Results 1 to 20 of 324 for stemmed:increas

TPS7 Deleted Session October 30, 1982 increased motion noncommittal ordeal downgraded

His increased energy will show as his increased and increasing motions become more apparent.

(I told her the increased motion represented the key to getting her decubiti under control, that any fears she had about increased freedom of motion simply had to be either dismissed or much downgraded-—turned into positive forces and actions toward motion so that her whole body could mend itself. Good thinking, I thought.

TPS4 Deleted Session November 14, 1977 technology civilizations sophisticated microfilm Raphael

There were several such civilizations, some mainly agriculturally oriented, and in those technology was applied, but generally only for that purpose—to increase agricultural yield. [...]

If you could see the body with x-ray eyes, or could perceive its activity, you would observe an almost constant reactivation and revitalization of all those parts devoted to motion and locomotion—increased circulation—precisely the amount required: not too much or too little, and overall adjustments, so that all parts of the body are prepared and exercised, so that the final stages of the pattern will then easily seem to fall into place because of the work being done now.

[...] Be clear in your intent, however, and clear in your faith that the sales increase will benefit all portions of your life, and not cause any problems.

In that instance also, your natures are known, so that the sales increase will happen in a way that beneficially suits all of your other goals, and in no way defeats them.

TMA Session Sixteen October 6, 1980 sixteen lengthening increased nodded He

[...] He should be feeling increased quickness of motion in some respects soon. He is doing well, concentrating upon the good moods, which have increased as a result. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 533, June 1, 1970 extended sleep periods waking sluggish

[...] In the more sluggish periods of waking consciousness there is a lack of concentration, a cutting off of stimuli to varying degrees, an increase in accidents, and generally a lower body tone.

[...] Concentration will be increased, problems seen more clearly, and learning capacities better utilized.

[...] This forces overstimulations during the night, increasing the body’s work, making it perform continuously over an extended time physical purifications that ideally would be taken care of in briefer periods of rest. [...]

[...] Most of all, there would be far — if you will excuse me — better communication between the subjective layers of the self, an increased sense of security, and, particularly with children, an earlier kindling of creative abilities.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 16, 1977 ligaments improvements muscles thunder ankles

The release of these ligaments, though not complete, brought about changes such as the following: the activation of the entire capillary system; the increase of circulation to the ankles and some observable increased motion in both. [...]

[...] Their swelling was much decreased, with a corresponding increase in mobility. [...]

[...] There was also increased circulation to the eyesvery important, though this gave him a feeling of congestion at times. [...]

[...] This was the result of increased circulation, but mainly the result of tensions being relieved in those important neck areas.

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 27, 1984 insurance circulate enemies health exuberance

[...] It is as if nature always tries to exceed itself, and certainly to increase the quality of its existence. The individual person is also involved in an ever-continuing process to increase the quality of life as it exists at all levels of personal experience. Reality is so constructed that each individual seeking such fulfillment does so not at the expense of others, but in such a way that the quality of life is increased for all.

(After I’d told her about the insurance thing, and Jane had told me about her increased motions, she added that she now felt that everything would be fine, and that she would recover. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 15, 1982 pills distance movement legs putty

[...] When her nurse, Peggy Jowett, came this afternoon, she clapped in applause at Jane’s increased movements. Jane also has increased movement in other parts of her body; she can move her head from side to side much further, and her arms and shoulders work better, she said. [...]

[...] This is far better than she could do even a couple of weeks ago, although I think it was back then that she first showed me a slight increase in knee motion. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 12, 1984 discomfort birthday hemorrhoids uncomfortable downhill

I may return briefly, but in any case I do now activate those coordinates that do increase feelings of self-love, exuberance, and well-being.

I did want to mention that the circulation of our books is definitely increasing, and will continue to do so.

[...] “I got the feeling there was something definitely involved in the increase in the circulation of our books,” Jane said when I was through. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 10, 1977 ligaments distractions bodily artillery nerves

[...] All of these processes, and the increased overall bodily activity, do increase Ruburt’s temperature at times. [...] The sweating is also the result of increased bodily activity.

Those passages can become congested simply because of the increased circulation in the head area. [...]

[...] Your confidence will increase in the same proportion that earlier your doubts did. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 17, 1978 Neuman locomotion Seven legal resilient

[...] For one thing, his overall increased activity chairwise provides an overall general increase of strength and flexibility. [...]

The eyes have annoyed him because the motor activity of the neck is increasing so. [...]

