Results 61 to 80 of 312 for stemmed:impli

TES2 Session 74 July 27, 1964 director authority gallery polishing porcupine

At the gallery, Ruburt interprets everything now between himself and the new director in terms of implied superiority or inferiority.

He can’t crack a smile without fearing that this will be taken as a sign of apple polishing, because apple polishing of course implies a feeling of inferiority on the part of the apple polisher. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 10, 1984 dejected trinkets play zest queries

I do not mean to imply that it is always detrimental to make such queries as “Are you ill?” or “Are you tired?” Such questions do indeed predict their own answers. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 12, 1984 discomfort birthday hemorrhoids uncomfortable downhill

Certainly he does believe that his body can begin to feel better and better — and that suggestion is a good one to use, for it implies continuance of input, without getting involved in absolutes.

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 26, 1984 Menahem dilemma vantage choices punishment

(4:16.) Another life, for example, might deal with exquisite health and vitality, and as mentioned, still another life might be devoted to the arts of healing — but overall, few people take health problems per se as frequent reincarnational themes, though they may be implied strongly in situations where one is born into a large populace of poor, underprivileged people.

TES3 Session 138 March 8, 1965 dilemma action identity vitality stability

(Groping for words, Jane explained that she feels as though she is “wresting” material [not implying a struggle however] from Seth or some other source with a deep part of her consciousness that is below her ego consciousness. [...]

[...] Action implies infinite possibilities of focus. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 15, 1981 super Prentice expected professional unrealistic

[...] I wanted to know the Sinful Self’s attitudes toward the fact that it had rendered Jane literally helpless as far as her survival was concerned; she couldn’t take care of herself physically without the aid of others, I said, so this obviously implied that the Sinful Self was creating its own demise also. [...]

[...] Most jobs, or even vocations, carry along with them implied guidelines, specifications, and definite requirements that serve to define the work involved. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 683 February 18, 1974 bulb multipersonhood personhood units herd

[...] That implies another kind of multipersonhood, however, one actually allowing for the fulfillment of many abilities of various natures usually left unexpressed. It also implies a freedom and organization of consciousness that is unusual in your system of reality, and was not chosen there.

[...] (Although not bringing up his ideas of reincarnation or points of power in the 683rd session, Seth implied both of those qualities in many parts of that material.)

TPS7 Deleted Session December 21, 1983 Christina unchosen favorable infirmary messed

[...] This implies changes in the shoulder connection with the right arm, as well as in the elbow. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 22, 1977 solitude rejection hurt deposits squandering

Now Ruburt used his poetry also to exert independence from his mother—which implied, he thought, a certain kind of rejection of Marie. [...]

You feel that your needed solitude implies a rejection of the world. [...]

TPS3 Session 756 (Deleted Portion) September 22, 1975 appropriate bogeyman inappropriate unsafe agitated

[...] I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of your joint work with the pendulum, because of what it implies.

UR1 Appendix 6: (For Session 687) ancient pathological article Appendix parallel

[...] [See Appendix 5] Tonight’s opportunity, concerning a subject of such interest to us, implied something too good to pass by without investigation. [...]

UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

[...] Because of the individual freedom of creation implied in the city’s very existence, and in Jane’s early poem in Note 2, I’ll close this appendix with another of her verses. [...]

TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966 playground Ryan impressions todon mas

[...] (Jane gestured with the envelope, which by now she had lowered from her forehead.) Give us time… Mention of building, or implied mention… (Pause, but I didn’t wait long enough.)

(“Give us time… Mention of building, or implied mention.” [...]

[...] To me at least the border on Father Ryan’s photo is more of a border than the implied border on the object itself.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 620, October 11, 1972 generate emotions belief judgments imagination

[...] Your beliefs generate the appropriate emotion that is implied. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

[...] It was an advantage that you remembered the dream consciously for this inner sense implies a strong advancement on your part. [...]

[...] You want to be cautious, yet you want to find out what there is about the nature of reality and in this implied bargain you are the one who will make the inroads or seem to go ahead to have the freedom and spontaneity to do so. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 9, 1984 suicide depression irreversible damnation choices

[...] Remind yourself that life implies action and motion, and even the activity of the most despondent thought flows in great bursts of rhythm.

TPS1 Session 384 December 4, 1967 skepticism misused presence Guinnip wholeheartedly

(Jane’s intellectual reluctance to wholeheartedly accept the sessions and all they implied.)

TES4 Session 160 June 7, 1965 traffic action impediments mutant unimpeded

[...] This would therefore imply a choice on your part, in a manner that you do not now enjoy. [...]

This obviously implies powers of discipline and discretion. [...]

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

[...] That implies another kind of multipersonhood, however, one actually allowing for the fulfillment of many abilities of various natures usually left unexpressed. It also implies a freedom and organization of consciousness that is unusual in your system of reality, and was not chosen there.

[...] Checking backward through past sessions and Jane’s poetry, I soon learned that her intuitive grasp of the term had always been truer than mine, for I’d carried the idea that “counterpart” implied a status of opposites rather than the complementary one it really does. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 27, 1984 insurance circulate enemies health exuberance

[...] I do not mean to imply that exercise is detrimental to good health. [...]

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