, and yet their considerable lack of, say, emotional or spiritual development remains largely invisible as far as your assessments are concerned. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

[...] Then we were to get together when the blood tests results came, to discuss treatment, even if the vasculitis showed no further appearance, she disclaimed, it very well could invisibly attack the body, affecting internal organs in the most disastrous fashion. [...]

TES5 Session 207 November 10, 1965 electromagnetic static range heard Instream

[...] An invisible cabinetlike effect, if you prefer, within which energies were concentrated and directed.

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

[...] And as air seems invisible so does this vitality seem invisible, and yet like air this vitality gives shape to every object that you see, and so does it form every camouflage. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 653, April 4, 1973 Monroe massive inside eagle Speakers

[...] The work done in dreams, the multitudinous experience encountered there, will be invisible to them. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

[...] The person does not believe that he or she possesses it, and mars the actual physical features so that the comeliness becomes literally invisible.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 24, 1977 faith Framework crash intimacy sustained

[...] You operate on faith constantly, so that it becomes indeed an almost invisible element in each life. [...]

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] Visible or invisible to you, each fragment of the universe has a consciousness of its own. [...]

[...] Such invisibilities as humidity, radioactivity and all electrical earthly values, are felt as quite real things by your tree and recognized as being separate from the tree itself.

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

[...] You will be exercising the invisible muscles of your consciousness as certainly as you might exercise your body with gymnastics.

While that emotionally invisible belief is carried, then anything the self does must be scrutinized, put to the test; in the meantime beliefs that have sustained others are suspended. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

The most rejuvenating idea of all, and the greatest step to any true illumination, is the realization that your exterior life springs from the invisible world of your reality through your conscious thoughts and beliefs, for then you realize the power of your individuality and identity. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 cancer norm Autistic host children

[...] In the second place, however, referring to the article, that is not what happens to begin with — and I am somewhat at a loss to explain, simply because of certain invisible assumptions that it seems to me you must necessarily make.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 872, August 8, 1979 reptiles impulses birds intermediate evolution

[...] Meaning, of course, that many of those invisible leaves would represent the missing, physical, intermediate forms demanded by evolutionary theory.

TES9 Session 505 October 13, 1969 landscape ladder thumb units rock

You could compare these units, simply for an analogy, to the invisible breath of consciousness. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes

[...] Visible or invisible to you, each fragment of the universe has a consciousness of its own. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

[...] In a way, dreams are the invisible thickness of your normal consciousness. [...]

TMA Session Six August 25, 1980 Mitzi intellect collar flea identify

[...] The child in a fashion feels — feels — its own thoughts rise from a relative psychological invisibility into immediate, vital formation. [...]

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