“Unknown” Two will indeed almost immediately bring about an excellent increase of sales of volume 1—and when the two books are out they will give you an excellent additional steady income. [...]

TES6 Session 252 April 20, 1966 sculpture bronze Bill column Macdonnel

As sensitivity increases it will be necessary for him to distinguish among them; that is, to distinguish so that he realizes the differences between his own sensations, and any he may have inadvertently picked up. [...] His abilities have increased, in line with his discipline, so that he will be able to make such distinctions. [...]

[...] The increase of ability on his part will be a qualitative one and a general one; that is, not one limited to psychic affairs. [...]

[...] This integration naturally enough will rather vastly increase the physical performance. [...]

(Jane’s increased abilities could already be revealing themselves. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

(Evidently our concentration on increased sales is working. [...]

(“Our sales have increased but our mail has dropped off quite a bit. [...]

[...] There will most probably be an increase in mail. [...]

[...] I suggested to Jane that we try an experiment: we’d start concentrating on more mail reaching us, as we are doing now on her physical condition and increased sales, and see what happens.

TES3 Session 140 March 15, 1965 psy caution pigeons dammed unwittingly

[...] The concentration of energy on Ruburt’s part is increasing. His capability for such focus is increasing.

The ego simply feared the sudden increase of concentrated energy, and fought on general principles. [...]

TPS2 Session 627 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1972 cold symptoms sinus antibodies autobiography

The cold symptoms also have operated to increase his circulation. [...]

[...] The antibodies produced by the cold symptoms result in a body activity that has produced some fever—but a benign one that warms him up and increases circulation.

The cold for example is also bringing in particular an increased blood flow through the head and neck area, and also to the extremities. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 26, 1978 scorn impulses cleansing unfair prerogative

The circulation has increased considerably in Ruburt’s legs, knees, and feet as a direct result of the increased activity. [...]

[...] Such activity increases his sense of power, minimizes his physical hesitancy, and mobilizes physical activity.

The increased activity and the release of impulses with these sessions, and your pendulum work, are once again arousing Ruburt’s body and mind, and your own, so that you have an excellent chance now for Ruburt to recover. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 26, 1972 repressed release ambiguous conscientious Elgersma

[...] A concentration upon the healthy parts of his body will help increase his health. [...] Be thankful for what you do have, and it will be increased.

[...] If you enjoy those freedoms that are yours now, you automatically increase them. [...]

TES5 Session 215 December 8, 1965 candle flame Roy height test

[...] The flame had now increased perhaps a quarter of an inch in height, and burned steadily at that level; this meant an increase from 3/4 of an inch to one inch.

[...] The increase in the flame’s height had not been as sudden and dramatic as in the two previous instances noted on page 117. But the candle flame now burned at this new height just as steadily as it had before the increase, and continued to do so.)

(The candle flame had maintained its increased height very steadily until close to break time, when I thought it began to fluctuate a bit. [...] I had wondered if the increased height of the flame had resulted from the body of the candle “warming up,” since it was a thick one, perhaps five inches tall. [...]

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

The increased appearance of his ability creatively, as seen in his own writing, should be apparent to you Joseph, and is objectively apparent in the letters he has received. The increased focus of his abilities I predicted during an unscheduled session, if you recall. His short stories dating approximately from that time display a much increased facility and knowledge.

Naturally, conditions being beneficial, such sessions may allow us to take advantage of high peaks of activity and increase our spontaneity. And with increased spontaneity we will decrease any distortive effects. [...]

[...] In an intimate gathering of close friends, if a few glasses of wine are drunk, and if Ruburt happens to then be increasingly aware of inner data, there is not anything out of the way in holding a session, if this happens only occasionally. [...]

The poetry is also steadily improving, and this inner increased spontaneity, that are the results directly of intuitional powers, are flowing over even into his paintings, allowing him to use knowledge that had not been previously available to him.

TPS5 Session 871 (Deleted Portion) August 6, 1979 stopper glass rain wind blast

(The wind increased in intensity, blowing across the valley from the south and racing up Holley Road. [...]

[...] He is regenerating, and those periods are also natural, and act to increase the creative “periods” of obvious daily production. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1982 Roe bedsores Peggy nurse Kardon

[...] You do not have to pretend they are not there, but know that the increased motion, and new psychic motion, will take care of the situation. [...]

(Long pause.) Increased motion at certain stages can also be interpreted as irritation—a stage that quickly passes. [...]

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